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“There we are.” Noah clapped his clean hands as if he had done an ounce of work.

The knights were doused in sweat, and with a little help from Krall, everything was moved onto his land. Then, he looked at Maera. She had done as he asked, now it was his turn.

Noah took out the Uncommon mage’s hat from his bag, along with the Uncommon Trap Making Skill essence he had obtained from the goblins. He threw it over.

Catching it, a wide smile grew from the corner of her lips. “Thank you.”

“It’s difficult to know what is worth what, but if it’s not enough then just tell me.” Noah said. Truthfully, he was troubled. Getting the wood and nails would have required a lot of manpower. And even then, it may have forced them to learn a Profession they weren’t wanting to learn.

“It’s enough.” She said as she placed the hat on her head.

“Good, it suits you.”

Maera displayed a graceful curtsy at the comment. “Now, let’s see what an upgraded house looks like.”

“Hopefully it doesn’t disappoint you, Princess.” Noah joked, then entered the crafting menu.

He selected the Uncommon house frome the selection he was given. The moment he had made his choice, the wooden logs, and nails on the floor vanished. Then, as if a timelapse had occurred, the building of his soon-to-be house formed at a blazing pace.

In just mere moments, the house was fully built. A wide sloping roof on top of a large rectangle house. It could be said to be basic back on Earth, but even basic was a damn sight better than the Common houses littered all over the place.

All the other survivors within the Hub looked over as his house was on full display.

Gone was the drab one bedroomed house that all the others had. Instead, he had three bedrooms with a wide open living space, and a separate kitchen area so that he wouldn’t be subject to the smell of cooking fumes while trying to relax.

It was nice, but wholly unneeded. After all, he would be spending the vast majority of his time outside. The only reason he spent most of his Grace Coins on the Uncommon house was for the extra utility of the added rooms.

Which were no longer greyed out for him. The first extra room his eyes landed on was a training room. It had a picture of weights, although they were rudimentary, and basic. They weren’t like the olympic weights he was used to, but they were more like circular rocks on a bar of hardened wood. Although he guessed it wasn’t ordinary wood and that they were in fact much heavier than the normal weights he was used to.

The room granted the possibility to gain Stats in his physical attributes. The better the room, the quicker one would gain them. It was amazing, but Noah couldn’t help but think there was a limit to how many Stats one could gain. Well, it was something to be tested.

But, he only had enough Grace Coins for one other room. He decided against the training room. If there was one thing he needed, it wasn’t going to be sitting inside a room all day grinding out weight training. It was impractical and a waste of time.

Instead, Noah moved past the magic training room, passed the forgery, and other crafting specialty rooms, before stopping on a room that had a dirt floor. Of course that wasn’t all. It had a large straw bed, scratching posts, and other strange toys. It was a room dedicated to taming.

Noah took a closer look at it within the System.

Uncommon - Room of Taming: Unlock the ability to house your tamed monster within, protecting your property, while enabling you to tame others. The Uncommon Room of Taming allows two other tamed monsters to be housed. The room also provides a permanent small increase in power to your currently selected tamed monster.
| Requirements: Acquire a Taming Class. Reach Level 25 in a Taming Class. Obtain ten units of Bridgewood and twenty-five Common house nails.

Oh hey, that’s amazing. Noah smiled at the description. It was exactly what he wanted.

He made a quick check of his current supplies and thanks to Maera’s handiwork, her knights had obtained more than they needed.

Noah accepted the room and just like before, a timelapse occurred. Plank-by-plank, nail-by-nail. Once it was finished, Noah headed on inside. The hustling and bustle of the outdoor world was cut off.

The first thing he did was wander over to the window and tap on them with his dirty fingers, leaving a mark on the crystal clear glass. A muted thud was all the information he needed to tell him that they were nice and thick.

Heat retention from being multiple panes of glass was nice, but the silence was far better. At the mention of heat, he also noticed it was a lot cooler inside. It was definitely unusual.

He was well aware of how hot it was when he was in Mile’s house during the summer. With no air conditioning inside, it was brutal. But it was the only house they had access to during that time. He needed to prepare for his journey into the Otherworld after all. A little heat wouldn’t stop him.

Moving away from the high quality windows, his feet tapped throughout the living-room, while Krall traipsed. Thudding all the way thanks to his heavy weight.

Trying to ignore the fact Krall could fall through the floorboards at any moment, Noah walked through the room, and headed towards the two doors at the far side of the room.

He opened the one on the left and a basic bathroom met his eyes. It had everything he needed so he had no complaints there.

Then he left and creaked open the other room which was the kitchen. There wasn’t a cooker like back on Earth, but it was more akin to an outdoor kitchen he had seen on some internet videos. Brick walls with a rack on top. Basic, but he couldn’t imagine him doing much cooking on it. He’d never really done any cooking for that matter.

In an attempt to get rid of the horrible memories of him trying to cook, he left the kitchen, then opened the door on the right side of the building. Opening it, a basic bed met his excited eyes. It was on a wooden bed frame, and a mattress lay on top. It was unlike the straw-beds on the floor that the Common houses were composed of.

Noah grinned. He slung off his backpack, then leapt onto the bed in excitement. Goosebumps arose on the surface of his skin. It was comfortable. Too comfortable. It felt like he was finally blessed by whatever god or goddess was out there as he felt the coolness of the bed sheets against his naked flesh.

He heard a thud. It was then that his excitement was squashed. A hulking, armoured kobold-mole hybrid leapt toward him with an enormous goofy smile.

Krall wanted to join in the happiness.

His body crashed against the bed. Crack. Noah’s body jolted as the entire bed frame snapped under the weight of the beast.

“Krall, you damned beast!” Noah shouted. “Why are you ruining my happiness!”

After admonishing his tamed monster, he entered the new taming room on the far left of the house with a haggard breath. It was two doors instead of one this time, and they opened wide.

A smell of hay and nature wafted into his nose as he walked in. Unlike outside in the harsh humidity, the taming room area seemed to breathe life. The air was clear, like a pine-forest that calmed the senses.

Krall’s head hung, but that was until he took a sniff of the new room. Nose twitching, he shot into the room as he played with anything he could get his hands on.

It wasn’t a normal reaction. Noah wondered if somehow Krall knew about the damage bonus he received, or maybe he just liked the smell of the room? Whatever it was, he was happy. So that made Noah happy–despite breaking his precious bed…

Power boost applied to - Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle.

Krall inspected his body and stood up–until his head thwacked against the ceiling. Noah thought his head was going to go right through the foundations of the house, but it was surprisingly durable–unlike his bed.

He stood with his neck against the ceiling and balled his hands into fists. Although Noah didn’t exactly know how much a ‘small’ increase to power was, it was at least something.

Krall couldn’t help but transfer his eyes from his body, to Noah. They brimmed with a gratefulness that Noah had never seen before.

“Alright you big monster. Don't look at me with those puppy dog eyes. We’re a team.” Noah playfully punched his stalwart thigh.”Your strength is my strength, as they say.”

He didn’t really know who said that, but it sounded cool.

Walking out of the room, there was a large circle formation just slightly above the middle of the room–near the kitchen and bathroom. He ignored it at first, but on closer inspection he noticed small, intricate markings detailed all around the flat surface in the middle.

Approaching it, he used [Identify]

Legacy Hall: A portal that leads to one’s own legacy collection. From treasures to trophies.

Legacy collection? Noah had never heard of such a thing before. And the fact that it was a portal? Noah couldn’t wait to try it out.

He stood on the platform. The moment he blinked, he opened his eyes to another room.

Is that what teleportation feels like? It felt like–nothing. He simply blinked, then awoke here. He had heard so many fantasy stories of people puking their guts out from the travel, but he felt nothing.

Maybe he was just built different? Noah liked to think so as he gazed around at the hall he had awoken to.

Unlike the name suggested; it wasn’t a hall, but just a large room. Maybe it was the size of a football field, but he didn’t truly know as he had never set foot on one.

Lining the room were empty armour stands, plaques with nothing on them all over the wall, and a large hearth in the centre of the room that flickered a violent blaze.

Most of the room was empty, all but the head of a familiar enemy. The Mole King.

Approaching it, there were words under the head.

“On this fateful day, the Otherworlder named Noah obtained the World's First Title - Solo Delver I, by slaying the Mole King alongside his fearsome companion - Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle. Against all odds–he walks alone.”

It was a strange feeling seeing his accomplishment display, but it forced a smile to tug at the corner of his lips.

The evidence of his success only urged his boiling blood to walk forward. Clenching his fists with new found motivation, he left the Legacy Hall.

Standing in the middle of the room, Noah opened up his challenge log.  The horned boar was greyed out and now he needed to select a new target.

New prey.



I was happy when Krall destroyed his bed, maybe that will teach him to have respect and love for bed and NOT to smear his filthy body into it’s new, pure and clean fabric :-(


MC is so filthy rich that he will be able to buy new sheets every time he sleeps instead of cleaning old ones so who cares?