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Noah took a gulping breath, but he remained vigilant. His eyes scanned the surrounding area for any predators. But when he noticed it was clear his shoulders slacked.

Noticing the amount of System notifications that were entering his vision, Noah retreated to a place surrounded by dense trees. Making sure he was hidden in a defensible position, Noah opened them.

You defeated a - Level 32 Horned-Boar.

| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

Challenge Contract completed!
| Calculating Challenge rating…
| Challenge rating - E
| Bonus Experience rewarded from defeating a Challenge contracted monster!

That was just an E rated Challenge? What the hell… Noah was rooted to the spot. He knew he was still at the lower rungs of this world still, but the fact that a beast that could easily reap his life if he was caught unaware was only E rated left a sour taste in his mouth.

But despite the sour taste, his blood boiled. It just meant that the world was huge if such a strong monster could be rated E rank.

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 23 -> Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 25

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 23 -> Krall level 25

| Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle is ready to evolve to the next stage.
| Would you like Krall to evolve now? Y/N

Noah scratched his head. Was it really so easy for monsters to evolve? He had watched countless hours of the broadcast and although there weren’t that many that focused on taming, he didn’t remember them going through two early evolutions.

But maybe that was the case?

He was about to accept the evolution prompt, but he remembered Krall back within the cave. If he hadn’t eaten the armoured kobold’s heart, then what evolution would he have received? Noah doubted it would be a good one.

Krall was already malnourished while also being cast away from his group. His companion was just like him, so he decided to hang on for a chance at a better evolution. Maybe if he could kill a stronger, more unique kobold, would his potential only grow higher.

You are the first person to reach the Milestone Level - 25 - You will be awarded a World First Title.
| World's First Title - Level 25 Leader: All Stats +5

Noah smiled at the Title. It wasn’t a lot, but it helped his non pathstone Stats a little–just like the Level ten one.

Tier 2 taming mission complete!
| Mounted Class mission.

| Level 10 Mission II - Kill 50 monsters above level 15 with your tamed monster. Acquire 25 riding hours.

| Reward: Uncommon trinket. Common Pet stimulants x5.

Finally, Noah was waiting for it mainly for the Uncommon trinket it promised him. Because it was from the Mounted Class mission meant that it would have the Stats he needed the most.

The horned-boar must have been the last kill he needed for it to complete. In front of him, a necklace dropped down onto the floor. It was a common piece of string and adorned to it was a pendant of a tooth. The animal it belonged to was unknown, even with [Identify].

Uncommon - Level 20 - Pendant of Beasts: A pendant of unknown origin used by beast tamers.
| +5 Will, +3 Con
| Tamed beasts/monsters deal 5% more damage.

Noah immediately put it on before moving to the next line of missions, but was immediately stopped when he noticed it was greyed out with a few words next to it. He needed to first pick his Class evolution.

Level 25 Milestone reached!
| Requirements for evolution: Defeat a Level 30 monster, gain 10 sponsors, complete an area mission.
| Requirements for evolutions met.
| Class evolution in progress…
| Displaying list of Classes from the user’s life experience so far.

Unlike the first selection when he had chosen Mounted Tamer, this time was different. The selection was more focused on what he was working on currently. There were no basic Class variants from the time before, but they were all about taming or mounted combat.

Noah moved to the first one.

Un-common - Tamer of Titans: As the Tamer of Titans, you know how to tame monsters of considerable size, and how to command them efficiently. Whether that’s telling them to stomp, crush, or consume your foes. This class offers bonuses to gargantuan monsters.

Well, he guessed that was because of Krall, although he wasn’t exactly on the colossal side, he was still quite tall compared to most humans. Whether or not that should be considered as gargantuan was another matter entirely.

Whatever it was, Noah was against it. It was too limiting. There was no description of helping his own combat abilities, and although he had [Monstrous Allegiance], it wasn’t enough.

His tamed monster was meant to be an addition to his own strength, not the main focus.

Un-common - Taming Thief: The Taming Thief steals the power of their tamed companion to boost themselves beyond their natural limit. Whether that’s the monster’s abilities, Stats, or bloodline. For the Taming Thief, what’s theirs–is always yours.

Noah shook his head. It was on the other spectrum compared to Tamer of Titans. Pact of Two was similar in the way it took Krall’s stats, but the Skill didn’t take away from his tamed monster–whereas the Taming Thief did.

It would make Krall weaker, and right now, Krall was the one he relied on to take the damage as his body was a lot more sturdy compared to his own. He moved onto the next.

Un-common - Shock Cavalry: As a soldier, you use the momentum of your domineering steed to be the first onto the battlefield–and the first to kill. Grants bonuses towards rider and its beast.

It was boring compared to the others, but it was more along the lines of what he wanted. Double strength. Not just boosting his power, but Krall’s as well.

Rare - Phantom Lancer: Become a phantom within the shadows alongside your tamed companion. Unseen, use sudden silent charges to reap the lives of your enemies in devastating attacks while remaining hidden. Grants bonuses towards stealth, rider, and beast.

Yes. It sounded exactly what he wanted. Stealth would allow him to hide from the monsters he couldn't defeat, while also granting him a terrifying charge from the shadows. It was the perfect choice considering that was how he had managed to kill the previous difficult enemies.

If he hadn’t had those Skill combinations, he doubted he could have made it so far on his own. But he was aware of its weaknesses, and that was once they reached Level twenty-five.

Others would begin getting stronger and stronger, and they wouldn’t need to share stats or power with something like a tamed beast. They would have others to specialise their Classes, others to lean on–to let them get away with weaknesses.

Noah couldn’t relax here.

Rare - Pocket Tamer: The Pocket Tamer uses mana to store their tamed monster within their ‘Heart’. With instant summoning, the Pocket Tamer relies on surprise attacks to nail their enemies in an instant. Grants bonuses towards the user, and the beast.

Rare - Myriad Tamer: Use your language of the beasts to control your grasp on monsters. The Myriad Tamer uses its powerful mastery of taming to gain control of a high number of monsters. Although their strength is reduced, there is power in numbers.

Those were all the choices he received. Understandably there was no Epic tiered Class, but that was only natural. He didn’t even have an Epic Pathstone and the only reason he was able to obtain a Rare Class was from his recently obtained Attacking Tamer Pathstone.

That brought him to his decision. Pocket Tamer would save a lot of trouble being able to store his tamed monster into his so-called ‘Heart’, whatever that was, anyway.

While Myriad Tamer would be like a necromancer, or a lich. It sounded powerful, but it didn’t seem to have any boosts to his personal strength. If he was caught on his own, no-matter how many monsters he had–he’d be dead before they could help. Besides, just the thought of having to feed so many weaker beasts sent a shiver down his spine. I’m not a damned nanny. Noah shook his head.

From all the choices, Phantom Lancer was the most accurate to his fighting style. So that was the choice he made.

You have chosen the Class - Phantom Lancer.
| Conditions met for activation: Kill a Level 30 enemy with your tamed monster. Accumulate a lifetime of 50 riding hours. Spend 5 hours in stealth.
| Your rate of being detected has lessened. The weight of your footsteps has lessened. Strength after emerging from the shadows has increased greatly for a short period of time. Vision in the dark has improved considerably.

Grinning, Noah tried out the new effects of his Class. The rate of being detected wasn’t possible so far as there weren't any beasts in the surroundings, but he immediately noticed the difference in his footsteps.

Krall took a step forward, and the sound had lessened considerably. Not only that, but he no longer gouged out a piece of earth into the ground at every step.

Excitement bubbled within him as he used [Shrouded Presence]. His eyes widened as the shadows stretched to at least double as to what they had done before. But not only that, his footsteps had quieted even further.

Then, he [Charged] out from them, and instantly noticed the stark difference in power. He shot out the shadows on the back of Krall like a bullet. Lunging out his spear, it was like a supernatural viper that wanted the taste of blood.

Noah couldn’t wait to try it out on a target.


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