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At his current Level, he had a few monsters to choose from. But what he needed right now was information. Walking blind to find dungeons was a waste of time, so he had to find a way to target them. And what better way than to rely on human’s strongest strength–thoughts. Or more specifically, talking.

Noah glanced out the windows and couldn’t help but smile. It would be difficult to detect him under the guise of the shadows.

He ordered Krall to stay. No matter how good his stealth was, he needed to be as small as possible for his plan. The sparse buildings wouldn’t be enough cover for him, so having a hulking kobold by his side would only make it impossible.

With a plan of action, Noah waited until the sun was well and truly gone. Only until the darkness had reached its apex did he leave.

Of course he didn’t take the front door, but opened the window at the back of the house, then skulked to the edge of the mountain. Reaching the mountain, he followed the Hub walls down to where the majority of the houses were.

He lay in wait.

Many couldn’t sleep after the intense day and even nights of non-stop survival and battle. They were all on edge. Heads twitching at every sound. They had formed close units and were sitting around camp-fires.

Silence pervaded the camp. Then, a young man with his head dipped, spoke.

“Why is this happening to us?” His voice was detached. Marred with confusion and fatigue. He refused to raise his head. After taking a breath, he continued,  “Who would in their right mind force us into this?”

He clenched his hands tight, then looked up at the rest of his group. “Mary, Clark, Daniel–how many more have to fucking die before they are happy?”

“Ian–don’t,” A young woman said. “Don’t let them see you like this. Don’t give them the satisfaction. Mary, Clark, Daniel, we need to fight on for their memories. Maybe one day we can put a stop to them–the System Administrators. Only after taking one step after the other can we make change.”

The young woman had short brunette hair, although it was chopped and messy. As if she had cut it herself with a blunt knife. Just like everyone else, she was wearing her school uniform. A ragged blazer and her own addition–tight black leggings underneath her school skirt.

Only a dry mocking laughter followed. “Make a change? What?” Ian said as if he had heard something stupid. “How can we possibly face them–they are practically gods. Go on, tell me. Huh Lily?”

“Lily is right.” A man with middle-parted golden hair said. “Gods? I think they are far from it. When they arrived, it was clear to anyone that they didn’t have the capabilities to kill anyone. They could force us into the Otherworld yes, but not a single person has directly died by their hands. Even when we all collectively stopped working and threatened to force society into a downward spiral. They couldn't do anything but sit back and watch.”

“What, so we continue to get stronger and overthrow the System?” Ian mocked. “Don’t be stupid Ross.”

“Why not?” Ross continued. “Is there truly a limit to how far we can grow?”

“Isn’t it obvious with the name of the sponsors?” Lily continued as she rubbed grass over her longsword. “Some of them are no doubt celestial beings. Who’s to say we can’t follow in their footsteps? Maybe after a few centuries, it will be us watching.”

“You–” Ian scoffed. “You’ve gone insane, both of you. I’ll just be happy to survive this hellscape. But go on, enlighten me. How do you plan on reaching these so-called celestial beings?”

Lily and Ross looked at each-other.

Ian shook his head. “No. Hell no. You can’t be thinking of going into the dungeon just the three of us.”

“Who said anything about going with just the three of us?” Lily smiled.

“Don’t look at me with the creepy fucking smile.” Ian trembled. “Then who? You think we can trust anyone in this place?”

Noah shook his head. Definitely not. But it was a good thing he was a stand up citizen.

Standing up, Noah approached the trio with a smile on his face. Noticing their less than happy expressions and the brandishing of their weapons from his sudden appearance, he stuck up his hands.

“Sorry, I don’t mean to pry, but it seems like you have some information that I’m interested in.” Noah grabbed hold of the staff of healing in his bag and threw it over to Lily. Just from the emotions she displayed, it was clear she was the leader of the trio.

Catching it, she was about to shake her head when Noah nudged his head in the direction of the elves.

“The princess there is a healer. A good one at that.” Noah squatted down on the spot and dangled his hands over his knees. “She’d pay a pretty penny for the staff.”

Lily was about to say something again, but Noah interrupted once more.

“Can’t hurt to get in the good graces of a healer in this hell hole.” Noah plucked a piece of grass and placed it in his mouth before continuing. “Not to mention a troop of knights that wait at her command. Bunch of fanatics, but it’s not my place to judge, is it?”

“And what’s stopping me from taking this from you?” Lily said with sharp eyes.

“Try it.” Noah simply said with a sly smile. His words dripped with confidence.

Lily looked at the others, then back to the staff before moving her gaze over to the elves. Her fingers tapped against the intertwined metal of the staff.

Taking a breath, she said, “Alright. We found a kobold dungeon in that direction.” She pointed to a point over the houses.

Noah wracked his brain for a moment. Then his brows raised. It was in the direction of the kobold cave he had cleared out with Thraz. It would make sense for it to be somewhere in that area.

“Where exactly?” Noah asked, he had to make sure of its location.

“It’s along the beach. Keep heading down until you find a large outcrop of rocks. That’s where the cave is, and the entrance of the dungeon, but be careful, your team will have to deal with a bunch of hungry lizards. They don’t take kindly to spectators.”

Ian and Ross’ faces turned grim at the words. Well, it didn’t seem like she was lying.

Noah remembered seeing a large outcrop of rocks in the far distance when he was battling for the Anomaly. He had also seen little specs in the distance that he just assumed were others coming to fight over the loot. But it turned out to be kobolds.

“You managed to get in to receive the dungeon prompt?” Noah questioned. “I thought there were a bunch of hungry lizards?”

“Are you calling us liars?” Ian piped up. His shoulders tensed and he almost leapt out of his seat. It seemed that surviving and loss had limited his ability to control his emotions.

“You think I can trust anyone in this place?” Noah repeated Ian’s exact words before.

Ian was taken aback. “You were listening to us all that time?”

“Let’s not focus on minor details.” Noah waved his hands. “But rather place our attention on business.”

“Isn’t it obvious?” Lily stored the staff in her bag. “He’s a much higher Level than us. I agree, let’s focus on business. The others set up a distraction while I snuck inside.”

“Why?” Noah tilted his head, curious.

“Why does anyone risk their life in this place?”

“For strength.” Noah chuckled. “Alright, I’ll believe you.” Noah stood up and clapped his hands together, removing the moist due from the grass. “Her name’s Maera, princess of–well I forgot, but she seems like a capable leader.”

Lily nodded. “So when will we head out?”

“We?” Noah asked. “I’m afraid there isn’t a we.” Noah took a few steps toward his house.

“Aren’t we going together to clear out the dungeon?”

“Of course not. I’ll be heading there myself.”

“Yourself? Are you crazy?” Ian spat.

“Maybe. Probably.” Noah shrugged and continued walking.

“Wait,” Lily raised her voice almost into a shout. “What’s your name?”

“Noah.” Noah raised his hand and disappeared behind another group of houses.

He returned to his house and washed up. Not bothering to buy another set of clothes since they would just get ruined again, Noah just resorted to sleeping in his bed naked. He was utterly exhausted. His body groaned in protest, and as his body hit the bed sheets, he groaned in pleasure.

Peace at last. Although it wouldn’t last very long, it was nice while it lasted.

It wasn’t long before his eyelids grew heavy and darkness embraced him.

Waking up with a start, he glanced out the window with hazy eyes. It was morning. Barely. The deep orange hue shone within his window which was probably the reason he had woken up in the first place. Then, he clicked his dry tongue, and smacked it against the roof of his mouth. He was thirsty.

Noah scrambled onto the cool wooden floor of his bedroom, then crawled over to his backpack. He took out one of the water containers and took a sip. Wiping his mouth, he got himself ready for the next trip.

It was to be a bloody one. There wasn’t even a certainty he would make it back alive, but it didn’t bother him. He would just take one step forward at a time. What was the use in worrying? That wasn’t a life he wanted to live.

Groaning, he stood up and stretched before putting his tattered boxers on, followed by his trousers, his armoured chest piece, and shin guards. Securing them all, he left out the front door with Krall thudding behind him.

Noah wasn’t the only one to have woken up early. However, despite it being the crack of dawn, he was surprised to see a few smiling faces. A lot of the survivors sat in front of their house with a newly crackling fire at their front. They shared pieces of food together as they looked around, taking in the new safety with a breath of fresh air.

Until the sun was up anyway. Then the sweat would once again begin.

Lily and the other two were sitting within Maera’s camp, their eyes followed Noah and Krall as he sauntered toward the Hub walls.

It was the same for the other survivors, they murmured into each other's ears, and although Noah didn’t know what they were saying, he could tell it wasn’t anything good. Judging by their contemptuous looks they were sending him. Although he was curious as to why they were looking at him like that, he was too lazy to find out what it was. Maybe it was because they thought he was ugly? But that couldn't be right–he was decent looking, or so he thought. Then he lifted his arm, took a sniff, then grimaced. Yep, that was probably why.

Noah felt a wave of mana brush over his skin as he took a step out of the Hub walls. He once again entered the endless jungle.


Victor stood above a branch high above the jungle floor. He was waiting for his prey. The human had decided to break free of his group, but it wasn’t too out of the ordinary.

He glanced to his side. Not far away from him were the Hub walls. He might have thought himself safe as they were still relatively close to the Hub, but it was far from the truth.

The human approached, and Victor dropped down. The morning air sifted through the thick hairs on his body as he fell toward the human.

He no longer had the sickles in his hand, instead, they were still tied to his waist. A new spear was now held tightly within his grasp. He slammed it straight down the humans back, into his heart. The young man wasn’t even given a chance to make a murmur.

You have murdered - ??? - Level 11

| Extra experience is rewarded for murder.

Mission Progress - Unbridled Murder: Murder five humanoids.
| Current Progress: 2/5.

| Reward: Rare Class Weapon, x2 Rare health potions, x5 Uncommon Bandages, Grace Coins.

Victor didn’t smile at the progress. He couldn’t. It was far too slow, but thankfully, he now had more opportunity to unleash himself.

An excitement caused his hands to itch as he pulled off a couple buttons from his preys shirt. Why had the human called Noah taken a man's shirt buttons? Some said he was psychotic, but back in his colony, Victor had witnessed plenty of murder. Others handled it differently. Some turned mad, while others flourished. And others… done things they wouldn’t normally do under shock or confusion.

Victor played with the buttons in his hand.

What if he made the rumours a reality?


Eric M

That is a diabolical plan, very impressive villain you've crafted


Well, this will be much better justification for the over the top hostility from survivors we have seen till now if there is somebody trying to frame MC.