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Noah tensed the muscles in his body and pulled. God dammit, fishing was meant to be relaxing. Thankfully the wrestling match between man and fish lasted only a few moments before he won.

With another yank of the fishing-rod, the fish exploded out of the water like a missile–its target? Maera.

The lady stumbled back and the knights blasted forward in an attempt to protect their princess, however, they were too far away to be of help.

Luckily, Noah was prepared. He had already ordered Krall to be ready for any sudden attack.

Noah activated [Kill Command]. Krall’s body surged with strength at the Skill and smashed the fish into the ground.

Right in front of Maera’s feet. She stood back and held her chest, taking a relieved breath in the next moment.

The fish wasn’t able to offer a fight as even its motor neurons were cut off completely from the thwack of Krall’s club. It was dead as dead could be.

Congratulations, you caught an Uncommon Grade Fish!

| Extra experience is rewarded for catching a fish above your current Fishing Level.

You defeated a - Level 13 Snapping Cobbler
| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

Your Fishing Profession has Levelled up!
| Fishing Level 6 -> Fishing Level 7

Uncommon, huh? Noah nodded in satisfaction as he used [Objectify] on it. He was so close to levelling it, he could practically taste it. Or maybe it was just the smell of the fish…

Level 13 - Snapping Cobbler: The Snapping Cobbler is a peculiar fish that has certain benefits when consumed by different animals. To identify further, Level Objectify.

Guess I need to wait then? Noah sighed, then threw the fish to Krall. He might not have the Skill, so that just meant that he would just have to do some animal testing.

Krall sniffed it for a second before his eyes lit up in delight. He tilted his head back then swallowed the fish whole.

Your tamed monster has consumed the Snapping Cobbler.
| Strength is increased by 5 for three hours.

Krall hopped on the spot as he nudged his head from Noah, to the pool–as if asking for more.

With his tamed monster gaining the Stat points, it was then halved from his [Monstrous Allegiance] Skill, and added onto himself.

It seemed like Peter’s theory in Fishing being the best Profession for him was slowly bearing fruits.

Noah was about to cast his line once more, until he noticed the angry knights by the side. He just shrugged. It wasn’t his fault the princess was sitting in the frontlines. Fishing was a dangerous, and definitely not relaxing profession after all.

Casting his line, the princess shuffled further back this time.

“You’re already Level ten?” She asked.

“Wasn’t it obvious?”

Maera bobbed her head. “Which pathstones did you choose? I’ve never seen your combination before. It seems–”


“Yes,” Maera admitted, “Usually, one would usually avoid mounted combat as Will is a wasted path when used in conjunction with Strength and Constitution. It is more efficient to rely on archery, and have the pet fight in front.”

“Usually.” Noah beamed a smile. He didn’t intend to tell her that he managed to luck out and obtain a Might Pathstone and in fact had Dexterity in Constitution place. He’d just let her believe what she wanted to believe.

He could explain to her that he had chosen the Path in order to sweep up World First Titles, and the sponsors, to make up for the Mounted Path’s weakness. But there was no need to divulge too much information.

“You’re strange, Noah.” Maera sighed.

“And you ask too many questions–” Noah was interrupted by a pull of his fishing-rod, only for the entire line to snap and disappear into the deep pool of water.

Noah tutted. He was forced to use more of his precious line.

“Then I’ll only ask one more. One that benefits your–bravery. I want us to enter a partnership, one that extends past what we initially agreed upon. Past the tutorial, and further beyond into the Outerworld.”

Noah thought for a moment before he nodded. No matter how strong he was, it was always beneficial to lessen the enemies at his back.

“I accept.” Noah spat on his hand, and placed it forward.

For the first time, the princess scrunched her brows as she gazed at his hand.

“It’s to signal a bond of words.” Noah added.

Maera hesitated.

“Princess, I’ll do it for you.” A handsome knight that was always the closest to her interrupted. He shot a scowl at Noah.

“It’s fine, it’s just a human tradition,” Maera said, then spat on her hand as well, then locked it around Noah’s.

“The bond is sealed. Break it, and the gods will smite you from the heavens.” Noah’s expression turned serious.

Maera’s shoulders jerked at the words and bobbed her head up and down repeatedly. She gazed up at the sky and murmured a prayer. Then her brows furrowed and looked back at Noah.

“I thought you weren’t religious?”

“I’m not.”

Noah broke out in laughter as he cast his fishing-rod back into the pool of water.


It was barely the crack of dawn. Birds whistled, signalling the beginning of a new day. It had rained all through the night, soaking the thick jungle soil into a muddy mess.

However, no amount of dirt could ruin his good mood from the previous night of fishing, and his success in the morning.

Noah had gained two Fishing Skill Essences. One was of Common rarity that displayed an eye above a pool of water, the other was an Uncommon one, showcasing a monster eating a fish.

You have obtained the Common Fishing Skill Essence - Fish Eyes: You have gained the eyesight of a fish. Detect where the best spots of water are located for casting your line.

You have obtained the Uncommon Fishing Skill Essence - Monster’s Delight: Any fish you feed to your tamed monster will be granted one extra buff based on the fish consumed.

Of course, when it rained, it poured.

[Objectify] has reached the peak of Level 1.
| [Objectify] Level 1 -> [Identify] Level 2
| [Identify] Level 2: Identify the world and its inhabitants. You are able to Identify anything five levels above. Every level, this increases by 5.

Noah turned his vision to the princess and tested his new [Identify] Skill.

Name: Maera - Level 8 - Path: ???

He pinched his chin in thought. Was the Path blanked out because he was restricted, or didn’t she have the path yet? After quickly checking the Knights to figure it out, it was clear to him that he was being restricted by the Level of the Skill.

Well, it didn’t really matter. It just meant he would need to remain cautious against other humans with Paths, as It wasn’t uncommon for others to hide a pathstone’s Skills. Rather, people kept hold of them for trump cards.

Noah tested his new Skill [Fish Eyes]. Activating it near the pool of water, he could see… well nothing. Not exactly anyway. It was more like a feeling was directing him to a certain location within the pool.

With the race, he was strapped for time, but he needed every bonus he could get his hands on. And luckily, [Monster’s Delight] was hopefully going to offer him a little more.

He cast his line into the sensitive area that he spotted with [Fish Eyes], and not long later, he wrestled up another snapping cobbler. Noah had only managed to catch one the entire night, the other was right now.

Fishing heavily relied on the area. If it was such a small pool like this, it was difficult, or even impossible, to reach a fish of Rare quality. And even Fish such as the cobbler were very hard to come by.

Krall smashed it into the ground.

Congratulations, you caught an Uncommon Grade Fish!

You defeated a - Level 13 Snapping Cobbler

Your Fishing Profession has Levelled up!
| Fishing Level 7 -> Fishing Level 8

Nice. Noah happily used [Monster’s Delight]. A strange light blue glow hue surrounded the fish that reminded him of mana.

Krall was eagerly waiting as he fidgeted on the spot. He was practically drooling as he gazed at the fish.

Noah gave the command. Krall snatched it from the floor and gobbled it whole.

Your tamed monster has consumed the Snapping Cobbler.
| Strength is increased by 6 for three hours.
| [Monster’s Delight] has activated!
| Granting buff based on the Snapping Cobbler.
| Damage done with teeth is increased by 15%

Although it wasn’t a lot, with their current stats, fifteen percent extra was a boost not to be ignored. With that sorted, Noah checked on the time he had left to reach the hub area.

First person to reach the hub will be awarded a World First Title.

Time left for reward gain: 35:15:26s

Time was ticking down. It was time to make his move.

Just like before, he took the lead while the princess and the others remained further back–well out of his way. There was another reason for it, and it wasn’t just because he didn’t trust them. No, it was because he was greedy. One that the princess obviously understood from their deal.

Noah wanted all the Levels to himself to retain his lead. If he helped the others, then he would fall behind. In the end, it would not only risk his freedom to roam the tutorial, and the fun that he would have, but his life.

As they ran through the jungle, he encountered another group of jungle goblins. There wasn’t a warrior amongst them. Noah wondered if it was like before where the warrior was somewhere else, or maybe not all groups hand a warrior?

Of course, he could also be exiting the domain of the jungle goblins.

He wasn’t sure, but he used [Shrouded Presence] to hide his approach. The light was still not fully out at this point, so it was perfect for an ambush

Noah used [Identify] on them as he sprinted.

Jungle Goblin - Level 12
Jungle Goblin - Level 14

In total, there were six of them.

That’s better. Noah grinned as he felt the humid wind buffet his face. Just as he was getting closer, he commanded Krall to sprint in between the trees on the right as it was a little darker than the rest of the area.

The goblins turned at the noise of Krall’s footsteps, but they were hidden by the trees, and the shadows.

At the last moment, Noah used [Charged] as they blasted out of the shadows like a rampaging phantom. [Thrust] was already strengthening his arm as his spear blasted a hole into the Level fourteen goblin’s chest.

Recovering his spear, he pierced another goblins throat with a quick snap of his wrist.

Krall swung his club in a wide arc–strengthened with [Kill Command]–the attack overpowered three goblins all at once, blasting them off their feet.

Noah leapt off Krall’s back and [Thrust] his spear at another goblin. However, the monster had recovered from the initial surprise attack and ducked under the spear’s tip.

Instead of attacking, it coiled itself around the tree and climbed up–out of the spear's reach.

However, the other goblins that Krall faced weren’t so lucky. Two of those struck to the ground from his club were groaning in pain, while the other that faced the brunt of the attack was silent.

Krall lunged forward and ignored the dagger strike to the chest and grabbed it in a death grip. With one hand moving its head to the side, the other yanked the monster's arm. Then, chomp. Krall’s heavy head increased the strength of his bite force as he clamped his jaw around the goblin’s throat.

Tearing it away, the monster instantly fell to the ground with a wet thud.

In just a sneaky moment, the monsters were defeated. Only two remained groaning on the ground, but Noah quickly finished them off.

He gave them a quick one over, hoping to see any piece of loot, but there was nothing worth picking up. Unless he wanted their loincloths. But thankfully those days were behind him now. He now had a backpack, he was a new man.

With nothing to loot, he immediately continued his journey ahead.

Noah and Krall faced another group of jungle goblins, but it was a smaller unit than before. Numbering only at four. However, they were ready.

The goblins seemed as if they were hunting something as they were already in the trees. Noah was forced to use his bow in order to make them angry enough to attack. Of course, once they were down on the ground, they were easy pickings.

But it seemed his third guess about the warriors was true. He was leaving their domain.

It wasn’t long before his guess was confirmed.

A monster of terrifying proportions sauntered forward as if it owned the land it was walking on. A lone spike stuck out of its head while thick scales covered its body. Its hind legs were far larger than the front two, of which they were tiny.

The monster twitched its nostrils, then gazed right at him.

Noah felt the might of a predator.

Rexodon  - Level ??

Shit. Noah grinned as he readied his spear and shifted his shield into a comfortable position. It was going to be one hell of a fight.


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