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The fighting stopped after a few moments. There wasn’t just a number advantage to the prisoners, but they were also personally much stronger than the kobolds. However, the peace lasted a mere three minutes before they broke through the thick door of the prison entrance, and entered the courtyard of the fort.

An explosion of screams, clashing of metal, and hissing made their way down the tunnel toward Noah. It was the perfect time to skulk away.

Noah returned from the direction that he arrived, but instead of going back down the ladder, he kept his back glued to the shadows of the hallway, and continued further. The outside was approaching as he stopped by the doorway and peered out. It was a large courtyard where hundreds of kobolds were in an enormous, bloody brawl with each other.

A kobold bolted from the side. Noah held his breath, but thankfully the kobold sprinted past just to join the battle. Thanks to [Shrouded Presence], the lower Levelled kobolds couldn’t detect him. Releasing his breath in relief, he gazed towards the enormous double doors at the other end of the courtyard. Behind them, Krall was patiently waiting for him.

He wanted to stalk to the side of the fort walls, but the courtyard was quite literally full of monsters. He was debating on waiting, but he knew time was running out.

If the leader walked out and ravaged the prisoner ranks, then that would leave Noah stuck within the fortress walls. He was banking on the leader remaining inactive and so far, it was working.

Not wanting to waste a single second longer, Noah grabbed hold of an old grain sack, and pulled it over his head.

Here goes nothing. Noah felt the adrenaline begin and with that as motivation, walked out into the courtyard.

His danger senses were flaring in all directions as he nimbly dodged and weaved within the crowd. He had to dodge out of the way of incoming attacks.

Noah made sure not to attack in retaliation in fear that his position would be revealed. He narrowly dodged an incoming club to the face. As he recovered, his eyes met a kobold.

“Hi there.” Noah revealed a smile before he disappeared behind another kobold. With knee’s bent, and a sack over his head, he blended within the mass of scales.

“Huma–” The kobold shouted, but the next second a sword greeted the monster's throat.

That’s what you get for lowering your guard. Noah thought in amusement as he approached the fort entrance.

Just as he was about to break past the final line of kobolds and emerge on the other side, a kobold latched onto his arm. From instinct, Noah’s knee snapped to the monster's chin. With a sharp thud, the monster stumbled back as its shattered teeth scattered on the floor.

However, the fact that it survived the hit meant it was at a higher level. Even more so since it had the speed capable of grabbing hold of his arm.

Level 34 - Kobold Horde Brawler.

If Noah had put all hisTitle granted points into Strength, then the hit would have snapped the monster’s neck; it was the downside of his choices. But it didn’t mean Noah would struggle.

Noah stepped forward and brandished the mace from his side. He swung it in a wide arc without much strength. Still, it made the beast react.

The kobold dodged, but Noah took a quickened step forward, making use of not committing to the hit. His weapon descended, meeting bone. With a crack, the monster fell to the ground.

Noah gazed over the heads of the fighting kobolds. Wait a minute. Only then did he realise that he was head and shoulders above the monsters. He was like an adult amongst children. Of course there were tall ones as well like the one he had just killed that was more or less his height, but they didn’t have a grain bag on their head.

Beads of white looked at him. At first it was curiosity, but it rapidly transformed into a bloody frenzy. The fighting intensified threefold as they attempted to approach Noah.

“There’s a human!”
“Get him!”

Certain that it wasn’t for a nice warmhearted greeting, Noah dodged an incoming blade, and thrust his shoulder into the last kobolds, causing them to stumble forward.

No longer worried about blending in, he resorted to his tried and true method of success. Brute force. Noah hefted his mace and used [Overpower]. Strength burst through his arms, and followed the swinging path of his weapon. It clashed into the nearest kobold, quickly followed by the next after it, until five kobolds were blasted away.

Utilising the space he had created, he bolted forward. Another brawler threatened his escape as he shoved past two smaller kobolds. Noah used [False Step], he stopped in a swift motion as he caught the monster in a feint. Using the second he created, he smashed the beast's arm with his mace. A crack followed, and Noah chased the sound with a quick [Thrust] of his knife to its throat. Blood spilled.

Noah broke past the brawler and dashed toward the gate. It was clear, but there were kobolds hot on his tail. He could practically smell the stench of their mouths as they chased him.

The gate was locked by a large piece of timber. Noah grabbed hold of it and hoisted it up. There wasn’t a second to spare, so he spun around, and threw it with all his strength toward the chasing crowd of lizardmen.

It smashed into the chests of the frontline, but the kobolds behind them simply tread over their bodies to reach the front. They snarled at Noah, but a sudden power entered his body like a raging tide.

Noah took a deep breath of satisfaction as he grinned at the incoming beasts. Behind him, the gates were blasted open, and an enormous armoured mole careened past Noah.

Krall stopped, and with his large fist, swiped it across the frontline of monsters–blasting them backwards. He followed with a primal roar that caused the kobolds to step back in fear. As if it was standing head-to-head with a superior bloodline. Trembling, they took another step back.

Noah leapt onto Krall's back in high spirits, and loomed over the battlefield like a great general on his mighty steed. He glowered toward the prisoners.

“Prisoners of this fort. Take up arms and let's devour the enemy in front of you! Or do you wish to remain a prisoner and rot for the whole of eternity?” His shout boomed across the field. Thanks to his [Universal Polyglot] Skill, it seemed they could understand what he was saying.

They held their weapons and roared a fervent scream. Their assault only turned more fierce.

“That’s my boy.” Noah patted Krall’s shoulder. “Now let’s kill them all.”

Krall grunted in satisfaction, and with another roar, he bolted into the midst of battle. Noah took hold of his spear and killed any kobold in sight with a powerful [Thrust]. While his left side was protected with his tightly grasped shield. Krall used his mighty arms while on his two bag legs like a bear, and batted away any monsters that got too close.

It also surprised him to see the prisoners help him whenever he passed by. They would shove them out the way, allowing Noah to head straight for the main building of the fort. As if they were saying they wanted him to kill the leader.

Although the plan was dangerous, he couldn’t do anything further to prepare. He had completely emptied the fishing reserves around the dungeon, and the only monsters left were the ones in the courtyard. If he decided to kill all of them, then he would be exhausted for the main fight. If he was caught unaware, he’d be dead in a heartbeat.

Besides, with how weak the kobolds were with no food or water, the same should also apply to their leader. He hoped.

With everything set, he blasted forward. Krall was like an unstoppable demon as he barged through the kobolds as if they were insignificant beings. Even with the small Level difference between them, Krall had the body of a mole king. He was an evolved being. Powered by Noah’s Willpower stat, and his Skills, only made it more evident.

Noah saved his strength, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t kill. With the added momentum of Krall’s charge, it made Noah’s job easy. There was no need to place extra strength in his arms as the forward movement did all of the work for him. All he had to do was pull out the spear, then place it forward once more.

Just like that, and with the prisoners distracting them all, he managed to reap their lives in the dozens.

A thought popped into his mind as he killed another with a [Thrust] of his spear. If he killed all of the kobolds with the help of the prisoner, then couldn’t he swarm the boss with them? But he shot down the idea as the System notification entered his vision from his many kills.

Experience is reduced for fighting within a party.

Although he technically wasn’t in a party, it seemed the System recognised that he was getting help. And it would most likely be the same with the leader. He wouldn’t let anyone else take the credit. He wanted all of it for himself.

Powering forward, he reached the steps, only to stare a kobold in the eyes as it stood there, shocked. Its eyes brimmed with intelligence unlike the others he had met. Although Noah couldn’t place his finger on it, the kobold seemed special. Or more accurately, Krall believed it to be.

Well, Noah didn’t care. He blasted up the stairs, only for the kobold to bolt in the other direction instead. It darted into the dark recesses of the fort.

Noah ignored it and continued into the old, mediaeval stone building.

The moment Noah entered, he took in the surrounding sights. He wanted to find anything he could use in the battle, or more accurately, places to hide. It was going to be a battle of strategy–

Noah’s spine tingled at an incoming sensation. It was fast. He could hear it tear through the air as it hurtled toward him.

The sensation was new from [Hunter’s Instincts], but he knew what it was. It was the fear of death.