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Noah bolted and leapt over the newly kindled fire. “Thraz, protect the front and hold your damned breath!”

Noah understood that they had to perform their actions swiftly. It was only a matter of time before the scouting parties came back.

“Leave it to me!” Thraz crossed his arms as another arrow pelted the hard scales on his chest.

His newly gained Constitution stats from levelling still wasn’t able to stop the arrow, but it negated most of the damage. Such a wound was nothing to a dragonborn.

Noah placed the green leaves onto the raging fire. The moment the greenery hit the flame, a dense, black smoke rose up like an enormous chimney.

With haste, he recruited Krall’s help as they wafted the plume of smoke down into the cave. But that was just the beginning of the plan. Soon, the raging sound of kobold screams filled Noah with excitement.

It was like being chased after stealing from a rival gang.  Although this time it was a bunch of bloodthirsty monsters that wanted to tear him apart and eat his flesh. And he had no thoughts of running away.

“Back, Thraz!” Noah shouted.

Thraz jumped back, then Noah, and Krall, kicked the toxic fumed logs into the mouth of the cave. The only place the smoke could go was down into their home.

“Spears!” Noah ordered as the sound of footsteps and shouting were rapidly approaching.

Noah, Krall, and Thraz all lifted up a spear in both hands and copied Noah as he dug it into the ground, lodged under his feet.

Krall pointed at the smoking logs, as if trying to warn Noah of something, but his master shook his head. Noah was aware of the average intelligence of kobolds, something like picking up the logs and throwing them out of the cave was something he already planned for.

It was why the man-made spears were far longer than his regular weapon. Pikes. Often used against cavalry, they were twice, sometimes even three times larger than a spear.

As the Kobolds approached, the pikes were hidden behind the veil of smoke. They charged forward and Noah felt the pike push back into his feet, but they remained stalwart. They couldn’t match up to his Strength as he was receiving two points every level.

It was the advantage of a Class.

You defeated a - Level 6 Kobold.
| You defeated a - Level 4 Kobold.

He was no longer able to keep the pike slanted upward as the kobolds died. Presumably, the pike’s head was lodged into their bodies and they had fallen to the ground.

Noah and Krall dropped the pikes and picked up the smaller spears. Thraz was still able to hold onto the pike. Noah felt the familiarity with his System-earned spear and thrusted it forward at whatever appeared through the smoke.

Its eyes were hazy as tears streamed from their edges. The smoke took effect as they coughed and spluttered. All that awaited them was a wall of spears and their pointed tips.

The extra Strength and Constitution also had another bonus effect. The required energy to thrust his spear decreased by a slight amount each bout of stats he gained. No longer did he have to lunge his spear forward with all his might to break through their scaly flesh.

The resistance was still there, but it was lessened slightly as he thrusted his spear into the throat of an incoming kobold.

With each attack of their weapons, the kobold bodies began to pile up as the minutes passed. But with each minute, Noah became agitated. He knew it was paranoia, but he could feel the kobolds approaching from behind.

He had timed the scouting parties in his mind, and with his current calculations–the kobolds would be arriving soon.

Noah thrust his spear once more.

You have levelled up!

| Noah level 8 -> Noah level 9

Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle has levelled up.

| Krall level 8 -> Krall level 9

The increased stats made his spear slightly easier to control, he deflected a kobolds club attack to the side before it even reached his shield.

Krall hopped on the spot in excitement at the extra Level. He dropped the spear, then tightened his grip around his club. Krall swatted the smoke-emerging kobold to the face.

With a crack, the kobold fell to the ground with a thud.

Noah looked to Thraz as the dragon born had flung his spear to the floor and situated himself at the edge of the cave. He swung his axe as if he was chopping down a tree, although instead of wooden logs, they were very much alive–then quickly downgraded into dead kobolds.

The hissing and screeching of kobolds were cut to a stop as Thraz’s axe cleaved into the last one survivor.

A sudden thud within the cave caused Noah and Thraz to look at each other. Then another thud, and another, until it was clear as day that they were footsteps and not some sort of wardrum.

Noah frowned and mounted Krall. Using the smokeskreen, they climbed to the side of the cave entrance, and halted right above.

Thraz guffawed as the sound of the footsteps broke past the smoke.

Thraz took a breath, then with all his might, he swung his axe in a wide arc.

The kobold had its arm raised, it attempted to block out the smoke from assaulting its eyes, but instead it ended up saving its life.

The axe tore through the air. However, the sound of a weapon cutting into scales wasn’t heard, but instead, it was a metallic clang. A beastly roar followed it.

Noah peered over the edge as he witnessed the newcomer breaking through the smoke cloud.

The kobold was a few heads taller than even the tallest one he had seen. It stood at around five-feet tall and its scales had taken the form of something more solid–like metal plates.

There was a deep cut that was embedded into its arm, then it had presumably bounced off the plate, and delved in between a gap in its armour. The axe had sliced deep into the flesh, only to be stopped by its bone.

The kobold roared a hiss and with its surprisingly human mace, swung, and smashed it into Thraz’s open chest.

The impact sent Thraz tumbling to the floor. The armoured kobold took a step forward and before it could walk too far forward, Krall leapt down.

Noah, with the increased strength from his Skills, grabbed his spear in an overhand grip. [Thrust]. The power caused the muscles in his back, shoulder, then arm to unleash a powerful attack aimed right at the gap between the kobolds armour.

The spear tip shot into the monster's neck and disappeared under the surface of its scales.

Both hands were on the spear. He thought it would be the last time the monster moved, but he was wrong.

With a screeching roar, the monster swatted its arm to the side. Noah kept hold of the spear, but the arm struck Krall onto the floor–causing him to roll and hit the mountain’s wall.

Noah grit his teeth and took out his side-arm in haste–the jagged knife. He used [Thrust] once more and stabbed into where his spear was.

Blood spurted as it sent the kobold into an intense rage. It leapt to the side and sprinted to the wall.

Noah attempted to free his spear, but it had somehow gotten locked behind the armour plates. His eyes widened as he rapidly approached the mountain wall. With no way to free his weapon, he had no choice but to jump off the kobolds back.

Hitting the ground, he rolled, and got back to his feet as the armoured kobold smashed into the wall. His spear warped under the pressure, then snapped. Pieces of rock crumbled at the hit and fell to the ground.

Thraz was already on the move, he shouted, and dug his feet into the ground as he wound up his axe holding arm. He shifted his weight, then with a wide arc, cleaved into the monster's chest.

There was no accuracy, or any intention to hit a weak spot–it was an attack with only overwhelming strength. The axe pelted into the monster's chest as it was slammed back against the wall. The hit had injured its internal organs as viscous red was ejected out its mouth and covered the dragonborn.

Noah moved his head towards the valley entrance. In the distance, kobold hissing was heard. They had arrived sooner than expected.

Noah frowned. A feverish impatience assaulted him. He bolted forward with his knife in his hand. He had to end it–and fast.

“Hold it still!” Noah shouted.

Thraz listened as he dropped his precious axe and latched his thick arms around the kobold, and squeezed as tight as he could.

The armour around the beast prevented any damage. It attempted to struggle. It thrashed and kicked. Thraz’s muscles were bulging, much like the veins protruding from his neck. It was obviously no easy feat as he held the armoured kobold in place.

Noah arrived just as the other kobolds broke into view. Krall charged forward to buy some time without hesitation.

Noah placed his palm on the pommel to increase the power of his lunge. He used [Thrust] and pointed it at the monster's underarm. The kobold braced, but it wasn’t Noah’s true target.

At the last second, Noah flicked it up to the kobolds eyes. With one attack, he didn’t want to risk the monster ducking its head. With no time to move, the knife slid straight into the beast’s gelatinous eyeball.

A clear liquid sprayed over Noah’s face, followed by a spurt of red. The blade vanished within the monster’s skull.

You defeated a Level 12 - Armoured Kobold.
| Extra experience is rewarded for fighting an enemy above your level!

You are being watched.

| Lenid, the Monster Slayer has sponsored you.

| Grace Coins added.

“Krall, fall back!” Noah ordered and wiped the blood from his face. His tattered white shirt’s sleeve was covered in dirt and blood, but he didn't care about his current appearance. He snatched up the human-like mace from the ground.

The kobold party had arrived–and they brought back-up with them.

Noah glanced up at the ridge-line. It was originally meant to be his escape plan, but the bushes rustled slightly. There was movement.

He wasn’t sure if kobolds had thought of setting up an ambush, but it had left him with no option but to move to plan B.

“Thraz, pick up the logs and throw them away,” Noah said, “I don’t want them kicking them back into the cave.”

“Got it, warrior.” Thraz nodded and did as he was told.

His thick skinned hands had no trouble picking up the burning logs as he launched them into the distance.

If the kobolds decided to use his same trick, then Noah would simply have to charge in one direction and carve out a path of blood. But, he didn’t want to start off with that as he had no idea where the kobolds were hiding. At least this way, they would come out of their hiding spots.

They picked up the spears and retreated into the mouth of the cave.

The rest of the kobolds emerged from the jungle. Just as Noah had hoped, the kobolds approached.


Declan stopped at the sound of intense fighting. He wiped the sweat from his face, the budget sunblock was already being stripped from his skin from intense perspiration.

He glanced at the others within the group, they were forced to pool together their resources to afford one bottle of the damned thing and it was already nearly empty.

It can’t go on like this. Declan thought.

It didn’t help that he was with mostly untrained students, most of whom had never picked up a weapon beyond their mandatory physical education in school. Thankfully he had Jake, the archer, and Cai the tank. Both of which were part of the Trained–just like him.

“We’re going to the fighting, we need to take advantage,” Declan said despite the fearful gaze of the others. “I know what you're thinking, but we need the points to survive. Water purification tablets, antibiotics, antivenom, those are just to name a few of what we need.”

“Easy for you to say,” One of the weaker students spat. His arms were trembling and red welts covered his skin from bug bites, and sunburn. “Your family has given all you need to survive through sponsors while we–”

“Take the lead.” Jake interrupted as he strained his brows, he had his bow at the ready. The man backed away at the sight. Jakez 'gaze was concentrated, and focused. His sweat dripped into his eyes, yet he didn’t even blink at the annoyance.

Even Declan, who had gone through intense training, was thankful of his professionalism. He was a big reason for their survival so far.

Jake was a spear, to be used to kill, but he couldn’t be like that if he wanted to progress.

Declan glanced at Jake’s eyes. He had only seen them before in the Otherworld broadcast. They were the eyes of someone who wasn’t afraid to take a life.


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