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You have gained the Title - Volunteer: Not many have the bravery to volunteer themselves into a new world filled with supernatural monsters and death, but you are one of them.
| All Stats +3

Oh nice. Noah waved at the words stuck across his vision, and with a thought, they vanished. The extra Stats took effect immediately. It felt like someone had just injected a syringe into his veins, empowering him. It felt warm, or was that the sun? Noah grimaced. It was difficult to make out. One thing was certain as he flexed his arms–he was stronger. He would have been more excited at the supernatural power gain, and the new sponsor, but his surroundings sapped any joy he had.

“Jungle, shit.” Noah spat. “A new world at that. What are they thinking? Peter didn’t theorise about this.”

Peter was one of his friends. Erik called him and the others nerds, but to Noah, they were invaluable. He wasn’t the smartest, as evidence of his failure at school, so he needed others to do all the planning for him. They had prepared him for this day. Whether it was showing him survival techniques, what to watch out for, his Class–Assassin Mounted Lancer, or monster weaknesses; his friends were his lifeline.

However, they were no longer here to think for him. Now, he was alone with nothing but the clothes on his back, and the piercing sun above. Well, at least he wouldn’t be stabbed in the back. Glancing over his shoulder, he sighed in relief. Words had power. It would just be his luck for something to crawl out the sand and attack him with whatever natural weapon it had.

Among all the different tutorials, jungle, desert, and tundra were the most difficult. Most died from the elements, for them, it was lucky if they even saw a beast before they froze to death, or died from dehydration.

Would you like to open your System? Y/N

“Go for it,” Noah said.

Choose a mission from the Grace Board:

Those who are the first to complete a mission will have their reward upgraded.

Once a tutorial first is completed, rewards will be downgraded.

“Grace board…”

The grace board was a mission board that only ones within the tutorial could access. It granted rewards based on the path which one took. It was often split up into two different categories. Combat and non-combat.

It offered those who weren’t keen on fighting, and killing, a way to be helpful.

And that’s where sponsors came in. People from Earth, and around the galaxy, could sponsor their chosen warrior. Within the tutorial, they could give anything basic from low tier weapons, to medicine, to mana or health potions. And Grace Coins to buy what they wanted, although there was a limit to how many could be given.

Outside the tutorial, the sponsors continued even further. To the point rare equipment could be granted, but there was always a risk. But the equipment could never compare to the natural weapons and armour that were to be found, and gained from Ruaturn. Although all of this knowledge was from Ubos, not Ruaturn. For all he knew, all the information he had learnt could be useless.

In the end, all the sponsors wanted was their chosen puppet to battle further, quicker, and entertain them more.

Noah said, “Continue."

Slay 20 kobolds.
| Reward: Common warrior path weapon or armour
| Grants common Warrior path skill: Slayer.

Plant 15 seeds.
| Reward: Common Farming trowel.
| Grants Uncommon Farming skill: Fertilisation.

Chop 10 trees.
| Reward: Common woodcutting axe.
| Grants uncommon Logging skill: Fast Chop.

Murder 1 human.
| Reward: Rare rogue path weapon.
| Grants Rare rogue path skill: Eviscerating cut

Murder 1 elf.
| Reward: Rare mage path weapon
| Grants Rare mage path skill: Molten Shot.

Murder. The most dangerous missions provided the best loot. It also happened to be the way to obtain the most sponsors. No one wanted to sponsor a spineless fool that would get themselves killed. They usually went for the predators, although it was looked down upon, it didn’t stop certain individuals.

Noah immediately discarded the murder missions. It didn’t quite sit well with him to murder, although he had always wondered if it would affect him like others he had witnessed during the broadcast show. Watching them tremble and puke their guts out was always a discomfort.

He moved onto the more peaceful options, but they weren't something he was interested in. He needed to make use of his advantages, one that he wouldn’t be contested for with World First rewards. Something niche.

You have selected the mission: Tame 1 monster.
| Reward: Common weapon of choice.

| Grants Uncommon Willpower Path Skill Essence: Further Command.
| World First Upgrade -> Grants Rare Willpower Path Skill Essence: Pact of Two.

Rare. Noah’s teeth itched at the reward. He needed it. He didn’t have the Willpower path, but hopefully he would receive it soon. If not, then he would just have to keep it within his pocket until he did.

Picking something unwanted by the majority was a much better method than going the same route as everyone else. Especially when he didn’t have half as much talent as others of his generation. As evidenced by the next System message.

You are being watched.

It’s most likely a high ranking Beast Tamer, they are always interested in others following their Path. Noah thought as he moved onto the bulk of his System.

Name: Noah - level 1
Race: [F] Human
Titles: Volunteer

1st Pathstone: [ None ]

2nd Pathstone: [ None ]

3rd Pathstone: [ None ]

Path: [ Obtain 3 Pathstones to Unlock ]

Bloodline: [ Locked ]

Profession: [ Locked ]

Basic Skills:

Weapon specialist - level 4
Boxing - level 2
Objectify - level 1
Pickpocketing - level 2
Intimidation - level 2
Sneaking - level 3
Animal Taming - level 3
Multiversal Polyglot


Strength: 10
Dexterity: 9
Constitution: 11
Wisdom: 13
Magic: 6
Mana: 5
Perception: 10

Grace Coins: 0

With the System opening, he gazed at his status. Excitement bubbled within him, a smirk crawled onto his lips, then it disappeared when he noticed his race at F rank. It was a new addition to this world. Besides, Humans weren’t that bad, were they?

Thinking further, he didn’t know how to upgrade his race, or if it was even possible. Upgrading my race, what would that even entail? Becoming an angel or something? Noah chuckled as a sense of grandness gripped his heart. Everything was possible in this new world and he would achieve it all.

Noah moved onto the Pathstones or Class stones as other people aptly named them. They granted the final ‘Class’ once three were collected. There were endless possibilities.

He recalled someone having [Teeth], [Fire], and [Strength]. The sight of him using his fire teeth Class to defeat enemies was truly awe inspiring. But Noah wasn’t that psychotic to go down that path.

Next up was the mysterious Bloodline. He couldn't recall anyone that was showcased to have one. So that either meant they were kept as a secret, it was yet another new addition to the Otherworld, or simply no one had one altogether. Maybe it was another race type of thing? Noah didn’t know.

But what he did know was that the System Administrator’s held a lot of weight, but they were restricted in their powers. They held no power over the chosen, nor could they see other’s stat pages, or show them. All they could do was summon people to this world. They weren’t able to kill, even if they wanted to.

Were they restricted by an even greater power? Noah could only guess.

Then the stats. While everyone was petrified of entering a new world filled with endless dangers, he was looking forward to it. The stats the System brought were no joke. People could split boulders with their bare hands. Chop through the hardest metal with a single slash, or spew enough fire to engulf an entire city in flames.

It had only been ten years since the System Administrators took over. But the Otherworlders sent at the beginning, those who were still alive anyway, showcased exceptional abilities. Far beyond just superhuman. Supernatural, would be accurate.

Most of the stats were straight forward to him. The only outliers were Magic and Mana. The former relied on the mind, while Mana, well, he wasn’t quite sure how mana worked. But the one he was most interested in was Willpower. For the simple fact that it increased the damage a tamed monster could deal. After all, he had watched his fair share of the broadcast. Watching people desperately survive, although messed up, it was immeasurably more exciting than the mess that was on television before it.

Dating shows with the contestants wearing inch-thick spray tan all over their bodies. Noah swore he could smell the damned stench through the tv. Thank god they still hadn’t advanced to smellovision yet. Anyway, the thought of using magic was exciting, but the feeling of the sweltering sun made sure to burn away any happiness he had.

He quickly moved onto the Grace Coins. Currency for the shop. But, without choosing the murder missions, no sponsors decided to fund his start. Well, it wasn’t the usual anyway. After all, the only ones to enter the tutorial were sixteen to twenty-one years of age. Students. Choosing to murder was the last thing on their minds and only someone fucked up would walk that path.

Killing did not come easy, and that went for monsters as well. He had witnessed it too many times. The amount of people that died in their first encounter because they froze was staggering.

Of course, there were always special people wherever one went. Rich families that relied on their name had begun raising little warriors to join Ubos. They were called the Trained. Their sons and daughters' glory were their own. Of course, they were sponsored right from the beginning.

Noah didn’t have that luxury, instead of whining, he moved onto the Skills he had gained through his current life. It was thanks to all of his preparation back on Earth.

Uncommon - Weapon Specialist: You have used multiple different weapons in high risk combat situations. Each point gained increases damage by a miniscule amount.

That’s good–  
Noah nodded.

Just as he was going to get to the other message, the air distorted in front of him like glass shattering. The air crackled and sizzled, something solid formed in mid air. It had the appearance of a flat stone that had an engraving of a figure shrouded in mist.

A dexterity pathstone, that means the Mounted War Knight is out of the question, anyway, I can’t be picky. I need to start gaining stats. Noah lamented, but it was okay. For his Pathstones, all he would now need was a Strength Pathstone, and a Willpower one. He could forego Constitution as Krall would take the brunt of the damage, and he could also gain it from other means until he evolved the Strength Pathsone.

Without waiting, he grabbed it. He felt a jolt up his arm and a searing heat transmitted into his body. Veins popped out from underneath his skin, as if surfacing for air. The heat travelled from his arm, to his brain, where it stopped.

You have obtained the Common Pathstone - Dexterity. Do you wish to accept it? This is permanent. Y/N

“Yes,” Noah said without a second thought.

You have gained the Dexterity Pathstone.

Dexterity Pathstone: Increases the hand-eye coordination, agility, reflexes, and balance.
| Added stats per level: Dexterity 1.

Only one dexterity point per level. It was the downside of a common Pathstone. It was also another reason people that wanted to become a mage had to dedicate one entire Pathstone to the constitution Pathstone.

The only other way was to gain an Uncommon and greater Pathstone. They were often hybrids and offered multiple stat points per level, instead of one.

With the added Pathstone, the information within his System was updated.

1st Pathstone: [ Dexterity ]


Alright, now I just need to obtain Skill Essences for it. Noah pinched his chin. It was fun, his body could essentially evolve and change according to the stats he would gain.

Thinking of the skills, he moved onto the other ones he already had.

Common - Objectify: You have been granted the basic ability Objectify. Identify any object that is within your touch and obtain its information.

Noah looked around for a second before picking up a pinkish shell.

Level 0 - Gleskyx shell: A remnant scrap of shell from the Gleskyx. The most common seen sea creature that sticks itself onto rocks at the shore.

Noah clenched his hand in an attempt to break it, but it was solid as a rock. He shook his head in wonder. He ran his finger along the edge and could feel how sharp it was.

Alright, next message.

Uncommon - Animal Taming: You have taken care of an animal and taught it how to obey, respect, and love you. Each point gained increases tamed monster damage by 1.5%. Taming is 2.5% easier per point.

Noah sighed as he recalled his recently deceased little buddy Hank. He was a brilliant dog, loyal as all hell. But age is a mountain even the strongest animal can’t overcome. I hope you’re chasing all the bones, big guy. Noah lamented.

If the pathways were the first part of his plans, his new skills were the second. He needed Animal Taming to tame his mounts and he had worked hard for it, although it was by far the most enjoyable skill to gain.

Common - Boxing: You have learnt how to throw punches in a boxing stance to a high standard. Each point gained increases damage by 2%

Another one he had learned during his time from living on the streets, fights were a common occurrence after all.

Then there was the strange one. The only one that didn’t have a Level.

Unique - Multiversal Polyglot: You have the knowledge of the multiversal languages. There isn’t a language you do not know, or how to converse with.

From his knowledge, the others on Ubos didn’t have this Skill. But perhaps they were given it now because there were more races within the tutorial?

Noah exited the system, the sun was too harsh. The sun’s rays were beating the back of his neck. With a slight touch, he winced at the temperature.

He had a plan of action, or else he wouldn’t have been stupid enough to take Erik’s place. But, it was risky. Well, better that than dying of boredom, or from old age back on Earth.

Noah clambered up to his feet. First he needed a weapon. Ripping multiple threads off from his trouser leg with the sharp shell, he looked around until he spotted a lengthy stick. With the Gleskyx shell he had in hand, he tied it to the front of the stick to create a make-shift spear. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than nothing.

Water, shelter, food. If there was one thing his friends taught him about survival, and having watched others, it was that water was the top priority. Especially in this heat. He couldn’t remember what the statistics were for how long he could go without water, but he didn’t want to test it. All he knew was that it was urgent.

He knew the jungle would most likely house an innumerable amount of monsters, but there was nothing he could do about it, he needed water, or he’d die without a fight. He didn’t want a pathetic death like that. He could just imagine Peter’s shouting from the afterlife. “After all we’ve done to prepare you in the Otherworld, you die just like that?” Just thinking about it made him pissed.

Noah ignored the beach and headed straight for the jungle. Walking in, he noticed that the palm tree’s had different bark than usual. Noah brushed his hands against it, then rapped his knuckles against it. It was incredibly dense and, unlike wood, it felt almost metallic. Shaking his head, he continued further in.

He took a sharp inhale, then exhaled. The heat had become even worse as he could feel the sun beating against the canopy above. The thick leaves absorbed the heat and radiated it downwards like an oven.

Shit, this heat is ridiculous. Noah thought and wiped the sweat from his forehead with a swipe of his sleeve.

There was a rustle from a nearby bush. Noah flinched, quickly taking refuge behind one of the palm trees. He waited for what he guessed was around fifteen minutes. Adrenaline pumped through his veins–it was one of the reasons he had volunteered in the first place. He wanted to extinguish the never-ending boredom that tortured him back on Earth. Or maybe it was to escape the past–

Noah wasn’t sure if it was gone. His throat was itchy, and tongue was dry. The faint budding pain within his head was a sign he had to move. The alien sun was battering against his flesh, causing dehydration to set in much sooner than he anticipated. It was against his calculations, but he just had to chalk it up to the unique properties of this place’s sun.

Cautiously taking a step out of cover, he felt something tug his shoulder back. Warmth flowed against his skin.

A little green reptile with vicious red eyes held a spear tightly within its clawed hands. Noah glanced down as a red flower bloomed from his shirt, then seeped down like a wandering tributary river.

His heart thudded against his chest. His hand latched onto the spear’s shaft and pushed. There was no pain. Noah snapped his leg to the reptile's chest. Still holding on to the shaft, the monster stumbled back but refused to let go.

I can’t kill it. Noah spat inwardly as he dropped his shoddy spear. He kicked out again, this time to its face as the reptile's head was his chest height. It finally let go of the spear. Noah spun the shaft around and pointed the tip to its throat.

It snarled, glistening white and pink teeth flashed. The creature was clearly malnourished as its bones were nearly penetrating through its scales. It leaped forward with bloodthirst in its eyes. It was hungry–it wanted death.

Noah suddenly dropped the spear. He took hold of the monster's arm with one hand, and with the other he grabbed its throat.

Using its own momentum, he spun it round, and threw it to the floor.

Immediately he mounted the humanoid-lizard as a crazed laughter boomed out of Noah’s mouth.

“Brought yourself right to me, huh?” Noah spat.

Noah relentlessly beat it with his fists. His hands bloodied, and a throbbing pain shot up his hand, but the ambushing monster was part of his plan. There was only one way that he knew how to accomplish it. Kobolds feared might. Noah kicked, stomped, and punched the monster until it was drenched in both of their blood.

“Screw you.” Noah huffed in the surrounding, sweltering air, and screamed a desperate shout filled with adrenaline. “Submit!”

You have tamed a level 2 Kobold.
| It will listen to your commands.

| Taming limit: 1/1

World first mission complete: Tame 1 monster.

| Upgrading reward…

| Reward Gained: Common weapon of choice.
| Rare Willpower Path Skill Essence: Pact of Two.

| -> Uncommon Monster Tamer ring.

World First Title Gained: Trailblazing Tamer

| Trailblazing Tamer: You are the first in the world to tame a monster. Your tamed monsters have a minor damage buff and are more durable.

You have defeated - Kobold level 2.

| Grace Coins earned.

You are being watched.

| Ekralo the Beast Tamer has sponsored you.

| Uncommon Health potion x2 gained.

Two crystal red vials appeared out of thin air, and dropped down onto the bloodied sand below, along with the newly gained Monster Tamer ring.

Noah snatched it from the golden, hot sand, and inspected it.

Uncommon Monster Tamer ring: Imbued with a Monster Tamer enchantment. Increases command control and coordination between minds.
| Will +2, Con +1

Any item or stat bonus at this stage is a boon. Noah thought. A Beast Tamer sponsor and a world first title, it’s a good start, but far from enough to guarantee my survival. Noah took a breath and gazed into the jungle. The fact that the kobold was on its own, meant that it was either the runt of a litter, or had fallen out with others. From what he remembered, they were pack animals.

Sponsors could sponsor anyone that they took a fancy to, but to send an item to them cost a worldly fortune. It might have been just two uncommon potions, but it most likely cost the Beast Tamer hundreds of million of dollars if converted to Earthen money, or maybe even a billion. It was another reason that limited the number of sponsors one could receive.

A sponsor that held a class usually gifted resources and supplies that benefited the class, it was a great boon to have early on. If he had deep pockets, that was.

Noah gazed at his new pet as it looked at its own limbs. He guessed the kobold was admiring the new strength and toughness it had gained from the Title.

“From now on–” Noah heaved a breath. “You shall be named Krall, the Scourge of the Jungle!”

The little kobold with blood covering its face looked confused, but after gazing into Noah’s eyes, it seemed to see something within. Shaking its head,  it managed to force the corners of its mouth up. Then, its body crackled like static. It weakly looked around in confusion. The air distorted right above its chest.

Another Pathstone, or Skill Essence, was forming. But this time, four of them crackled to life like a lightshow.

One was a bright blue, two, a common grey, while the last one was a dazzling purple that caused his eyes to bulge.


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