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Noah stepped into the grand castle, feeling small amid the towering walls and fancy decorations. The place seemed like a world from a storybook, with patterns on the walls that looked like tales waiting to be told. They were nothing but scribbles. Low too, as if they were etched by a child, more than just one, at that. Located in a place that was so empty and void of any living thing, it was eerie.

At least it looked empty…

I wonder what the hell happened here?

As Noah explored, he found a room with a strange smell – not bad, just different–like a hub of medical herbs mixed with a stale scent. There was a garden in both of the far corners of the room. They were long, and had attached themselves to the walls. It was an assortment of colours, shapes, and sizes. Whatever they were–they were still alive.

Glass beakers lined the wall and covered the four hard wooden tables within. Housed on the worktop centred in the room was a peculiar contraption. It looked like a cooker. A large, metallic cauldron stood atop it.

Pillow rushed ahead. He looked excited, like a kid in a candy store, picking herbs and putting them together in the big pot.

“You’re an alchemist?” Noah asked, approaching.

“It’s my profession,” He said, busy tinkering with the different instruments. “Damn, these people have some awesome equipment. I’ve seen a lot of it in the Grace Shop. They’re expensive.” His eyes were practically glowing.

“And this is the first time you’re mentioning this?”

“It’s not like it was a secret; you never asked,” He said, not turning. “When you were busy fishing, I was busy making potions in my spare time. You never noticed.”

Noah scratched the back of his head. He was right there. He was so busy focusing on levelling or battling that he wasn’t paying attention to much else.

Curious, Noah watched as Pillow mixed the herbs, set the flame of the cooker, then created potions that sparkled and glowed. It was like a magic show, but Pillow wasn't a magician – just really good at mixing stuff together. The whole process took 5 minutes.

Pillow grinned, holding up a small vial filled with a glowing liquid.

Noah nodded. He took the vial.

(Uncommon) Level 50 - Health Tincture: Created with adept precision and control using a majority of Uncommon ingredients.

“And those are just some of the most basic ingredients here,” said Pillow, rushing over to the garden once more. “Look, this is a rare Dracaena Flower. The petals alone are worth almost 50 thousand Grace Coins each. There’s at least fifteen of them! I’m rich. Filthy rich!”

Noah glanced over his shoulder. He hated that it was so quiet.

“Are you listening?”

“Hm? Yeah, just watching our backs. I don’t believe that it’s just empty.”

“Cos’ that would be anti-climactic?”

“All this work, fighting through the city, uncovering a maze of windows,” Noah said, shaking his head. “No way it’s just unguarded.”

“It was guarded,” Pillow said, turning. “By a damn fine knight.”

“Yeah, well, keep your eyes open. I’m going to take a further look at this place.”

“Go ahead. I’ll be busy making use of these herbs and flowers. I shouldn’t be too long.”

Noah placed the potion onto the table, then walked out of the alchemists room.

As Pillow continued with the potions, Noah decided to explore the rest of the castle. He walked down a long hallway, and the further he went, the more luxurious everything became. Eventually, he found the main bedroom.

The room was like something out of a fairy tale. A massive bed with silky sheets took up one side, and on the other, there was a giant closet filled with clothes that sparkled like stars. Noah couldn't resist – he started going through the clothes, feeling the soft fabrics and admiring the intricate designs.

This is weird…

Noah realised what he was doing a second later and took a step back.

"This must have been a queen's room," Noah whispered to himself.

In a corner of the room, there was a vanity covered in jewellery – necklaces, bracelets, and rings that glinted in the soft warm glow of the never-ending lanterns placed against the wall. They were like the ones he had in his System house–just… older.

Noah picked up a necklace with a pendant shaped like a moon. It felt cool against his skin, and he wondered about the person who had worn it before. The king and his queen. Judging by the scribbles on the walls made by children, and the expansive garden. They must have been a happy couple.

But what caught Noah's attention the most was a portrait hanging on the wall. It was a painting of a queen, her eyes staring back at him with a mixture of strength and kindness. The artist had captured every detail – from the way her hair fell to the intricate patterns on her dress. Noah felt a connection, as if the queen's spirit lingered in the room.

As he continued to explore, Noah found a small desk with a drawer. Inside, he discovered a folded piece of parchment. He unfolded it. It was a letter written in an elegant script. Inside the letter was a simple necklace; seemingly hand-made.

Level ??? - Simple Broach: A simple broach crafted with basic materials found all over. But it is made with love. And love can never be forgotten.

In the hundreds? Noah thought. It was just a simple broach, but the level of the crafter couldn’t be hidden. Noah read the letter next.

"To my dearest, your strength and kindness inspire all who are fortunate enough to know you. As you wear this necklace, may it remind you of the love and admiration that surround you."

Noah felt like he had stumbled upon a hidden story within the castle walls. The letter hinted at a love so deep, it transcended time.

Deep in thought, Noah sat on the bed. Dust blossomed into the air, yet he ignored it. He held the necklace and the letter in his hands. The castle seemed to come alive with whispers of the past – tales of a queen and a love that endured through generations.

As he sat there, Noah couldn't help but feel grateful for stumbling upon this enchanting place. The grand castle, with its alchemy room and tales of the past, had become a treasure trove of wonders. Noah wondered what other secrets this place held. But then he remembered. There was no point. This entire place was dead and void of life. The paper on the walls had long torn. Dust covered the fine tables and bedsheets. Not even cobwebs existed.

Noah stood up. There was one more room that he had yet to open. He returned to the main entrance of the castle and made his way down the massive halls. Then he saw them. Two identical stone doors to the ones that guarded the castle from intruders.

And inside, he noticed a life-force. It was incredibly powerful.



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