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Twitching his head to the side despite the pain, he took a look at the Skill Essence, then placed it in his pocket.

Maera approached with her knights surrounding her in a close formation. She gazed at Noah.

Noah refused to show any ounce of weakness–despite the pain coursing through his body. He knew what it meant to be wounded out in the wild.

Of course Noah wasn’t so stupid to believe they would never betray him and their deal, it was always a possibility–one that he was ready for.

Just like the rexodon that he had defeated, the Stat difference was too large for them to pose a threat, even in his wounded state. And with him not displaying any weakness, it was a gamble that not many would be stupid enough to pounce at.

All that was ignoring another fact. Maera needed him to enter the hub–to carve a path for them.

Using the time, he was about to use a health potion when Maera opened her mouth.

“Don’t waste it, let me heal your wounds.”

Pocketing the potion, Noah smiled, then sauntered forward with strong steps. He could feel his weakened legs tremble, but he fought back the sensation by tensing his muscles.

Noah stopped in front of the princess with his head raised.

Maera simply shook her head and gently placed her hand against his head. A soft warmth entered the wound marring his scalp, it was followed by an intense itch. He struggled to hold back the temptation. In a few seconds, the wound was healed.

“My ribs too.”

Nodding, Maera placed her hand on his naked stomach. This time, it wasn’t as easy as restoring a flesh wound. Sweat formed from her already perspiring forehead, causing beadlets to drop down as she bit her lip.

Noah gripped the handle of his spear until his knuckles turned white. The pain was excruciating as multiple cracks and pops resounded under his flesh.

After a few minutes, Maera took her hands back.

A low hissing groan caused Noah to glance at Krall. He awakened from his unwilling slumber.

“I need you to heal my companion as well.” Noah nudged his head toward Krall.

“Of course.” Maera didn’t complain as she finished healing the armoured kobold.

With that, they were restored to full health. Although there were still remnants of pain lingering around his ribs, and head, it was nothing he wasn’t used to.

The only thing that caused him to hesitate in going further was the exhaustion throughout his body. It was the negative effect of using too many abilities. Especially ones that altered his body through empowering it.

But it was time to check the fruits of his victory.

Making use of the knights’ protection, Noah entered his System.

You defeated a - Level 22 Rexodon
| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

You have Levelled up!
| Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 15 -> Noah ( Mounted Tamer ) level 17

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.
| Krall level 15 -> Krall level 17

You are being watched.

| Ekralo the Beast Tamer has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.
| Scent Blocker x1 added.

| Lenid the Monster Slayer has sponsored you.
| Grace Coins added.
| Common Health Potion x1 added.

| Akrum the mounted terror has sponsored you.

| Grace Coins added.

Ekralo had sponsored him yet again. His guess about his true identity was further cemented within his mind.

A beast tamer was a basic title and that meant that no way someone of his stature would be able to sponsor him so many times. Noah could only imagine the amount that it was costing him.

He had also granted him the most Grace Coins compared to the others. A whopping four hundred for winning the fight against the rexodon. Not even the Monster Slayer whose entire title was about killing monsters rewarded him like that.

Noah picked up the item that fell to the floor. It was a bottle with a wide cap filled with holes. It reminded him of baby powder. Of course he knew what it was, it was used as a means to avoid combat entirely. To skulk around the edge of a battlefield and remain hidden from sight.

But, Noah had no intentions of hiding. He placed it in his pocket. It would be useful.

No stamina potion huh? Stingy bastards. Noah spat. That just meant he had to buy his own.

Glancing at the Grace Coins he currently had, he had more than enough to purchase a few of them, which he fully intended to do.

You have gained the Common Stamina Potion x3: The stamina potion has a mix of uncommon herbs within that revitalises the consumer's body with power to continue physical Skill usage.

After purchasing the potions, he was left with five-hundred and sixty-three coins. It was enough to purchase one piece of equipment, but he was more focused on the consumables that would bring him toward the hub.

Even with the couple thousand he had before the stamina potions, it wasn’t even enough to purchase an Uncommon weapon. It wasn’t worth it. He would much rather have the energy to keep going–Levelling in the process.

Of course, that wasn’t the only System notification that greeted him. He had also Levelled up a general Skill.

Spear Proficiency had Levelled up to two, granting him a very small boost in damage with spear weapons.

Among his other Skills, they had all received a pretty big jump up in progress. Especially [Power Shot] and [Overpower]. It was because they were the greatest contributors to the fight.

[Charge] and [Shrouded Presence] were a close second, followed by all of his Willpower based Skills.

It was the perks of fighting above one's Level. The System rewarded its users based on their efforts.

Obviously, fighting above Level’s meant that the risk of death loomed at any mistake. But the danger of death came with the best rewards. Whether that was with Levels, equipment, sponsors, or Titles.

It was one that Noah fully intended to chase.

Noah took out the Uncommon Skill Essence from his pocket.

You have obtained the Uncommon Strength Skill Essence - Indomitable Push: Fill strength into your arms and push forward with increased might. Increases the damage with shield based attacks.

It was a tanking Skill. Although Noah used a shield, it was only ever going to be used for defence. Peter had made it clear that an offensive shield Skill should only be used if he found nothing else when he arrived here.

He had to play to his strengths.

“Indomitable Push, Uncommon offensive shield based Skill. Although it can be used without one as well.” Noah noticed everyone looking over at a young man that was holding a massive shield.

Maera nodded, then called out to her knight. “Ettran, do you need it?”

Ettran was a stalwart elf standing head and shoulders above Noah. Elves were already tall, but Ettran was an exception even compared to them. He stood at an impressive seven and a half foot, although that was just a guess.

He held a huge two-handed shield that looked very similar to Noah’s but instead of it being round, it was squared like a hulking door.

Although Noah didn’t know how many pathstones he had, or the choice he made. He must have at least two Strength Pathstones.

“It would be a nice addition, your highness,” He said in a deep voice befitting a man of his stature.

Noah nodded, then threw it at the man. He caught it. Surprise was evident on not only his face, but Maera’s as well.

“Protect my back and sides.”

“But, we can trade,” Maera said.

“We’ll do that once we reach the hub area.” Noah cracked his stiff neck. “Besides, how far can you possibly run?”

The threat was obvious.

“You have my word, you will receive what you are due.” Maera curtsied–or the elven variation of it anyway.

Noah took only a few minutes of rest before nodding to himself in encouragement. It was time to push further within.

Krall was of the same mind as he grabbed hold of his mace.

“You’re leaving already?” Maera asked.

“Ain’t no rest for the wicked.” Noah massaged the arm that he had dislocated from the area mission. It was posing problems, but he would have to wait until he reached the hub to give it the rest it needed.

“Are you sure you don’t want us closer?” Maera continued. “I would be able to heal you in the midst of combat.”

“It’s not needed.” Noah shook his head. He was certain Maera didn’t hold any ill will against him, especially since there were rewards to receive–even if she wasn’t the first to reach the hub. There was no doubt participation rewards to be earned from coming in second or third.

Although there wasn’t ill will, that could change in a moment. What if the Skill Essence he received was Epic rarity, would she still hold her honour? It was unclear.

It was better to remain on the safe side.

Noah hopped on Krall’s back and sauntered back into the thick jungle trees.

Looking around, it was quiet, but not overly so. Bird chatter echoed against the hardened bark of otherworld trees. It was a welcome sound. It meant that there wasn’t a dangerous predator in the vicinity. Well, not one that the birds could detect anyway.

With the princess and her knights covering his flank and sides, it meant he could now solely focus on the front. It made scouting a hell of a lot easier now that he didn’t need to rotate his head this way and that.

Noah used the respite to re-apply the sun block to his face, arms, and any other skin that was now on display thanks to his tattered clothes.

There wasn’t another monster in sight. Noah thought that the rexodon must have scared everything off. Even if it was injured, he doubted other monsters cared to gamble their lives against a cornered beast.

Is what he thought, but he was instantly reminded to always remain cautious.

Noah passed by a low hanging vine, he ducked past it, only for his shoulders to tense.

The fine hairs on the nape of his neck tingled as the vine shot to life. It instantly coiled around his neck. There was no warning. No sound. Just violence.

Noah’s finger tips latched into the scales of the beast and raked across them. It was futile. His eyes bulged. He couldn’t even mutter a single sound as his throat threatened to collapse.

Krall grabbed hold of the log sized snake and yanked it out of the tree. He scampered to its head and ignored the piercing bite of the monster.

His powerful hands clamped around the snake's head.

Noah may have had his breathing halted, yet it didn’t stop his thoughts. He used [Kill Command] right away.

Krall’s body surged with primal strength. He thwacked his club down just behind the snake's head, then stomped down towards its skull.

The murder spaghetti’s fangs attempted to pierce Krall’s feet, but they were surprisingly solid. The fangs shattered as Krall’s foot didn’t stop for anything.


The sound of bone breaking, was followed by a wet squelch. Red, pink, and white chunks remained as Krall lifted his foot.

He bolted to Noah’s side as he pried the still coiling snake off his throat.

Noah coughed and spluttered. He heaved in gulps of hot, humid air. All while massaging the purple bruise that was like a brand around his neck.

“Ah, I love this place.” His voice was hoarse and strained as he lay on the damned hot jungle floor.

A wild smile crept onto his lips. He would have laughed if not for the swollen walls of his trachea.


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