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“Oh you made it.” Noah greeted the princess.

Her face was shrouded in awe as she entered the hub. Eyes hazing over from the System messages, her entire attention was absorbed into the System.

Noah shook his head and stood up. Another System notification greeted him.

Challenge log. Noah thought and another screen flashed open.

There was a main section that was titled ‘Imprexis’. Is that the region we are in? Noah’s brows perked up at the information.

Others joined it below, but they were all greyed out currently–the method of unlocking them was a current mystery to him. It seems like they are indeed different regions, interesting. Noah smiled at uncovering the bonus information.

He focused on Imprexis.

It had numerous pictures of all different kinds of monsters. But there was a theme to all of them, they all looked scary. At the top of the list was a mighty looking kobold. It was huge, probably at the peak height of a basketball player, but it was its muscles that made him wary. They were like steel wires bundled together, then compressed even further. He had never seen anything like it before, well, apart from on the broadcast that was.

But that didn’t count.

Also displayed was its presumed Level range; Thirty to thirty-five. It would be a difficult fight, but Noah bet he could deal with it if he relied on his powerful stealthy charge. However, he shot down the idea. A name accompanied the picture of the beast–Kobold Chieftain.

That meant that it was in charge of either an army, or a large cohort of kobolds. He wouldn’t be able to enact an ambush unless he lured it out of its domain.

Noah shook his head, it was too risky. He needed something that he could ambush, and that was on its own–unlike him. He wanted to take advantage of the fact that he had a strong companion by his side. Something that wouldn’t detect him in stealth either so he could make use of his greatest strength. A sudden charge from the shadows.

Passing by a few more monsters, his mind stopped on a monster, or more accurately, a beast. It was a boar with a singular horn. Noah guessed it was to supplement its berserker-like charge, but to him it was an ideal prey.

Boars often rested next to pools of water, they had tough bodies–but with no armour–a powerfully accurate hit was all that was needed to topple the mighty animal. Although they had a great sense of smell that contradicted one of his points, he could negate it with a scent blocker.

Of course, the boar would be protecting a strong pool of water. He could fish after killing the beast, killing two birds with one stone.

It was in the same Level range as the kobold chieftain, so Noah accepted it.

You have selected the F-Tier Challenge contract - Horned-Boar.
| Reward: Grace Coins, Uncommon Health Potions x2, and a Light Crystal.

A Light Crystal acted like a torch. Without flame and a long charge, it was perfect for dungeon delving. Something he had to be on the lookout for now that he had finished the Hub mission.

Cracking his neck, Noah sauntered toward the back side of the Hub. Past it was where the stronger monsters resided, so it was where he had to go.

Before he left, a noble voice reached his departing ears. “You brought us here Noah, you have my eternal thanks.”

“Thanks isn’t needed,” Noah said without turning around. “When the others arrive, make sure you make contact with those who have Professions. I need a Woodcutter and a Smither, for these houses.”

“It will be done, warrior.”

Noah shrugged. Before leaving, he used the Epic Housing Ticket in a spacious area that was nearest to a mountainous area. It meant that when the barrier expired, his house would be in the most ideal spot for defence.

He ripped it, then an enormous red outline shone within his eyes. Judging by the stunned reaction of the elves, they could also see it.

With that done, he left.

Through the barrier on the other side, the humid jungle once again beat against his back.

“Let’s get to it then, huh buddy?” Noah patted Krall’s shoulder and stepped on his back.

It was time to explore and find the little piggy.


Shit, that is one big piggy. Noah stared at a hulking boar that almost reached his chest in height from inside a bush. The daunting horn on its head was pointier, and deadlier than his System granted spear. Apprehension filled him as he gazed at its question marked Level, but it was quickly replaced with a hunting desire.

It’s nose twitched as Noah’s heart dropped, but he was covered head-to-toe in scent blocker. There was no way it knew he was there. After a few minutes of it not acting, he let out an inaudible sigh.

No pain, no gain. Noah happily reminded himself.

He was becoming impatient. Because the bush wasn’t big enough, he wasn’t able to mount an attack as he was crouched beside the prone Krall.

Noah looked at the bush to the side. It was spacious and offered the room he needed to be mounted on Krall for the ambush. But of course plans never went the way he wanted them to.

At first he made certain that the boar wasn’t here, of course he had no way of actually knowing if this was the beast's water hole. But before he could get to the correct bush, he heard a monster stomping.

It was the Horned-Boar. Just his luck.

Noah was forced to push the taller Krall into the cramped shrubbery, and that meant he was in his current predicament. He just had to wait.

And wait he did, for hours. Two hours to be exact, he was forced to watch the boar guzzle litres of water into its damned never-ending stomach.

Was it ever going to stop? It was a fun little game Noah played to kill time, but finally something happened. Another monster wanted a drink, and judging by the rare crystal-like quality to the water, it was a jungle delicacy worth fighting over.

It was a small group of tabaxi and since he still couldn’t see their level–they were strong.

The tabaxi hissed, showing off their fangs to the boar. They brandished their weapons in preparation.

Noah squinted his eyes as droplets of sweat poured from his forehead. There was no way the tabaxi could fight the horned-boar, that meant they had a method of defeating it.

Snorting, the boar turned around with a snap of movement. Like an arrow loosed from a bow, it hurtled toward the tabaxi.

So that was why… the boar was too fast to run away from–so they were forced to fight.

It looked like the tabaxi were well aware of how to fight against the boar as they immediately split up and retreated behind the trees; using them as cover.

The moment the boar attacked the other intruders, Noah moved with Krall to the more spacious bush as quietly as possible. Although he caught the sight-line of a tabaxi, Noah doubted they would be able to kill his prey, and turn their attention onto him. The boar wasn’t to be trifled with, the challenge rating was evident of that.

Multiple wounds were inflicted against the horned-boar, but none managed to dig deep enough to deal any meaningful damage.

Before the tabaxi could make a mistake, they dashed away the moment they could.

Thankfully for Noah, the boar returned back to the water-hole as if the fight hadn’t even occurred in the first place.

Amazed at the monster’s lackadaisical approach to having just been attacked, Noah focused his attention on his attack.

Five minutes passed and Noah was certain the boar had no idea he had moved bushes. It was time. Noah activated all his Skills in preparation then [Charged] out the bush. [Shrouded Presence] surged forward a little more than before from the Level up. Krall left an indentation within the ground as he stomped forward.

The boar snapped its head up at the sudden sound. Leaning its head to Noah, it only managed to get one tusk pointed at the human before he arrived.

[Overpower] filled his arm with strength as he [Thrusted] his spear into the soft area between the boar's chest.

Powerful resistance tugged at Noah’s shoulder, but gritting his teeth, he pushed forward.

The boar contested against him. A strong burst of air exited the wounded boar's nostrils. Eyes tainted red, it pushed, and twisted. Despite the added pain, it only fueled the raging boar forward.

Krall had to help Noah as they both pushed against the berserking monster. They were gaining ground, Noah was about to use [Kill Command], but the boar wasn’t done yet.

It stomped on the ground, causing them both to stumble. Just that one moment let the boar push forward uncontested. With a mighty snap of its neck, Noah was flung to the ground. The reins of mana around him shattered.

Rolling, Noah dodged the rampaging charge of the boar. It smashed into the hardened palm tree, shaking it from its base. Noah winced in pain from his side.

Krall sprinted in front of Noah to protect him as the boar had already recovered itself. Another blast of air out its nostrils, it careened toward them.

“Hold it Krall!” Noah shouted his order.

Krall puffed out his chest, and with [Kill Command] powering him, he braced his arms for impact with a bestial roar.

The boar's eyes turned a grimacing scarlet at the challenge, it lowered its head as it struck Krall’s guard with a crashing thud. Krall resisted the hit for only a moment before his body was flung to the ground.

Despite the harsh impact of his tamed companion, Noah was ready for the counter attack. Spear forward, he powered his arm with [Thrust].

Noah was about to launch his attack when the boar grunted. Its crazed charge turned into a mad stumble.

Oh shit. Noah cancelled his attack and rolled to the side of the barreling monster. As it passed him, he managed to catch a glimpse of the savage wound gouged into its chest. Blood flowed, the smell of copper followed.

Moist mud caked his hands, knees, and face, but Noah had no time to take his appearance into consideration as the boar stopped its stumbling charge.

It was weak. Noah could see it with his own eyes. The side where its chest was injured, it was trying not to put too much pressure onto its leg. He just needed to fight a little longer.

Not having time to wipe away the mud from his face, Noah sprinted forward, and leapt back onto Krall’s back. Krall [Charged] forward and just as the boar was going to defend against his wide swing, his movement stopped, and then took a small step to the side.

The boar twitched at the sudden change of movement.

Noah was quick to attack. His spear sprang forward, the tip barely making contact with its eyes. Blood spilled.

With a pained screech, it jumped forward in a hasty, and unprepared charge. But this time Krall was ready. His hands reached forward, grabbing the tusks. His entire body was pushed back, the strength of the boar was obviously higher, but Krall didn’t sway.

Under immense pressure, his legs, arms, and back bulged as he contested against the four legged monster. Krall’s feet dug deep into the jungle floor as his eyes turned bloodshot under the strain.

Noah wasted no time as his spear stabbed the boar repeatedly over Krall’s shoulder.

The boar tried to thrash around, but Krall held it with great difficulty. However, the difficulty proved to be too much, with another flick of the beast's head, Krall’s tired body was thrown to the ground with a thud.

Activating his two offensive Skills, Noah blasted his spear forward. It tore through the gaping wound in its chest. Noah felt the tiredness drag his body down, but he refused to give up.

Gritting his teeth, he pushed with the last remnants of strength within his body. He felt a sudden resistance end as the spear’s shafts continued through. Spittle and blood dripped from the boar's mouth, and with a final grunt, it fell to the ground.

A wall of System notifications flashed into view, he ignored most of them, until his eyes landed on a small section.

Level 25 Milestone reached!
| Requirements for evolution: Defeat a Level 30 monster, gain 10 sponsors, complete an area mission.
| Requirements for evolutions met.
| Class evolution in progress…


Mohammed Sheekh

So I just woke up to possibly the most brain bursting notification ever on patreon, is this a new project?, read a few chapters and it's awesome


I have to admit i was sceptical that this would be good considering that most authors of good novels only have one good one and others are meh... Consider me pleasantly surprised this is top rate while not at the level of eyeball pulling that's mostly because i prefer female protagonists. Still will absolutely keep reading this. Good job and thanks.


Wow thank you so much for the kind words! Haha I'm with you, I def prefer female mcs, but after writing one for so long I decided to change it up. Thanks for reading!