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Expansion Shard - Monster: Will +15, Str, +10.

You have gained the Title - Expansion Epoch: You are the second person to obtain enlightenment and create an Expansion Shard.
| +5 to all Stats, +5% to all Stats.

Noah’s eyes threatened to leave his skull at the percentage increase to all his Stats. So that’s where all the power came from. He thought. He was stunned at the information, and the fact that he was the second person to receive it only made the incredible reward all the more depressing.

If he better understood what Expansion was capable of, he would have tried a lot harder to gain an understanding of Krall’s mind. With it, he would have been first, not second.

Pushing the sour thought to the back of his mind, Noah wondered what the first reward would have been. Maybe plus ten to both Stats and a percentage increase along with it? It was an unfathomable reward. Which led him to his next question.

Was Expansion more powerful than the System granted Stats? He recalled Ekralo’s words, that if he wanted to reach the apex, he would have to learn Expansion. It seemed true. The high reward was also evidence of that. The shard alone was worth four, or five Levels. However, it was clear it was an arduous task to obtain it compared to Levels. Hell, he barely even knew what he did to obtain it, let alone replicating it.

And what did the Monster Shard even do? The fact that it was just at the early stage meant that it could evolve further, but he was at a loss as to what it actually did. He recalled the sensation when he just exited that strange land. Noah could feel his mind in sync with Krall’s. As if they were the same person. It resulted in a burst of coordination that increased their strength.

That wasn’t all. Since he awakened to the shard, there was a strange energy gathering in his body. He could feel it, just like he had an innate sense to detect mana within his body. Although weak, it was there.

But what should he do with it?

It’s like cultivation. Remembering Ekralo’s words, Noah sat down on the bloodied floor, and shut his eyes. He took a deep breath in, then exhaled it out. This is dumb. Noah was about to sigh in embarrassment when a field of glitter emerged from the depths of his vision. So this is Expansion. Noah thought in wonder. I wonder if the energy itself has a name? Expansion Energy? Noah could only make a guess.

It was like when he stood up too quickly after sitting down all day. But unlike the bright firefly-like stars, they were smaller, and more condensed. He instinctively reached out toward them with his mind, and was surprised to find out that he could actually feel them. Only then did he realise that with every breath he took, he was absorbing the energy into his body as if it was a container. Of course, the container was small, and could only hold so much.

As he gazed further within, a solid sharp stone-like object floated within his consciousness. It looked exactly like a broken shard, as if it had snapped off from something larger. To him, it looked just like a plain stone. He guessed it was the Monster Shard he had just obtained. Whether it was because it was at an Early stage or not, it was the same as any stone he would pick up and throw in the streets. However, as he focused on it, he was made well aware that it was no ordinary stone.

It was like gazing into the eyes of a primal monster that wanted nothing more than to rip him to pieces. It was wild and chaotic, just like what he had experienced when he entered that dream land. He recalled the synergy the humanoid had with his beast. It moved its companion as if moving one of his own limbs. It was effortless.

Noah grabbed hold of the Shard, but he wasn’t sure what to do now that he had it in his grasp. He began experimenting with it, thinking about how to use it. There must be a reason as to why I was shown the humanoid and his monster.

With that thought in mind, Noah seeped his thoughts back to that dreamland. The calm the humanoid had, and then the explosive primal desire he had to destroy all in his path after it, but for some reason, he only took heed of the connection he had with his monster. Noah didn’t have photographic memory, but the remnants of what he felt remained like a brand within his consciousness.

As Noah struggled with the feeling, his eyes drifted to Krall. A smirk crawled up on his lips. Right, they were meant to be partners. Noah closed his eyes once more and focused on the faint connection he had with Krall’s mind. It was what he used to give him orders, but this time, he willed his mind to travel further.

Then, his world expanded. He looked at Krall, and then reflected it back to Noah. It was as if he was looking at his own body in a mirror. Not only that, but he could feel, and smell from Krall’s direction. As if he himself was Krall. They had reached unity.

| You have gained the World First Title - Monstrous Partnership: You are the first to create a partnership with a tamed monster. Live together, fight together, die together. A monster’s loyalty to their partner is a bond unable to be broken.
| Your partner deals 5% extra damage.

He looked at Krall, and something seemed to have changed within him. They both breathed at the same  time, and when Noah moved his limbs, Krall seemed to replicate his movements without thinking. It was as if they were sharing each other's brain waves. It was a strange feeling, but Noah could feel the more monstrous tendencies from the deep of Krall’s mind. Along with it, the pride of a beast.

But although they had an extra form of communication with each other, he didn’t feel the same strength he had when he left the dreamland. Something was missing.

Taking a breath, Noah gazed at the Shard once more. But this time, he attempted to use the strange energy within him at the same time. As he did, it was like the System itself was guiding him. It left an image in his mind, telling him what to do with the Shard. Perks of the System, he guessed. Of course, he wouldn’t deny the help.

From the guide of the System, he activated the shard with the measly amount of energy he had within his body. With it, he suddenly felt the same strength activate that he had experienced before.

However, now that he was more conscious of the power, it was clear it wasn’t as cut and dry as a straight up strength boost. More accurately, it was the coordination between them that increased the power they held. Like unlocking the rest of one's strength through sheer adrenaline.

Noah held the connection, but it was constantly sapping away the Expansion Energy within his body. And because he only had a miniscule amount, the time he had was severely limited. Ignoring that, he moved with Krall around the hall, and realised that he was riding him wrong all this time.

First off was shifting the weight, he lowered himself, and stood in a particular way that let Krall move the way he wanted to move. His speed heightened just like when he had killed the troll. Then Noah thrust his spear through the air. As his attack extended, he realised that something was off. It was like there was a timing within his mind, and he had let his spear snap forward at the wrong moment. He replicated it again, but made sure to follow the feeling he had with Krall. It resulted in a quick snap, faster than all the other times prior. The feeling was exactly the same as when he awakened from the dreamland.

It resulted in Krall being much faster, their coordination was at a supernatural level, and their strength had gone through a qualitative upgrade. But it didn’t last long. Thirty seconds passed, and the connection he had with Krall was severed. He had run out of Expansion Energy. Not only that, he panted, and his limbs were incredibly heavy. As if he had gone through an hour long intensive workout session.

If using mana was effortless with the guide of the System, then controlling Expansion Energy was like trying to pull a freight train.

Noah was forced to sit still on the back of Krall. A few minutes passed, and the Energy replaced itself simply by breathing. He activated the Shard of Monster once more, and tested it to familiarise him with the sensation. After expanding all his Energy again, all he could think of was how incredible it was. If he had to make an estimate on how much stronger he was with the Monster Shard activated, they were at least ten percent stronger. Of course, it was hard to tell, so it was only a rough guess.

Shaking his head, he glanced to the wall that was slightly ajar, then moved on to the other System messages. From the shouts, and clashing of iron outside quieting down, it was obvious he didn’t have much time left.

You defeated a - Level 43 troll.
| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 33 -> Noah ( Phantom Lancer ) level 35

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 33 -> Krall level 35

Level 35 obtained.
| You have obtained the right to open the Ranker Leaderboard for the Otherworlders.

| Granting access to the Ranker Leaderboard.

Huh? Noah tilted his head in confusion. There wasn’t anything like that on Ubos. Thinking about the leaderboard, it opened. He was met with a prompt to enter his name. It could be his real name, or an alias.

He first thought about hiding his name, and it made sense. If people knew exactly how strong he was, then it would be easier to plan an attack according to his Level. But maybe it worked the other way as well. If his Level was so far above everyone else, then no-one would dare touch him.

Well, bring it on. Noah revealed a devilish smile as he entered his own name.

You have registered the name - Noah - on the Ranker Leaderboard.

Ranker Level Leaderboard -

1. Noah - Level 35 6.

2. ???   7.

3.  ???  8.

4.  ???  9.

5.  ???  10.

Ranker Wealth Leaderboard -

1. Noah 6.

2. ???   7.

3.  ???  8.

4.  ???  9.

5.  ???  10.

Ranker Shard Leaderboard -

1. ???    6.

2. Noah   7.

3.  ???  8.

4.  ???  9.

5.  ???  10.

Second. Noah tutted at the Ranker Shard Leaderboard. Now that he had tasted being first, he no longer wished to be anything but. He swore to himself that he would dominate the leaderboard.

Skills have Levelled up!

You are being watched.

| Ekralo the Beast Tamer has sponsored you.

| Grace coins added.

| Lenid, the Monster Slayer has sponsored you.
| Grace coins added.
| Milio, the Joyful Demon has sponsored you.
| Grace coins added.

You have cleared the Dungeon - Kobold’s Underground Fortress!

Your Title has progressed - [Dungeoneer II]: Successfully clear a dungeon. +3 to a stat of your choice.

Your Title has progressed - [Solo Delver II]: Be the first to clear a dungeon. +5 to all stats.

Noah huffed out a smile. Even if he hadn’t obtained the Monster Shard, the Title progression alone was well worth the risk. Anything on top was extra.

He was about to place his free points into Will out of muscle memory, but he managed to stop himself as he gazed at his current Stats.

Strength: 141
Dexterity: 67
Constitution: 87
Willpower: 134
Magic: 32
Mana: 31
Perception: 36

His Strength and Willpower Stats were rapidly increasing. Although he was stronger, he was beginning to struggle to control the high Strength he held within his arms. Glancing at his Dexterity, it was easy to see why.

Noah's two highest stats were already more than double. Although he was managing right now, if he went ahead further without addressing it, he would no longer be able to control his spear. If he lost control of it during a charge, it wouldn’t fare well for him.

So with that in mind, Noah placed the three extra points into Dexterity. With the points added, he held his spear, then pierced it through the air. It wasn’t a huge change, and he didn’t intend to waste points on it, but there was a threshold he needed to maintain.

Happy about his decision, he moved onto the Skills that had Levelled up.

1st Pathstone: [ Dexterity ]
Skill: Mounted Combat - Level 6
Skill: False Step - Level 6
Skill: Shrouded Presence - Level 3
Skill: Power Shot - Level 1
Skill: Hunting Instincts - Level 3

2nd Pathstone: [ Might ]
Skill: Thrust - Level 9
Skill: Strengthened Body - Level 6
Skill: Overpower  - Level 3
Skill: Charge - Level 5
Skill: Beastly Aegis - Level 2

3rd Pathstone: [ Attacking Tamer ]
Skill: Monstrous Allegiance - Level 3
Skill: Tamer’s Bond - Level 5
Skill: Kill Command - Level 6
Skill: Unbreakable Reins - Level 5

Notedly, Thrust was the first of them to reach Level nine. One more, and it would evolve. What exactly would it evolve to? He had no way of knowing.

Usually, it would evolve to the second Common Stage. But sometimes it had the chance of transforming into a new Skill that benefited one's chosen Class. It wasn’t luck involved, but how one had used the Skill during its Levelling period. Of course, this is just what he, and his friends have theorised. Whether that was true or not, he would have to wait and find out.

Happy about the changes, he was about to approach the door when the air distorted above the kobold leader. Suspended in the air, a crackling sizzle ripped open the space, and bright blue, green, and vivid purple lit up the room.

Epic. Noah rubbed his hands together in excitement.



By the way, I like last abilities on every list you have given MC as this is exactly what I had in mind too xD. Beastial danger sense, defensive skill revolving around shield rather than whole body defensive enhancement and some form of self healing. Albeit the last one I was sure that Krall will get that one by devouring troll due to how troll was described "shining in gold as if it's body was a treasure". Having regeneration as a skill though has its own merits though as if will also apply to a new monsters rather than being confined only to Krall.


Instead of "Dexterity" it should be "Monstrous Agility/Dexterity" (I can't remember properly) as first path stone was advanced by MC.


Thanks for the chapter!