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The furry humanoid was about to attack with the red glowing weapon, when a shout from Declan halted his movement. Noah wasn’t sure what was said, but it was then that a group of other humans exited the jungle–along with another a few hundred feet down the beach.

Survivors had arrived. At least those who had decided to take the risk and abandon the race.

Noah couldn’t make out their faces, but for now, it didn’t matter. The anomaly was nearing. He could almost touch it. The box was a dark blue–attributing to the fact that it was a Rare quality supply drop.

Some of the survivors bolted to the ocean and dived into the stormy waves. They had no time to prepare a raft, they relied solely upon their System strengthened bodies.

Idiots. Noah spat. They were obviously some of the Trained from earth, among others that he didn’t recognise. But they were obviously weaker than himself, and even then, he was aware of the uncertain dangers he would face. It was a huge gamble. And for a Rare equipment–most wouldn’t risk death to obtain it.

However, there were some that weren’t as brave, or stupid as the others. They were more apprehensive. Weighing the risk-to-reward that was so vital to survival in another world. It was the smart choice. As the next sight re-affirmed their fears.

The weakest of the Trained simply couldn’t beat the turbulent waves, while a minority of them were sucked into the rip. Their heads were swallowed whole by the tall waves. The timing of them was disorderly because of the rip. One wave came from the front, another from the side–until they weren’t given a chance to properly gain their breath. Then, in the next moments, the rip delivered their bodies straight for the jagged rocks. Screams only lasted for a second before their bodies vanished. A scarlet red mist took its place, only for it to be washed deeper into the waters.

It was the power of the ocean. The terrifying result of nature on another world.

But, there were always those that were lucky enough to make it. Whether it was a result of their combination of Pathstones, or they had a passive Skill Essence to help them in the water, Noah didn’t know.

They were approaching. Noah readied himself.

Time Remaining until drop: 16 seconds.

A Strength user dove under the wave and re-emerged from the water. His muscles were like bundled steel-wires as they tensed at every movement. He was obviously a Trained from back on earth; one that invested heavily on building his strength. His bald head gleamed under the beating sun. His breathing was turning haggard. Strained. The waves were taking a toll–along with the increased water density that was unlike on Earth.

Time Remaining until drop: 5 seconds.

Another one emerged from a wave. But this time Noah was surprised to see that it was a woman with dark skin and red eyes. She had long black raven-hair. Of course that wasn’t enough to take him aback. Rather, it was the long pointed ears that stuck out of her soaking wet hair.

Dark elf. Noah noted.

Despite her lithe build, the strength she held in her arms was no different compared to that of the Trained body-builder in front. It was just that she had entered the ocean before him and was playing catch-up.

Noah attempted to touch the box, but it was like a force field bounced his hand back. It was practically touching the water now. He was getting ready to open it the moment it was time.

An anomaly has landed. A Rare supply-drop has been birthed into existence. Be the first to reach the item drop. Become the victor.
| Reward: Equipment cache with a chance of a rare piece.

No doubt all the System users received the notification. Everyone that was currently still alive, that was.

The moment it landed, Noah grabbed hold of it and opened it straight away. Just as he managed to get a quick glance of the item–a metal-chest piece that was among a bunch of other items. He heard something travel across the waves. He immediately yanked the piece of armour from the box, and held it in front of his body.

Clang. Something solid smashed against the chestpiece and blasted him off his leaf-raft.

Noah took a breath. He plunged into the violent waters, instead of returning to the surface, he remained under for now. A sharp pain coursed through his shoulder, but it wasn’t enough to cause him concern.

No doubt the other survivors had made it to the anomaly as it was obviously one of them that had struck him.

Swallowing the anger budding forth, Noah inspected the item. Hopefully, it would prove useful.

You have gained a Rare set piece of armour - Level 10 - Plate of Ekralo: Ekralo the Beast Tamer has donated his early adventuring equipment to the Multiversal System. It is made from the bones of his own tamed monsters. Find the rest of the pieces for a set bonus.
| Piece 1 [ Obtained ]: +7 Will, +5 Str, +5 Con. +5% increased pet damage.
| Piece 2: 10% Increased pet damage. 5% Increased pet Constitution.

| Piece 3: 25% Increased pet damage. 15% Increased pet Constitution.

Still holding his breath, he latched the armour piece to his chest. It was a light cream colour–just like bone–and tightly hugged his body. Thankfully, it wasn’t heavy. Instead, it seemed to want to bring up upward. Despite that, it had blocked a full attack while not even a scratch had marred the surface of it.

But that wasn’t the only System notification he had received. There was also a Title.

You have gained a World First achievement!
| You're the first in the tutorial to obtain an anomaly!
| You have gained a World First Title - Anomaly Chaser T1.
| +3 to any Stat.
| Any Anomaly you obtain has a chance to change an item's stats to one befitting your Class.

He immediately placed the extra points into Will.

Tier 1. It meant that it had room to grow. The Title sounded incredible, but it was only useful for lower grade items. The key word was Stats–it wouldn’t change any other benefits the item had. For example, if it was a mage item that granted a bonus to magic damage, the modifier would remain.

The only change would be the stats. Magic to Physical. Of course, Noah wouldn’t complain. It meant that he could be less picky when it came to any other loot he would receive. If it was a Rare item or above at a higher Level, the extra Stats would be a gamechanger.

Noah was finally reaching the limits of what his lungs were capable of. In total, he was under the water for a few minutes. It would have been higher if his Constitution was increased any further–but that was for the future.

He emerged around ten metres from where he had been forced into the water. It seemed that the other survivors' strength was being whittled away by the tough waters as most of them had returned. Presumably with their hands emptied. Although he couldn’t be certain. All he knew was that the box still had items within. Where the box was, remained a mystery.

There was one man however that seemed hell bent on chasing him.

The moment he laid eyes on Noah, he charged straight for him. But Noah had no desire to test his fighting capabilities while swimming.

Instead, Noah fled. The Strength difference was obvious. Noah had no problem gaining metres of distance with every pull of water. Any olympic swimmer back on earth could only dream of such aquatic speed.

Noah gazed at an incoming wave. Instead of fighting it–he let it carry him. He beat his arms against the wave as it propelled him straight for shore. He commanded Krall to be there waiting for him.

After all, he had a target on his back, and he didn’t plan on testing the humanity of the survivors.

Noah approached the beach. Krall stood there at the ready as he growled at the other survivors. His feet hit the sand. Trudging through the water, he pulled himself onto Krall’s back, and immediately ordered him to charge.

Krall charged forward. Declan attempted to say something to him, along with Thraz, but Noah didn’t care. He felt okay with gambling his life with a loot drop, but dying by getting surrounded, and betrayed, was something he wouldn’t risk.

“Noah, stop!” Declan shouted once more, but Noah didn’t listen.

The only thing Noah heard as they disappeared into the jungle was a wild scream from the muscle bound man.

Stopping after around forty minutes of travel, Krall’s breathing was haggard. Strong thrums of air left his mouth as the strenuous run had tired him out. Noah had already recovered his breath. The perk of having Krall do all the running for him.

However, his hands were trembling. Then a rumbling assaulted his stomach. He was hungry. Famished. Noah hadn’t had a bit to eat in a while now–and it was taking its toll. Especially with the sudden increase in Strength after the Levels and equipment. He was now using more energy and had to fuel his body properly. The jungle hike to the beach, fighting, then the intense swim and only exasperated the problem

He still had the tins of food from back in the village, but he wasn’t willing to eat them yet. There was always a chance at being stranded in a dungeon with no food around him. It would be a waste.

Thankfully there wasn’t a lack of available food sources within the jungle.

Noah heard a few thudding footsteps before a group of three wolves skulked forward. One in the middle, the other two on each flank. It was a common strategy for grouped predators. One that was annoying to deal with.

Noah remained cautious. It was difficult to tell what Level they had reached. The only thing he could base their strength on was the thud of their steps, and their confidence in approaching the evolved Krall.

That meant that they had to be at least almost Level ten, or had even surpassed it. But if that was the case, there are usually mutations in their bodies. Like Krall’s armoured evolution.

With him confident they weren’t too strong. Noah charged with Krall to the one on the left. The moment Krall swung his donated mace at the wolf, the other two had already pounced forward.

[Thrust], Noah’s spear pierced the throat of the incoming wolf. Blood spurted. It fell to the ground with a wet thud. Followed by a howl of the other incoming wolf.

Noah snapped his leg forward as he hadn’t enough time to reset his spear. His foot contacted against the lower jaw of the beast, sending it thudding to the ground.

It was about to get up, but Noah wouldn’t let it. He stepped off Krall’s back and [Thrust] his spear to the wolf’s eye. Spurt. Blood shot out from the hole as the monster stumbled back with a whimper. Noah followed up with another [Thrust], killing the beast before it could regain its senses.

With a quick glance to the first wolf he had attacked, its body lay limp on the jungle floor.

The last wolf growled in a low hum. It vibrated against its throat. The beast was left all alone. It glanced to the either side, then it turned to run.

Noah knew better not to let a creature such as a wolf make an escape. Much like the wolves on Earth, their senses were powerful–and their tracking capabilities even stronger. Of course, it was multiplied many times over with them being monsters of another world.

Noah leapt back onto Krall and used [Charge]. He felt the supernatural strength enter his body, and along with his other Skills–they shot forward. Straight for the retreating wolf.

Their sprint turned into a barreling charge. Krall’s evolve-strengthened legs send the soil underfoot scattering. The hot and humid wind tousled Noah’s black, medium-length hair. They reached the scarperring monster in only a second as Noah used [Thrust] again.

Using it a few times wasn’t an issue. With his current Constitution, he could probably use it for another eight to ten times before his arms turned numb.

Noah’s heart slammed against his chest. It was the same feeling every time he entered a fight in this strange new world. The thrill of the hunt urged him forward.

His Skill powered spear broke through the air past Krall’s shoulder–and into the wolf’s hind leg.

The entire weight of the wolf buckled to the floor. Dirt–and blood–covered the wolf’s haggard coat. It was most likely once a luxurious fur that any hunter back on Earth would be lucky to obtain. But survival had marred it, leaving scars of its previous battles.

The young man’s spear [Thrust] straight into its abdomen. There was no whimper. Only a rattling death whistle struggling out its throat–until it died.

It was the survival of the fittest.

It was Noah’s meal.

Approaching the wolf, Noah was about to hoist it onto his shoulders when the System notified him of his kill–and something else along with it.

[Thrust] has reached the peak of Level 1.



Too bad he lost all those potential rewards. :/