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The wolf-man bolted forward. A red mist was emitted from his dual-wielded sickles, and it only made the fear in Noah’s heart all the more palpable. The humanoid’s lips curled into a savage smirk; his glistening teeth on display. It was the thrill of the hunt.

Noah was aware that it was a Skill, yet for some reason it didn’t compute within his head. He wanted to move, but his limbs trembled. He screamed internally, and Krall was the same. He huffed and shook his head–until Noah felt the Monster Shard deep within his body activate. The fear was washed away like due on a chilly morning; Krall moved.

Stomping on the ground, he snapped forward. Krall didn’t bother releasing a roar this time. He was learning, and he knew from Noah that the humanoid wasn’t expecting them to break free. Empowered with [Kill Command] Krall chomped down on the humanoid. However, the promise clump of flesh didn’t arrive, instead, a stream of iron tasting liquid licked across his tongue as his teeth met flesh.

Teeth raking across the wolf-man’s flesh, his eyes widened. He was about to retreat when Noah’s spear stabbed through the air: toward his throat.

He grit his teeth, and instead of jumping back, he decided on a crazed counter attack instead. Tucking his head to the side, Noah’s spear sliced past his flesh, but it wasn’t enough to become a mortal wound. Instead, the wolf-man’s sickle bent around Krall, and lacerated Noah’s spear arm.

Noah seethed, but he couldn’t let go of his weapon. Thankfully Krall was there to help him. His enormous fist swatted the beast-kin with a sharp thud, sending him crashing to the floor.

Hand pressed against the ground, he flipped back onto his feet, and slid backwards. Red seeped from the gaps in between his teeth as he resisted the urge to hold onto his ribs.

The fear was gone, as if he never felt it in the first place, but Noah wasn’t given a moment's rest despite the deep wound on his arm. Declan, Chloe, and Cai moved along with the others in their group to deal with Noah.

Noah’s blood was practically boiling. He activated [Shadowed Presence] and thanks to the nature of the cave, his entire being became nothing but a dark outline within his domain. Just as he was about to slink further in the shadows, a familiar roar split the tide of man as he blasted Cai backwards.

Thraz had made a move. “I try to hold back the others, but you will have to get through Victor.”

Surprised maybe, but not shocked. Since they were aiming for his life, Thraz would be going against his dragon word if he let the others act. However, Noah believed it to be something else as well.

“Had a change of heart, have we Thraz?” Noah asked as he took the time to drink a health potion. The wound was already scabbing over in but a mere moment.

“The archer aimed to take your life, it is only right you take his.” Thraz snarled at the oncomers, then glanced over his shoulder to Noah. “I was wrong, Noah.”

“You’re learning.” Noah stretched his arm as the dragonborn nodded.

“Thraz, don’t do this.” Chloe stood forward in an attempt to placate him. “You know Noah is a murderer. He killed them in cold blood. First it was Belham and his group, then the others. He won’t stop with Jake. Once he has killed the strongest of us, what’s stopping him from wiping us out?”

“Do not take me for a fool!” Thraz yelled. “Since the moment I joined your group, you forced me onto the frontlines, and used my body as if it was nothing but a piece of meat to defend you humans. You used my honour and pride against me with buttered words, making me forge ahead at the risk of my life. You speak words of condemnation, but where is your human emotion when it comes to me.” Thraz slapped his chest that was marred in wounds. Even the once beautiful scales on his body had been chipped off from the battles he had experienced.

“And you act like Noah didn’t do the exact same thing?” Chloe added.

“Bah,” Thraz spat. “You are as bad as each-other, but at least he is straightforward in his actions. He acts as a warrior leader, not a puppeteer to do as he wishes from behind their mask.” He glared at Declan with those final words.

Declan frowned, but shook his head. “You misunderstand–”

“I understand,” Thraz interrupted.

Well, Noah felt a little bad when he managed to obtain his dragonword, but those were different times. However, it was Chloe’s first words that made Noah tilt his head in confusion. What the hell was she talking about?

“Woah there, that’s a hell of a serious accusation,” Noah scoffed. “One that I don’t take kindly to, you know? The only people I killed were those who threatened my own life. Damn well almost snatched up my Rare Pathstone, too.”

“Don’t bullshit with us.” Chloe’s eyes turned cold. “There’s personal accounts of you taking shirt buttons from your victims–am I wrong?”

Sure he took the buttons for some reason, an instance of shock maybe, but that was only once. After that, he hadn’t encountered anyone else.

“So you don’t deny it,” She added.

“I don’t deny the first, but there was never a second.” Noah continued. “Believe me if you want, it makes no difference to me.”

Krall, charge. Noah ordered and Krall happily obeyed.

Stomping the ground, they blasted off. Chloe’s slender sword lit up, but Thraz sprinted to her side, and swung his axe in a wide arc.

She immediately backed off as Cai took her place. A storm of sparks lit up the cave, and it just so happened to create the distraction Noah needed. He disappeared further into the shadows, only to emerge from the flank.

Noah moved at high speed straight for Jake, but the wolf-man named Victor seemed to have keen senses. Even through the fighting, he heard Krall’s steps, and moved to intercept. The wound on his neck was already healing, so he must have used a health potion, but it didn’t matter to Noah. He would attack regardless.

At first he was surprised at the attack from Victor. It was lightning quick, and he had the flexibility to match. Although he expected the strange red glowing Skill to do more. However, just the fact he managed to score a wound on Noah was a testament to not just his own martial prowess, but the Pathstones he had obtained.

Victor Level 24 - ???

His Class was shrouded in mystery, but it must be something specialising in the use of sudden counter-attacks. Just like Noah relied on his charging assaults. Whatever it was, it was obvious his Pathstones were all at the Rare rarity, or maybe he even had one or two in the Epic. It was ridiculous, but it wasn’t unheard of.

Krall moved toward him at a blistering pace, then swatted his arm in a wide arc toward Victor. Dodging, he moved to the side, but Noah’s spear was patient. The moment the wolf-man moved, Noah pierced his spear straight into the man's arm.

With the taste of flesh, Krall pressed on. Victor tried to escape, but Noah’s tamed monster was too fast. He threw his fist forward again, and as Victor was going to counter-attack, Krall lowered his head.

Noah snapped his spear forward once more and this time, it shot straight through his shoulder.

Victor’s eyes hazed over in a vivid red, then, his entire body vanished with a puff of black smoke, only for him to reappear at Noah’s side.

Eyes widening, Noah activated [Beastly Aegis] as the impact of the incoming attack caused his shoulder to bounce back. But it wasn’t enough to cause him concern. The might of his new Skill displayed itself.

Landing back on the ground, he was about to move again, but Krall was already throwing a backhand punch aimed straight for the wolf's skull. Victor grit his teeth, and with more blood splashing down his mouth, he disappeared once more.


Victor used [Fear Relocation] once more with whatever energy was left in his body, and reappeared next to Declan, and the others.

He gazed at Noah in trepidation. His fear Skills should have worked, especially after he empowered them with the might of his Fear Shard. Yet Noah seemed to break out of it as if he was simply stepping out of a shower.

Even after risking his own body, he counter-attacked to apply his fear directly, yet it still didn’t do anything. Hell, it didn’t even cause him to stumble, let alone stopping him in his tracks altogether. He looked at the wounded Jake that was barely clinging onto life in pity. Noah was too far in terms of Levels; he couldn’t stop him.

Just what the hell is pushing him forward. Victor thought with a grim expression on his face. He loved the taste of fear, but he couldn’t sense any from Noah. Not the usual fear, anyway. No, something deep within him was blocking it.

Then I just have to destroy it, so he can taste fear once more. Victor clenched his hand into a tight fist. He matched a pair of eyes to his side, and nodded. Chloe nodded back as they stared helplessly at the charging monster that was Krall.


The air tousled Noah’s hair during his savage charge. Jake’s body was located quite the distance behind the others since he relied on his long range to attack. But the distance meant that his body was no longer protected.

Maera and her knights were the closest to him, but all she could do was nod her head as Noah stampeded towards the archer.

Noah knew exactly why she didn’t bother to stop him. One, she cared for her own too much. The elven princess wouldn’t dare risk the lives of her knights to protect a human that reaped the actions he sewed. And two, he was too powerful.

However, it didn’t fill him with happiness. It was actually the opposite. The wolf-man named Victor was capable of injuring him, despite his frenzied progress in this world. There was nothing he could do about his Pathstones, so the only way to trample on the others was to increase his Levelling speed. Or obtain more Shards. Whatever it may be–he needed strength.

Despite that, he was fully confident in battling everyone here if the situation called for it. Now that he was aware of Victor’s Skills, the others posed little threat. It was another reason he so desperately wanted Jake’s life. It wasn’t just because he aimed for his life, although that was the main reason. No, the other  reason was because he wanted to know their current strength Levels.

It was clear Declan wasn’t too invested in his personal strength, rather, it seemed he was a commanding Class. Chloe had expert swordsmanship focusing on dexterity, and Cai had little strength. Instead, he focused entirely on Constitution. Then there was Lily and her small group. Their strength was actually impressive for such a small unit. And finally, the rest of the survivors which were a level down compared to the noted others. They numbered around thirty, and that was uncounting the others that stayed back in the hub.

However, the only person he had to worry about currently was Victor. If he managed to catch up in Levels with him, Noah would most likely be on the receiving end of his blade.

Sighing, he stood towering above Jake on the back of Krall. He didn’t enjoy taking human life. He hated it as he had come to find out. But this was the jungle. If others aimed for his life, he would annihilate them without remorse.

“You shouldn't have aimed your bow at me.” Noah said, and then in the next instant he used both of his offensive Skills, and snapped his spear forward. it screamed through the air, and shot straight into Jake's brain. A huge hole dripped brain matter and blood down onto the floor behind him.

You defeated a - Level 23 Human: Jake Oswald.
| The Oswald family have declared you as their enemy.
| Zekonon, the Primal Hunter, expresses his anger.

Fuck your family, and your sponsor. Noah spat. What were they going to do? Find a way onto Ruaturn and challenge him?

“You know what?” Noah turned and looked up at the ceiling of the cave where an eyeball floated. He raised his middle finger to the camera. “Suck on that Oswald Family. You too Zekonon, whoever the hell you are.”

You are being watched.
| Ekralo, the Beast Tamer has sponsored you.

| Grace Coins awarded.

| Pellona, the Court Jester has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins awarded.

Then he turned around and gazed down at the other survivors.

“Despite what you all believe; I’m no murderer. But if you decide to aim your blade at my neck, I’ll fucking tear you apart.”

Krall roared so loud that the entire cave rumbled at its might as Noah’s eyes shone a monstrous glint.



Good fight! I also like how MC utilized his Shadowed Presence multiple times during the right. It worried me initially as his stealth skills seemed to be only one trick ponies, often even misfiring first hit and becoming kind of useless afterward. Let's hope that we will see more MC stealth side being involved in direct combat.

Eric M

Edit 2nd paragraph = like *dew on a chilly morning

Eric M

Even with the higher tier pathstones, I doubt Victor or any of the others have a profession, or at least not one they have devoted much time to, so Noah's stats should still be far superior given the profession stats and the world's first titles he has racked up. Too bad Victor can't die this early on. And I hope Noah takes Thrax with him, he has proven himself a worthy ally, and it is time Noah try trusting someone a little bit. Not every interaction can be transactional. At this point, Noah has more in common with Thrax and the Elves, and he himself might not be human for much longer either. Great story!!!


Knights already have professions so why wouldn't other people too? Especially professions like Skinning that can be levelled up as group defeats monsters along. Victor is interesting antagonist and I don't want him gone too fast or at least too easily. As for trusting others... MC definitely won't join priestess and her knights as their group is too big as for Thraz I'm not sure if he haven't became too fed up with being manipulated by humans and decides to just strike on his own like MC.


Sure, if MC wants to be eaten up by group of angry fish baited by smell of blood when being in the water.


Thanks for the chapter!


"Reap the actions that you sowed." Not sewed