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Four days passed in the blink of an eye. Astrid had spent it either helping repair every inch of Rebirth; which was certainly an enormous task to complete given such a short amount of time.

Or she was helping Kreka create the Boom Bombs, as he named them.

She was exhausted. She had spent every waking minute using her mana. Astrid placed her hand over her left eye. She could feel the heat radiating from it. Astrid concluded that she could, in fact, overutilize her mana. Theoretically, it really was like an engine. It needed time to rest, or it would overheat.

There was also the fact that it wasn’t entirely repaired yet, either, as she had discovered cracks reappearing. But Astrid estimated that two more days, and she would completely repair the damage done.

I need to be more careful in the future, Astrid thought with a sigh.

She was all alone sitting at the bow of Rebirth. Leena was spending time with her mother, while Brett and the others were doing their own thing. Whatever that was, Astrid didn’t know.

The Great No-Eyed One approached. She knew because no-one else had such jagged mana. It was as if it had taken the imprint of his saw-blades.

It had been a while since she had seen him. He had left three days ago with a party of his strongest psycho’s. He said he had wanted to explore a little of what Ruitera offered, since it was all new land to him. He seemed very interested in the bubbles down below when she had mentioned them.

He stood just behind her. “Successor, I have returned.”

“I noticed,” Astrid said with a smirk. “How were your travels?”

“Remarkable,” He said. He placed his hands behind his back. “Those bubbles. They have a strange mana signature the likes I’ve never seen before. What is the history behind them?”

“There’s many theories. Most of us believe that they were created by Goddess Iara before the world was sundered by the invaders. While some of our science users believe that they were created by a world famous scientist named Eben Ross. He was responsible for creating this arc.”

“What do you believe?”

Astrid paused for a moment. What did she believe? Why did the bubbles appear, and for what purpose? Were they a natural formation that occurred because of what happened centuries ago?

In the end, Astrid could only shake her head at the question. “I’m not sure. It could be any one of them, or maybe it’s because of something else entirely. But I am curious. Shame there’s no-one to ask.”

Astrid turned and asked, “Great No-Eyed One?”


“You once said that it is lonely at the top,” Astrid said. She clenched her hands into fists as she gazed ahead to the tumultuous waters. “I think I’m ready for it. At first, I didn’t want it at first. But with the dungeons spawning into my home, and people from the stars arriving to conspire against us. If we can go through the dungeons, what is stopping a gateway here emerging on another planet somewhere out there? Will they be friendly, or will they seek to destroy? Whatever their goals may be, I need more power.”

“And for that, you need to go your own way.”

Astrid released a heavy sigh and nodded. “But it’s not because I think I am better than anyone. But I realised that with my battle with Avemoth, and the sight of the Leviathan… If I take my friends with me, I will only be putting their lives at risk. I know them. They would want to come regardless. But–”

The Great No-Eyed One said, interrupting, “But that’s not their story. Each one of us has our own story to write. That isn’t theirs. You are special. You are the successor to the Eye-Queen. Once you reveal yourself, your friends won’t simply be in danger. They will be murdered to get at you. I don’t mean to upset you.”

“No, it’s okay,” Astrid said. She chuckled. “I don’t feel special.”

“Only a fool would.”

Astrid and the Great No-Eyed One turned simultaneously. From the back of the arc, powerful mana signatures were nearing.

The security alarms of Rebirth blared. Red lights spun from the nearest towers, alerting everyone that they were under attack. It was the common response to powerful monsters that got too close to the arc. Now it was happening once more.

Astrid and the Great No-Eyed One rushed to the back of the arc. By the time they had reached, Freya, her mother, Brett and the others were also standing behind the stern battlements.

“What is happening?” Astrid shouted above the sound of raging engines.

She floated above the battlements and gazed at the ocean. Down below, the engines churned the water into a white froth. The upper most engine was blazing. She could feel the heat rising.

However, her question didn’t need answering. In the distance, black broke free from the ocean. It emerged, growing taller until the horrifying visage of the Leviathan appeared.

Astrid’s shoulders slumped. No. Father. Brother. Daniel. It roared. It was so loud that Astrid had to cut off her hearing with Omni-Kinesis. However, just as despair set in, figures leapt up from below the water's surface.

The man in the lead had mid-length golden hair that stopped just above his shoulders. Powerful lightning crackled around his bloodied body. He was holding someone in his arms. It was Grand Elder Faris.

“Warriors, prepare yourself!” Lady Sinwen shouted. As she was currently the strongest on Rebirth with noble lineage, it was her duty to command. “Ready the cannons. Spawn are inbound. Astrid, Seafarers, rescue those emerging from the waters. Come back fast. The Leviathan will be here shortly.”

“We failed,” Freya murmured. Her hands fell to her side.

Without waiting for the Seafarers to find their boats, Astrid picked all of them up from the air and jumped straight down. It was mentally taxing, helping at least thirty powerful Seafarers fly, but she only had to do it for a short minute.

As soon as she reached the bottom, she let them go. Each one of them stood atop the water as if it wasn’t a liquid, but instead a solid.

Using the ocean currents like a skateboard, they moved at high speed toward the injured.

Astrid followed, overtaking them in an instant. She neared her father, and only now did she see the severity of his wounds. He had all of his limbs, thank the Goddess, but each cut in his flesh was at least two inches deep. His skin was also charred. From fire, electricity, or whatever else, she didn’t know.

With him were the Grand Elder Vihaan, Grand Elder Heath, and Grand Elder Heath. Along with Grand Elder Faris in her father’s arms, all of the Grand Elder’s remained.

Astrid nodded at her father, and immediately began the rescue operation. She plucked all of those who had emerged from the water out. She was about to send them back, but hundreds of mana containers entered the range of her Psych Domain.

There were too many to count.

Instead of sending them back herself, she handed them over to the Seafarers. They created what appeared to be stretchers made of water. They placed them on it, then took them back to Rebirth. They had to expend more mana than normal to catch up.

She stopped when the bodies had halted. There were no more appearing. She looked around. Her brother Tennyson, or Daniel, was nowhere to be seen. She bit her lip so hard that they would have bled if not for her heightened Constitution.

Are you dead?

“Tennyson?” Astrid asked.

“Dead,” Lord Sinwen said. His words were cold.

Fury took over. Astrid levitated further up in the air.

“There’s too many,” Lord Sinwen said with a frown. “Most of them are Offspring.”

“I’m not alone,” she replied. Her voice was cold as the permafrost in the north seas.

From above, over forty kobolds emerged from the skies holding spiked balls.

“That won’t be enough,” Lord Sinwen said, but Astrid ignored him.

She turned, looking down at him with her Void Eye, and Pupil on full display. Her hair rose.

“You didn’t protect him,” Astrid said. Her eyes turned bloodshot. “You couldn’t protect him.”

Lord Sinwen turned silent as he looked straight back at her. After a second of silence, he said, “Fight. Bleed. And then die.”

The spawn emerged from the waters. one -hundred, two hundred… There were too many to count. At least fifty of them were offspring.

Astrid grinned. The kobolds released the bombs. Ethereal blue blanketed the ocean in front of Astrid. In a cataclysmic explosion, all of the bombs exploded at once. The sound was deafening, if Astrid could hear it.

Once the light settled, twenty or so spawn remained.

Overload - Killing Intent 100% Activated.


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