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The next morning, Noah and his team headed out into the city. A new dawn, a new day, more of the crabs appeared in the streets. Where did they come from? That was the question tugging at Noah’s mind as he skewered a crab’s brain with his lance.

That, too, didn’t grant him a Level. It seemed that if he wanted to continue his blazing pace, he would have to hunt down the elites. And that wasn’t easy when the elites were of the same calibre as the wolf or infernal crab.

During his restless night tossing and turning in bed, he did have the idea to level up a bit more on the outskirts of the city. But it would take time to find out where his prey may be hiding. He simply didn’t have the time. He had to make do with his current strength. If he was careful enough, it should be fine.

Should, Noah thought with a smirk.

It took them only two hours to reach where he had slain the crab. Before he rounded the corner, he heard snipping and clacking. Noah peeked around the wall from the alleyway. The wild storm from last night had thrown the enormous corpse of the infernal crab, squeezing it into a nearby alleyway. A dozen or so crabs were busy devouring what was remaining of the monster, feasting until their stomachs became gorged.

“We’re lucky,” Pillow said, standing just in front of Noah, peeking around the wall. “It’s just a bunch of lesser crabs. It could have been one hell of a monster.”

“Thankfully it isn’t,” Noah said, turning around, walking deeper into the alley so that the other crabs couldn’t hear them. “So that path you have within the broken buildings, can it fit us?”

“You, maybe.” Pillow looked at Thraz and Krall and shook his head. He said, “Them, absolutely not. Anyway, aren’t you meant to be a stealthy class? How does that work with a fucking bear on supernatural steroids?”

Noah chuckled. “We make do. Alright, then where do we go?”

“First?” Pillow thrust his thumb over his shoulder. “We’ve got to deal with those crabs. After that, there are a few buildings that will allow Krall to enter. But–” He shook his head.


Pillow frowned. “After that, there aren’t any alley’s like this to duck into. If we decide to go on my path through the buildings, Krall won’t be able to join us. If you can’t leave Krall, then it’s a mad dash to the entrance of the castle walls. And there is a certain monster guarding the gate.”

Noah pinched his chin, then said, “You said before that you had tried opening the gate before. If there’s a beast guarding the gate, then how?”

“It wasn’t there when I tried,” he replied. “He was in a fight with another monster a good distance away.”

“And it didn’t open?”

“It didn’t even budge.”

Noah thought for a second, then said, “Maybe you just don’t have the strength required to open it.”

“That’s what I thought as well. Then I couldn’t help but wonder. If the monster is there to guard the gate, why would it leave? The force field above the walls goes all the way around. That includes the gate. So can it even be opened?” Pillow said, pinching his chin in thought. “If we do rush ahead, we need to be ready for the possibility that the gate can’t be opened. We’d be caught out with our tails hanging in the air.”

Thraz petted the cat on his shoulder. It purred loud enough to be mistaken for a motor engine. It was gnawing on his finger. “That won’t be a problem. I am strong.”

Pillow rolled his eyes.

Noah chuckled. “It’s a valid concern. If the gate can’t be opened, we’ll be a feast for whatever monster awaits. I take it that whatever it is, it’s strong?”

“Very.” Pillow nodded. “When I said it was a monster, I didn’t mean a monster in the general sense. Its strength is monstrous. Its appearance, however, is knightly. Tall, with powerful armour and a gigantic sword.”

Sounds like the lord of Birthright castle, Noah thought to himself.

“If it’s a knight, then can it be reasoned with?” Noah asked the black panda.

“No,” He said with determination. “It’s just a mindless creature in that sense. I’m not sure it even has a voice–” Pillow paused. He shivered. “One time it saw me. I was hiding in the nearest building. It looked at me. There was no life in its eyes. I was scared it was going to attack, but it didn’t move from its position.”

“Strange,” Noah voiced out his thoughts. “Then why the hell is it guarding the gate if we can’t enter anyway?”

“Who knows,” Pillow said. “This whole place is strange. I mean, what’s with the enormous plates of metal made into windows?”

“So that they can weather the storm?” Noah said.

“I mean, sure, but why not just have open windows on the other side of the building?” Pillow asked. “Why the big metal plates on either side? That’s a waste of money.”

“Who knows. Are you an expert on windows now all of a sudden?”

Pillow scowled. “I’m just questioning their design philosophy, that’s all.”

“Well, focus,” Noah said, moving to the end of the alleyway again. He lowered his voice. “We’ll deal with these stragglers then carefully, and slowly, make our way to the gate. If that knight doesn’t attack as within the boundary of the buildings, it’ll give me a chance to look at the castle entrance with my own eyes. Let’s go.”

Noah leapt up. Gluttony dashed forward, allowing Noah to land gracefully on his back. Using [Shadowed Presence], their footsteps almost entirely disappeared. They bolted out from the shadows. Noah killed two crabs in quick succession, then severely wounded a third with another lance strike to the eyes.

By that time, Krall had arrived in a blazing haze of monstrous ferocity. His flaming claws tore into the crab’s shell like a can opener. It didn’t take long for him to turn the crab into incomprehensible gore. Wherever he attacks, caught aflame. Smoke filled the alley.

However, to Noah's surprise, he noticed something peculiar about the smoke. As it engulfed him, it no longer induced a state of coughing. Instead, he felt strangely fine, even amongst the thickest of the harsh, dark smoke.

He also felt more powerful. It was difficult to gauge by how much, but he definitely felt at least a little stronger than before he was wrapped up in the haze.

Strange. I wonder if Krall has evolved in a way that compliments me, the master?

It seemed like he would need to get that book on taming sooner, rather than later. But he had to save his Grace Coins for now. There were a lot of upgrades he had to acquire for his house. And there was even some equipment that was worth picking up when he could afford it. But house upgrades first. They were the most important.

Next was the taming upgrade room, training room, and others like it.

More importantly, he had to upgrade his unique tunnels further. One he was really wanting was:

100,000 Grace Coins - Mole Tunnels Upgrade: Fast Travel.

Fast travel… Noah couldn’t wait to get his hands on it.

At first, Noah was wondering why his tunnels were considered unique. Sure, they were cheap, but couldn’t anyone with building knowledge dig their own tunnels and make sure they didn’t collapse? Of course, there was always more to the System than it otherwise made clear.

I always hated reading.

Noah awakened to his thoughts at the sound of the last crab dropping to the floor, and with it, the glorious sound of a level up. He was now level 107. Gluttony had reached level 105. It wouldn’t be long before he caught up.

Pillow was in charge of picking up all the loot. The loot being fragments, and the odd Essence that had formed. He was the most agile of them all.

“Let’s head on out,” Noah said.


Noah and the others stood hidden under the canopy of a destroyed house. It was the final house on the streets. It faced the grandeur gates of the castle. They were made of a dark grey rock. Depictions of monsters were etched on the outermost section of the colossal doors. In the middle, high up, were the images of a man and woman holding hands. The man wore a jagged iron crown, and the lady donned a smooth tiara of the same material. There were no gems, nor gaudy dresses. Their style was rugged.

They were the king and queen of the castle, Noah surmised, and the lord obviously held his queen in high regard. In all the images of castle Noah had seen, not one ruler dedicated such an important piece of the castle as a symbol of their love.

Etched onto the front gates of their home, Noah couldn’t guess what it symbolised. A kingdom of love and peace ruled by a kind couple? Perhaps. Maybe Peter had already deduced what it meant, but Noah wasn’t that smart.

He only looked at the gate for a second, if that. All of his attention was on the towering knight standing in front of the gates. The etched images of the king and queen stood just above the knights armoured, plumed helmet.

Noah couldn’t see any eyes. But he knew the set of armour was looking directly at him. He could feel it. And right there and then, Noah knew that there was no way to open the door.

Now what?



For if you didn't see the message on the Eyeball chapter - I'm going on break until the first of January. I have a lot of traveling to do, and a lot of family members to see. I may take longer than 1 week, max 2 weeks. I'll make announcements on my Discord to keep you all in the know. Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of you!