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“On the right!” Declan ordered, pointing to a weakness in the enemy's formation.

Lorena was immediate in her action. Bow pulled back, she fired an accurate arrow straight through the skeletons eye.

Her bodyguard, another dark elf, brandished his long curved blade, and intercepted the incoming skeletons with grace. His weapon sliced through the tough bone of the undead warrior. Its weapon clunking to the floor, Lorena’s arrow arrived with devastating precision.

Declan controlled the battle, easily seeing where they needed to attack, and where to defend at the drop of a hat. It was as if he had a map in his mind, and it was being constantly updated with newly added information.

Thanks to that, the rest of the skeletons were dealt with in a few moments. However, it wasn’t an easy fought battle. They had cleared over six rooms now, and each time, the undead were becoming stronger. And even some of them had skills of their own. Whether they were abilities they had before they died, Declan didn’t know.

He, and the others, were becoming tired. There was no time to rest either. They had around five to ten minutes every time they cleared a room to restore their wounds, thanks to Jonathan’s healing skills, but it was barely enough to recover their breath.

Especially the mage users, including their healer. Mana was a lot slower to regenerate. It did help that mana potions were generally cheaper than health potions, but it wasn’t by much. They were quickly running out of funds to fuel them.

Declan resorted to having the physical class users deal with most of the undead, but that meant injuries were a common occurrence without the support from the mages firepower.

With the battle ended, Jonathan rushed around to heal the more serious wounds, while leaving those who only suffered the odd cut here and there.

“A lot of the undead were already dealt with.” Declan took a breath as he approached one of the skeletons that were already dead. Their bones were scorched, and they were still hot to the touch.

“Maera must have some holy magic to deal with them,” Lorena said, expressionless.

“It looks like she had planned this for a while.” Declan grimaced. “The amount of mana potions she must be going through, not even Victor could afford that.”

“She must have taken the Coins from her warriors, and pooled them together to afford it,” The dark elf said. “Maera knew about all of this.”

“But how?” Declan asked. “How could she possibly prepare for all of this?”

“Because she already knew about this castle. Perhaps she’s already aware that we are here, catching up to her.”


“Not every race is the same.” Lorena looked at the human commander. There was a hint of pity held in those dark eyes. “High elves are blessed by the gods, and don’t forget that sponsors are just powerful people throughout the multiverse. Her highest sponsor is most likely the god, or goddess that they prey to.

For a princess of a kingdom, she must have received instructions from her god.”


Lorena cut him off once more. “Unfair?” Lorena chuckled, a rare smile appearing on her face. Instead of filling Declan with a warmth as a smile usually would, there was only darkness.

She continued, “Yes, it is unfair. But it’s how you fight against it that makes you different from everyone else. Do you think Noah finds it unfair? Yet he is the strongest amongst us.”

“Good point.” Declan sighed.

A few minutes passed, with the room rumbling, Declan, and the others were forced to get back to their feet. Their mana and energy had just barely replenished, but they were forced to go ahead.

They had a couple people that were focused on Constitution take the front, and along with Cai, and Lorena’s guard; they proved to be able to handle most of what had assaulted them during the dungeon.

Opening the already opened door further, a long hallway filled with red carpet, chandeliers, and grand paintings lined it as if it was an entrance to heaven.

But it wasn’t entirely out of place. For a while now the rooms were gradually becoming more grandeur, as if they were approaching the throne room.

Declan thought he would be excited. Excited for an incredible reward, but all he could think about was that they were getting closer to the lord of the dungeon. How unfathomable would it be? And could they even beat it with the strength that they had currently?

It was all a big question mark, and it was the reason for his anxiety. The high reward meant that the danger was going to match it.

Are we ready? Declan asked himself. Honestly, he didn’t think so. It had only been so long since they arrived, and now they were face to face with a dungeon of such huge proportions that it turned his calculating mind numb.

He had watched countless amounts of footage of the Multiversal Broadcast, but nothing could prepare him for actually facing it directly. Thoughts flashed in his mind. He should have prepared more. Should have levelled more. Should have gained more equipment. But he was dragged forward by others greed.

Gritting his teeth, he focused. Now wasn’t the time to waver. The people next to him required his leadership.

Thankfully, the hall wasn’t dangerous. There were no skeletons popping out from the walls, or zombies rising out of the floor, but there were voices coming from the front. In the distance, it was difficult to make it out, but it was clear who it was once they neared further.

Declan and the others walked through the fancy doors that were etched in gold, and stopped ten metres away from the healing princess. She stopped her discussion with her knights and gazed at them in complete shock.

So she doesn’t know about us then. Declan pointed out Lorena’s theory as false. Or perhaps she didn’t know there was a hidden entrance? It looks like even gods can’t see everything.

Declan didn’t know if that was true or not, but judging Maera’s expression, it wasn’t difficult to believe.

“What are you doing here?” Maera asked, still regaining her composure.

“We found a secret path,” Declan said. “You almost killed all of us back there, you know?”

Lorena was of the same mind. Her brows were twisted and the shadows seemed to warp around her, or maybe that was just an illusion.

Maera took a breath. “And Noah?”

“Alive and well,” Lorena continued, “as far as I’m aware, anyway.”

“That’s… good.” Maera looked conflicted. She was half relieved judging by her loosening shoulders, and half nervous if her darting eyes were anything to go by.

She must be worried about Noah’s wrath. Declan couldn’t help a smile from crawling up the corner of his lips.

“It’s the lord's room, I take it?” Declain looked past the princess, and laid his eyes on the enormous pair of gilded doors behind her. Golden lions looked as if they were going to pop out of the door, but it wasn’t just the formidable animal that was embossed into the door. There were angel wings, and various weapons.

“Yes,” Maera continued. “We were just formulating a plan.”

“Formulating a plan?” Declan asked. “Do you even know what it is?”

“No, but it’s better to prepare against anything that may happen.”

“Declan, do we have to go in?” Cai said. “We can also go back, level up, and find Chloe.”

Cai glanced at a young woman. It was Kira, Chloe’s sister, and she looked worried.

Of course Declan didn’t blame her. She was with Victor, and god only knows what would happen.

“It’s a good plan,” Declan agreed. If they wanted to have the best chance possible, they should level up as much as they possibly could. With a strong healer by their side now, they could power level with ease. “We should also wait for Noah to arrive. I don’t know where he is, but it shouldn’t be long until he converges with us here.”

“I can’t risk that,” Maera said. “I will go ahead as planned. If you wish to join me, to become the victors of this dungeon, then you may do so.”

Cai looked at Declan, and so did all the others. Thanks to his leadership skills, and micro management, they were able to come this far.

Declan shook his head. “With just us, it is a massive gamble. We are missing the strongest part of our force: Victor, Chloe, Thraz, Noah, and his tamed monster. I don’t know what skills you are hiding, but can you swear to your god that you have a hundred percent chance of beating this lord?”

“Of course, nothing is guaranteed in this world.” Maera turned to the golden door. “But only those who risk the path, can emerge victorious. Stay here and wait for your saviours while we clear the dungeon.”

With a confident back, she pushed on the door. With her knights, they walked into the pitch black room. As if they walked into an opaque mist.

Declan was aware her words were a false bravado. She wanted to convince them to join her so that she wouldn’t be stabbed in the back by Noah. Declan knew that, and yet he wavered.

Should he join her? What if she did indeed have a secret weapon that enabled her to deal with the lord?

But he shook his head. It was too big a gamble, and even if his sponsors would like him to head forward, it wasn’t worth his life. Sure, the princess may be able to beat it. However, on the off chance that she wasn’t, then they would all die.

It wasn’t something he was willing to risk. And not when it was just his life he was in control of. The others trusted him, or so it seemed, anyway.

Declan had decided. “We’re going back. Back through the rooms we didn’t clear, and we’ll level up until Noah, and the others arrive.”

“What if they’re already dead?” Lorena asked.

“Then that will be shit luck, wouldn’t it?” Declan chuckled and headed back where they came. Thankfully, all the others followed his decision to play it safe.

More time passed, and as they just finished clearing out a room, footsteps were approaching through another tunnel.

Declan removed his longsword from a zombie’s skull, and readied himself for whatever might come. But when a wolf-man appeared out from the darkness, Declan looked in shock at his new armour.

Victor had become stronger.


king seed

Victor's sponsor gotta be going against dun rule everyone else getting coins and he's getting the best sht alrdy wtf


Victor's sponsor is bleeding money to get him outfitted.cit was already starer that the game is unfair.