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After completely emptying her mana container by using all of her skills on repeat, she once again looked at the pearl.

It was uncomfortable trying to trust the black blob, but it had never once tried to harm her. Not in a conventional sense, anyway. Like when it had forced her to change her path. 

She still wasn’t sure if being a Psychokinetic was better than being a Magic Swordsman, but she could already see the vast potential that it had. If she walked on the original path of a Sinwen, she would just be like the rest of her family. Strong, but that was all.

Being a Psychokinetic held a tremendous advantage. Flexibility, range, while also providing high firepower. Although she loved using a sword, she was under no delusion that she was walking a better path than was originally intended.

If she managed to obtain the Legendary secondary class, then she would go through a metamorphosis. It would mean her mana container would more than double in size to accommodate the rare class. And that wasn’t even adding on the powers that it would benefit her.

Astrid tried to guess what the class would be, judging by the land and the items she had received. Then it had to be something void related, although it was just that, a guess. She had never heard of anyone with a void related class, she could only imagine the powers it would have.

Breaking out of her daydream, she pinched the pearl and threw it into her opened mouth. She wasn’t one to hesitate and swallowed it. Or at least, she tried to.

It refused to go down her throat. Based on the size of it, it should have effortlessly slid down the passage. Astrid frowned, it was cutting off her breathing. She tried to latch onto it with Psychokinesis, but it still refused to budge even an inch.

It felt like trying to move a mountain, the weight bore down onto her mind. She was forced to let go, as a stinging pain filled her mind.

She clutched at her throat. As the pain throbbed against her brain, the pearl finally moved. The smooth surface of the pearl cracked and a black sparkling light shot out from her mouth.

A black and purple foam with tiny lights followed it and filled her mouth. It seeped out. Then the pain began. It felt like something was drilling into the roof of her mouth.

Astrid screamed in pain, but despite her protest, it didn’t stop. The drill felt like it broke past the soft muscle layer of her mouth and pierced straight into her brain. She fell to the floor and clutched at her skull. The pain was unimaginable.

She had no idea what torture felt like. She had heard dark stories before, usually from the guards within the barrack taverns up on the top floor of rebirth. Of monsters that would bind their prey and inflict torment upon their bodies.

Astrid wasn’t sure if it existed, but she had had no doubts that the pain she was suffering right now would be similar.

She squeezed her skull and rolled around in the foetal position. Blood seeped from her eyes and the black X scored into her iris displayed itself to the world once more.

Her mind spun like she had taken too much of Charlotte's prized spirit. Her eyelids turned so heavy, like she was attempting to fight off a never ending fatigue. Her mind was shutting down and her vision turned hazy and blurred.

Then, it all vanished like a frigid, crashing wave.

Astrid opened her eyes and spun on her heels. She glanced around at her surroundings of nothing. Unlike the hostile environment within the void dungeon, this was something else entirely.

She was floating in the air. Above, around, and below sparkled dots of all different colours. They reminded her of the countless stars in the sky.

But one stood out to her. It hid behind the other stars, and it was as if it was looking at her. Judging her, or trying to understand what she was. Astrid willed her Psych Domain to reach forward, she had no hope with the current range of her Skill, but to her surprise, it reached forward effortlessly.

She had never made out so much matter before, and it was only a second before her reach encompassed all of the stars within the sky.

The light they exude grew brighter and sparkled. It was as if they were trying to vie for her attention, they all wanted her to pick them. But she knew she could only pick one.

What is going on? It felt like her Mind Domain, but it was brought on by a medicinal pill on its own volition. She had never heard of anyone experiencing what she was currently seeing. It was clear she was treading on an unknown path.

She scoured the stars, but none of them agreed with her instincts. Some of them were incredibly powerful, they even exuded a gas that radiated into the air above it. As if it was displaying its grand power, yet it didn’t sit well with her.

Astrid looked again, until the curious star met her vision. She latched onto it. It protested and struggled. She had to wrestle with it. Her mind rumbled and strained under the intense pressure, but the star eventually caved in to the powerful psychic energy.

As she brought it closer, the original form she expected it to be was entirely different from what was reality.

A small tail trailed behind it, the rest of its body was just a blurred mess. The haze that swept through the Mind Domain, or wherever she was obscured all of her vision. The matter it consisted of only granted her a base outline of the star.

Then it broke through the haze that shrouded it. An eyeball of hulking proportions inched every closer. Its eyes were filled with a galaxy of stars, and the pupil was just like a cat. Sharp and pointed, it looked at her.

The eye rotated around her, and finished by hovering back in front of her. The slitted pupil twitched, looking from one eye of hers, to the next. Until its eyes constricted onto her left eye. Where the X was hidden underneath.

It trembled, the stars within its eyes swished around as if they were burning.

She heard no words, but something compelled her not to let it get away. She controlled the mountain sized eye with Psychokinesis. Astrid held her hands forward, and acted as if she was crushing tin foil into a ball.

The eye thrashed around in pain, but it couldn’t escape her grasp. Soon, the eye reduced in size. There was no blood, its eye didn’t pop, it just grew smaller, until it was the size of the pearl she had previously attempted to consume.

With Psychokinesis, she threw it into her mouth, and swallowed it down into her stomach. It fell down, but the pain didn’t come from her stomach, where the eye should have been.

Instead, it was as if something popped within her eye. Her vision within her left eye vanished. Astrid’s heart tightened in panic as her hands shot to her face.

Please, no. Astrid fumbled around the area of her eye. Her fingers trailed across her shut eyelids and was relieved to find a bump. Her eye was still there.

Opening her eye, she furiously blinked until the blackness turned into a blurr. After waiting a few minutes, the blurr returned to normal. Astrid sighed in relief and lowered her hand.

Thank the Goddess, If I turned blind in one eye… Everyone would make fun of me for being a pirate! Astrid stomped on the ground. The area around her flashed, then she returned back into the hall that she was in before.

You have consumed an Epic grade void enhancement pill.

You have chosen the upgrade - Savage Voidling Eye.

Savage Voidling Eye: Belongs to an ancient void being.
| 50 added intelligence.
| 50 added wisdom.
| 25 added constitution.
| Eyeball pulling is 25% easier.
| Permanent dark vision in your left eye.
| You can sense dark matter.

With the added upgrade, the world was instantly brighter than before.

Dark matter? Astrid thought.

She had of course read about it. It was when she visited the royal library during her training periods after she gained her Psychokinetic class. Different from baryonic matter, dark matter does not emit or interact with electromagnetic radiation. Like light, thus it is completely invisible to the electromagnetic spectrum.

The science classes, although have never directly observed dark matter, its existence and properties come from its gravitational effects. They believe it to make up the vast majority of the universe's mass.

Astrid entered her Psych Domain, and there it was. The dark matter was pitch black, unlike regular matter that was grey within her vision. At least it made it easy to distinguish.

She attempted to play around with it. It was a lot heavier than regular matter, and sifting through it used a lot more mana than usual.

She strained her mind and amassed it a good distance away from her, then she [Crashed] it. The mana was sucked out of her container like a vacuum and despite the reduced mana cost of [Crash] it was halved in just a second.

Then the explosion came. It sucked in the surrounding air and matter and exploded. Unlike the clear explosion of regular matter, this was as pitch black as the endless and vast night sky.

It pulled in everything around it. The bodies that were piled up and were already festering were pulled in. Then, the explosion continued. It lingered and sucked in the bodies, then finally exploded. Astrid placed her Mind Barrier around her as she anticipated a gory mess.

But it didn’t happen. The bodies vanished from existence, they were nowhere to be seen. They disappeared into the void.

Holy shit. Astrid grinned.

A new and unexpected power up, just from being able to sense another form of matter. Just being able to sense the dark matter created endless new possibilities, although she did have to explore them all.

She decided to call the new [Crash] effect, the Swallowing Explosion. It acted like a black hole that she had read about, although it did use a tremendous amount of mana. Maybe it didn’t use the reduced cost of mana of [Crash] because it was technically something different?

She wasn’t sure, but the one thing she was certain was, she couldn’t wait until {crash] reached level twenty for the next upgrade to Stage 3.

Astrid just had to make sure that she experimented extensively with the possibilities of dark matter. So that when the upgrade came, she would be granted a wide range of abilities to choose from.

But now, it was time to distribute her points from the fight with the Golem. Not long now, and the last door would open.

She didn’t know what to expect, but if the last two fights were anything to go by. It would be long, and excruciating.

Astrid wasn't aware of it, but in her left eye, a countless number of stars swirled within.


Xavier Joanblanq

25% easier eyeball pulling. Well then.

Conor McGroarty

Might as well just call it an Implosion. Well not like it matters as long as it is in character. I’m just imagining her pulling a giant eyeball with a cat’s tail somehow attached (has a cat-like eye and had a tail attached so I imagined that instead of nerve endings). Has her new eye changed color or looks the same as her old one when not in use? Regardless, seems she doesn’t have to use that dubious ear necklace (got it in the underbelly though since it hasn’t been mentioned since it may have already been sold) for better vision in the dark now that she has an eye with dark vision.