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First of all, I just wanted to take a moment to thank all of you!  Today is a big day! I am finally announcing ( I'm still in shock. How have I done this? ) the debut release of my very first written work - [Psychokinetic] Eyeball Pulling book 1 on Amazon. Not only will it be released as kindle format, but also physical and audio as well!  You can get it through this link: 

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/Psychokinetic-Eyeball-Pulling-Apocalypse-Adventure-ebook/dp/B0CFBLRVBH 

Honestly, this is an incredible path I'm walking on. One that I didn't think was possible when I first started just one year ago. To all of those who have read my story and supported me, it means the absolute world.  

However, I'll need your help to make this path as long as possible.  This is how you can help me further: (Seriously thank you) 

Ratings and Reviews on Amazon (keeping in mind that anything below a 5 on Amazon is basically a downvote because their ratings are skewed up) will REALLY help me right now. Also note, you don't need to buy the book to rate or review. 

To leave a rating: Click write a review, then click the stars. Either write a short review with a few words, or leave it with the rating.

So if anyone could possibly jump on Amazon and do that, would be seriously amazing.  This would help me tremendously.  If you do have kindle unlimited, feel free to download the book as well. Makes the algorithm like the book that much more! 

Oh, and I almost forgot! I am also announcing that a webcomic is in the works. A WEBCOMIC. HOW COOL IS THAT?  You'll be able to see the golden-haired troublemaker in all her mischievous glory sometime in 2024. (And more than a hint of eyeball pulling)




Congrats and I'm grateful to be here along the way. I hope it all works out and love that you will have a webcomic. Keep up the great work and can't wait until the next chapter!


Thank you so much Razaras. You're continued support means so much to me. Yeah, I'm so hyped for the webcomic!

Paperback Hail6

Does anyone have any idea why Amazon won't let me buy the book so I can read it? I read the 1st 4 chapters on RR. I want to read the rest of the book but Amazon keeps saying the book is unavailable for some reason?