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Within, was an assortment of equipment that all had the same theme of the ‘Lord’ and his armour. They all appeared knightly, grand, something that didn’t seem to belong on Noah’s body.

Yet he grabbed hold of them all the same. They looked awesome, and anything that matched his helmet was a welcome addition.

First up was a staff encrusted with fine jewels. Regardless of what the rarity was, Noah bet he could fetch a pretty penny for it on the blackmarket. If there was one in this world, that was.

Rare - level 45 - Grand Healing Sceptre: A healing sceptre belonging to the royal healers of Birthright Castle.
| Added stats: Int+40, Will+40
| Healing is 15% more effective.
| Has a very small chance to cure incurable diseases.

Noah’s brows rose at the mention of the added Willpower. But it wasn’t meant to be. He had already attempted to use other weapons on his body to raise his stat level, but it didn’t count when they were in his pack, or on his waist. They needed to be in active use for the stats to work.

He was going to keep it for himself. Either that or sell it to Maera, but he had a better idea. He was thinking of the future, instead of instant gain.

“Are you a Lord?” Noah looked at Maera over his shoulder.

The beautiful elven princess was in a sorry state of affairs. Her dress was beyond ruined, and the white of her flesh peered through, if not for the red that stained it. Maera’s hair was also tattered, like she had been dragged through a thorn bush.

Maera nodded, then her eyes spotted the sceptre. Her expression turned grim.

Happy at the words, Noah nodded. “I’ll be keeping this for now then. When you get your town all set up, you’ll have to share in the spoils. Alright?”

“How do I know that the sceptre is worth that promise?” Maera asked.

Noah shrugged, and threw the sceptre over to Maera. Her knight; Faelar, snatched it in the air, then gracefully presented it to his princess.

The moment the elf inspected it, her eyes widened.

“Well?” Noah asked.

“This is extortion,” Knight Faelar spat. “We have earned the right to our fair share. We have sacrificed, and you are going to rip that away from us?”

“Jeez, when you say it like that you make me out to be the villain.” Noah feigned being hurt. “I wasn’t the one that left us all to die on that field in the first place. The moment the big orc attacked, you ran like the wind. We thought you would fight with us. Some of us died, you know?”

“Like you care about that!” Faelar shouted, his professional demeanour cracking.

“You’re right, I don’t care about them,” Noah said. “But I care about my friends.” He nudged his nose to Thraz, then to Krall. “Your actions. Your betrayal, placed them in danger. You have sacrificed your right.”

Noah knew it was harsh. But just the reward of becoming a Lord was far more than the princess was expecting. She had lost one knight, but her dream of creating a sanctuary for her people was now in reach thanks to the Lordship of a town.

It was also a way to get back at Maera for annoying him. Betraying him.

Princess Maera sighed, but in the end she was forced to agree. “Then what is the deal?”

“I’m glad we’ve come to an understanding,” Noah said. “One second.”

Noah opened up the shop. There was only one thing that he recalled that could be used for such a time.

Absolute Contract: A contract that is forced into the law of Gods. Once one pledges on the contract, it is enforced until the terms are complete.
| Grace Coins: 2500

It was cheap all things considered and it was just what he wanted. What he needed for those untrustworthy.

You have purchased an - Absolute Contract.

Appearing in his hands, it was a rolled up piece of paper with the colour of bone. It was blank, but Noah imagined there was a reason for that.

“I’ll grant you the healing sceptre now, but when there comes a time in the future where I need help, you will come to my aid,” Noah said, unfurling the paper.

Maera thought about it for a moment, but Noah could see her eyes leer at the sceptre. She wanted it. Perhaps even needed. It would help keep her people alive for the coming days, and with such a tool, it would be a long time before she was able to upgrade it.

Finally nodding, she promised on her honour as a member of elven nobility. Golden scribbles filled the piece of paper, then it split down the middle. One for her, one for Noah.

Sure, it was a gamble on Noah’s part. He didn’t know how useful the Lord titles were going to be, or how important the towns were. But if it was a reward for completing a high level dungeon, then who was he to question it?

He could gain some coins, or swap the sceptre for a piece of equipment, but he didn’t really need anything they had. There was no telling how strong Maera’s kingdom would become with an army of intelligent elves. Also, as a healer, she had a lot of pull. People would be lining up to receive healing, and hence, become benefactors.

Noah placed his contract in his bag, before swiftly turning back around to the chest.

He ignored all the others as Noah’s hands latched around a long spear. No, Noah looked closer, it was almost cylindrical in appearance boasting a savage point. He had seen it before, but only from competitions on the internet. It was a jousting lance.

Remembering the first time he had witnessed a jousting competition, he couldn’t help but smile. It was awesome watching the knights slam their lance into the other knight, only for it to smash into pieces.

But this one was obviously of supernatural quality. Not made of wood like the knights weapons from old. Peter had warned him about using lances as they were unwieldy. Back in the mediaeval times, they were used for a one use shock charge; only for the knight to drop it in favour of a sidearm. Maybe a sword or mace.

However, for Noah, it was perfect. With his strength, he could brandish his lance back, and pierce in one swift motion. He could also project it forward, and it being a lance would offer more strength than his spear.

After all, he relied on one swift attack anyway.

Using Identify, Noah couldn’t help but smile.

Rare - level 45 - Royal Lance: A jousting lance belonging to the royal cavalry of Birthright Castle.
| Added stats: Str+50, Con+30
| First attack is increased by a small amount.

Noah nodded in excitement as he took out the next item. It was a slender armour, and to his surprise, it wasn’t created for humans, but horses.

But I mean, technically my companions can use it? Noah thought as he held it out in front of him. It was a flexible metal that had clasps designed to fit around a horse’s chest/stomach.

Rare - level 45 - Royal Cavalry Armour: : A durable armour belonging to the royal cavalry of Birthright Castle.

| Added stats: Con+50, Str+30
| Reduces damage by a small amount.

Noah took the armour and placed it on Krall. At first he was wondering how it was going to fit, but thankfully, magically, it increased in size in order to facilitate Krall’s humongous frame.

There were two reasons why he let Krall wear it and not Gluttony.

First was because its ability to reduce damage was much more effective on Krall. He was able to take more damage anyway, so this would just make him a murdering bulldozer.

The second reason was that he honestly didn’t plan on getting hit too much. With Gluttony, he could stay in the shadows longer, and be more hidden than before. Due to that reason, it would be a waste as Krall would get far more use out of it than Gluttony.

The rest of the items were an assortment of weapons, and equipment, but Noah didn’t want to take everything.

Maera’s knight was correct on one thing. The people here had fought with their lives on the line, and they deserved its rewards just as much as he did. He was no thief. The items received were their own.

Of course, he still wanted to act out the role of santa. Maybe it was a childhood dream since he was forever deprived of Christmas, but he was always alone on that day. Well, he was alone most days, However, it was especially sour on Christmas.

He had also taken a curved blade for Samira. The woman was protecting his house, it was the least he could do.

Noah walked over to Lorena, handing over the bow. He stood in front of her for a minute, just staring at her with a smile.

Lorena took a step back, before glancing at her bodyguard.

He whispered, “Princess, I think he wants you to thank him?”

Lorena was about to question it, but she decided against that. “Thank you,” She said helplessly.

“You’re welcome.” Noah beamed a smile and walked over to the others, each given them a gift, and receiving their thanks.

It’s pretty fun. Noah couldn’t help but admit. However, time was running out, and there was more of the castle to explore.

He still vividly remembered the stairs descending god knows how far down below. Why did it go down so far?

Noah wanted to figure it out.



All participants of dungeon received Lord's title? Even Maera's knights and Noah's tamed beasts (since they gain levels via system I assume they are also kind of system users) and Thraz? It's weird especially as Thraz hasn't expressed surprise being as straightforward being he is at being now a Lord.