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You defeated a - Level 13 Jungle Goblin Warrior.
You defeated a - Level 6 Jungle Goblin

Even after defeating a level thirteen and multiple monsters almost reaching the double digits–he still didn’t receive a Level.

It just meant he had to find stronger opponents.

Krall rubbed his shoulders one-by-one, relieving himself from the pain of tanking the hit straight to his arms. Noah could tell it wasn’t anything serious, just a small ache. He was becoming more in tune with Krall the longer he spent with him.

Was he beginning to gain an understanding into his Mind? Noah didn’t know, but he could feel something creeping within his thoughts.

He was desperate to achieve the World First Title for reaching an iron rank in a Mounted Skill, but it wasn’t something he could force. Only time would tell if he could achieve it before anyone else, although he was confident.

What other psychopath would choose a Mounted Class like him? Probably no-one, unless someone was an avid horse rider back on earth.

Noah shrugged and hopped on Krall’s back. It was time to see what all the fuss was about in the distance.

Krall stomped on the floor, uncaring of the twigs he broke, or the scuttling sound of leaves.

Noah sighed and used [Shrouded Presence]. His stomping footsteps were masked from the Skill, but of course it wasn’t perfect. But it would at least provide a false layer of illusion to the true size or strength to Krall.

They approached the sound of battle.


The jungle was a mess. No, it was more akin to a battlefield. Dead corpses of jungle goblins lay scattered on the ground as her personal guards were cutting through them–however–mistakes were always to be made.

Knight Sharian had caught a goblin blade to the face. Blood splashed onto the green foliage underfoot as he stumbled back.

All her knights were highly trained despite being so young. Sharian didn’t even hold his wound as he rolled back into the formation of the knights.

Princess Maera used her healing Skill; [Healing Hands]. A holy feeling surged from her heart, through her mana veins, and into her palms. It left her hand in a translucent beam of energy–and gently hugged Knight Sharian’s face.

She prayed a silent prayer to the goddess as the wound scabbed over in only a second. It was the magical power of a healing spell.

But it wasn’t enough. Despite her highly trained knights–they were being pushed back. It was meant to only be a small roaming party of jungle goblins, but more had joined them.

A projectile swished through the air–aiming for her head. But Knight Faelar was quick to react. He hoisted up his shield as the strong impact from the arrow sent him back a couple steps. His armour pressed up against the Princess, the touch made him jolt forward.

“Princess, we can’t win,” Kight Faelar said in a calm voice. As if they weren’t currently under threat. “We should retreat further back to the shoreline–where the monsters are weaker and rekindle our strength.”

They were sound words. She knew well to place her trust in Knight Faelar, but from the Goddesses message from back home, she creased her golden brows. Where is the warrior?

But he wasn’t here. Maera had no choice but to listen to Faelar. “You are my strength, my knights.”

At the princesses’ words, they began their retread. Or they would have if not for an enormous thud.

Maera snapped her head to the side, only to see a hulking jungle goblin. It stood head and shoulders above the others, it was even taller than her strongest knight–Faelar. It held a powerful hammer that was steeped in blood. Drip. The viscous red dropped on the knight under its foot.

His breathing had already stopped with just one surprise attack.

Her heart hurt, but it wasn’t the time to show her emotions. She had to remain strong for her Knights. She was always taught the importance of morale as a leader.

Knight Faelar immediately commanded another knight to take his place as he sprinted in front of her. He held his blade and shield at the ready–his eyes held a cold glint. He was ready to give his life for the royal princess.

The elite goblin made a move. It slammed its foot against the tree and propelled itself forward with a surge of speed. It swung its hammer in a powerful wide swing.

A dim golden light shone from Faelar’s shield as he blocked the incoming hit. The hammer clanged against the metal. Faelar grit his teeth as the strength wasn’t something he could compete against, but his Skill had lowered the hit significantly.

Swinging it in an arc was a waste of energy–and time. So he lunged his sword instead. Faelar thought he had time to counter as the monster had just attacked with a heavy weapon, but he was wrong.

The monster simply snapped its arms forward and held his throat with one hand, while the other held his sword-hand.

He choked, the sound of air struggling out of his windpipes assaulted Maera’s ears. An intense boiling heat surged through her body. It was an emotion she was trained to never show.

“Knights!” Maera screamed and used [Goddess’ Blessing]. She was hesitant in over-taxing her mana, in case her body collapsed. But she was no longer in a situation to care about her own safety. They had to live.

The power of the Goddess surged through her knights bodies, but it wasn’t enough to make up the number difference. Despite that, her warriors understood the assignment.

They shot forward, only to be intercepted by another group of jungle goblins. Sixteen in total. They were completely surrounded.

Goddess, this can not be the end. Please guide me to the warrior you mentioned. Maera nibbled her lips.

Anything, any sign at all. She clasped her hands together in prayer. Her prayers were answered.

From the corner of her eye, something rocketed out of the shadows like a raging bull. It throttled forward at full speed, a speed that she had only seen before by the Order of Knights back on Letune.

The monster was heavily clad in armour. It resembled hardened bone and it covered most of its body. The left arm was wider than the other–presumably acting as a shield. However, it was the young man on the back of the beast that caused her ice blue eyes to widen.

He was a young human with medium length blonde hair, but black at the roots. A scar had been etched through his right brow, and deep black tattoos covered the majority of his right arm. He wasn’t tall, rather, he was on the smaller side. He was average. It looked like he was wearing remnants of a school uniform, but the white shirt was no longer white but mottled with yellow, red, and mud spots. But his eyes–they held something she couldn’t quite put her finger on. Wild. Chaotic. Kind. Free. It was a strange combination, but they seemed to be in harmony with each-other.

The fated warrior. Excitement bubbled within Maera’s body. But knowing his future, she couldn’t help but feel a hint of pain stab into her heart.

The young man broke out of the shadows silently. He didn’t emit a single shout or war scream. It was calm, calculated, and vicious. His spear shot forward without any hesitation and like a guided missile–penetrated the tall goblin’s chest.

It was killed in an instant, the strange footsteps of the armoured monster had messed with its senses. It wasn’t expecting such a charge. She could tell because neither did she.

The tide was turned instantly with the leader being killed. Her knights–along with the human, and his beast–wiped out the goblins without further issue.

Maera approached the young man and his monster. However, she instantly stepped back as he pointed his spear at her throat.

“Woah there, don’t get too close,” he said with a slight devilish smirk. He seemed careless, yet his eyes were incredibly aware of his surroundings. Namely her and her knights. “I’m a little skittish you see.”

Faelar was about to step forward, but Maera raised her hand. She at first ignored the young man, instead, she rushed to the side of her injured knights and healed them one-by-one.

Strength was sifting through her body like a sieve, but she persisted.

Then she made her way to a bloody knight. He was unrecognisable–but she had long recognised the faces of her sword protectors.

It was Knight Travaran. He had passed. She gently wiped her palm across his face–closing his eyes–and offering a prayer to the goddess.

“It’s understandable,” Maera said, still crouched down–she then stood up and looked at the young man. She fought back the lump in her throat. “These jungles are unpredictable, it is only human nature to be wary of others.”

The fated warrior–destined to die. Maera gazed into his eyes.


Noah rested his spear against his shoulder as he nodded at her words. It was human nature to be wary of others. But that was ancient thinking when humans still hunted with spears and feared the dark. Now, especially humans on Earth, trusted anyone that spoke coherent words.

He glanced down at the bloodied knight. His face was unrecognisable. Disfigured by the jungle goblin warrior.

The woman was wearing a bloodied white flowing dress, but it was the ears peeking out from the golden hair that made him interested. She was obviously an elven princess of some kind, and she seemed to care for the knight that had given his life for her. Although he couldn’t claim to be an expert in judging others, at least on the surface, she cared.

“Sorry for your loss.” Noah turned. His words were true–if she did care–that was. He understood the pain of loss well. Not just himself, but he had seen how it affected his friends.

He approached the jungle goblin warrior and yanked the monster's stubby horn. Noah took a closer look at the ring. It was shiny.

Noah rested the goblins head against a rock, then stomped down on the horn. With a snap, the embedded ring fell to the floor. He picked it up.

You have gained an Uncommon piece of jewellery - Level 10 - Ring of Minor Strength: The golden ring has a weak enchantment of strength engraved into the surface.
| +5 Str

Noah nodded in happiness and immediately wore the ring. It was time to leave. He walked toward the pillar of light.

“Wait!” The golden haired woman shouted.

Noah glanced over his shoulder, he was about to say something, but the elf princess continued. “I propose a work agreement. A partnership, if you will.”

“Go on.” Noah tilted his head.

Nodding, she continued. “I know that you are wary of us, so we will stay far back from where you fight. We will clear the monsters from your flank, and I will heal your wounds if you need it. All I ask is that you bring us to the Hub, and allow us to trade our goods with each other.”

He was about to refuse on instinct, but the word healer caught his attention. If she truly was a healer, then it would be a great boon to his race for the hub title.

“Alright then, you have a deal.” Noah smiled.

Noah continued further into the jungle before the lady could say anything else. Based on the strength of her strongest knight–they wouldn’t stand a chance if they decided to foolishly attack him–even if he was already in a fight.

With full confidence, he sauntered forward. The race was going to be a long and arduous event. But it was one he would win.


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