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Astrid finished making her shelter within a small valley that was tucked away by a group of tall, looming hills. With her Psycho Warping, she was able to create a fortress of metal with a little bit of time. Two hours, to be exact. She didn’t want to use all of her mana and be forced to use any of her mana potions, and she made sure to have half of her container. In the event that she was attacked, she wanted to have reserves just to be safe.

With not being able to properly see, she had to rely on getting closer to any object within the range of her Psych Domain.

It made finding anything a chore, and she didn’t like the fact that she had to walk blind. Who knows what was watching her out of her current range?

She could only imagine what kind of horrors lurked within this… void? She wondered where this place was, it was quite clearly not Ruitera. Another world? Despite the unknowing risks that skulked in the darkness, her heart was filled with excitement. At this point it was just a wild theory from the science classes, but this environment was unlike she had ever seen before.

Are the dungeons portals to other worlds? The Jailer dungeon must have taken us somewhere underground? Guesses were forming in her mind. It was more than she could ever have imagined before she became a Wayfarer. She was always expecting to go on adventures as a magic-swordsman, but to think she was now a mage class, and on other worlds at that.

Who else could say the same. Maybe she was the first? Astrid giggled in anticipation.

Astrid finished her fortress with large metal spikes that surrounded her magically formed building. She just hoped nothing was dumb enough to charge into it, wouldn’t that cancel her illusion only mission?

She wasn’t sure. Astrid sighed at the amount she had to guess, but it was fun. There were no answers, she just had to discover everything herself, with her own strength.

With everything set up, she had also made another discovery about her newly upgraded Skill, Major Image. Once cast, it would remain until it was physically touched. Before she had started making her fortress, she prepared a wide illusion that used just a little more than half of her entire mana container.

It covered the entire valley and she had made the entrance blend into the nearby hills. To the outside, the entrance was just another wall. With her newly strengthened illusion, she had made another discovery about the Skill.

Major Image, once destroyed with physical touch, would expend a little amount of mana. Although it wasn’t a great expenditure she realised that it would be a non-perfect alarm set-up.

It would work in the way it would detect her if something had broken her illusion, but it was non-perfect because then they would see her fortress. But it was better than nothing. At least that way she could come prepared for an ambush if the voidling monsters lay in wait.

If they even had the intelligence for that.

Astrid sat cross-legged. She hovered just above the floor at the border of her illusion as she looked out. She couldn’t see anything, but she could feel mana fluctuating in the distance. Judging on the overwhelming strength, it couldn’t be anything good.

Thankfully, it seemed to be a great distance away. Sensing mana as a mage was just like an average person feeling the wind against their cheeks. The only difference was that a mage could filter it through the air and absorb it into their container.

With Astrid’s experience of mana in different environments, she was able to tell that it was very far away. How far exactly, she had no idea, but she vowed to stay away from wherever it was.

It would be different if she could rely on the raw destructive capabilities of her Psychokinetic class, but now she was limited to only using her Illusionist class.

This is going to suck. Astrid lamented, no more eyeball pulling, or crashing skulls, or blasting bodies into little pieces. She pouted and stood up from her hovering position. It was time to get to work. Hopefully she won't be here too long.


Astrid finished her Mind Domain attack as a bunch of voidling insects lay scattered around the ground. She wiped the dripping blood from her arm, thankfully it was just a scratch.

It was purely luck that it had managed to harm her, it happened during the wild attack as they ripped each other apart. One of them had broken out of the brawl and attacked her despite the illusion covering the battlefield. Astrid guessed that it had smelled her presence, or something like that anyway and attacked. It was an easy fix, she just created a Major Image on the floor, and levitated up into the air above the misty illusion.

You have defeated a Voidling Insect - level 57
You have defeated a Voidling Insect - level 49

Major Image level 1 -> Major Image level 2

Mind Domain level 6 -> Mind Domain level 7

Astrid crouched down to the bodies and gazed at the fluorescent tongues. During the first fight, she was too focused on getting somewhere safe, but now with that worry gone, more ideas popped into her mind.

Astrid willed the psychic mana into her hands and metal formed from nothing but her energy and Psycho Warping Skill. A long and thin spike emerged from a pommel with a hand guard. She glanced back at the tongue and ripped it from the monster’s mouth using Psychokinesis.

With the moist piece of flesh dangling in the air, she controlled it and skewered it onto her psychically crafted kebab stick. She waved the newly gained glow-stick in the air and nodded in satisfaction. It wasn’t perfect, but it was better than nothing. If only her light stone had worked, life would be so much easier.

She continued her search on the bodies, but as expected, there was no loot to be found.

Well I guess it makes sense, not like they have fingers for rings, or hands to use blades… wait a minute. Astrid tapped her chin, then ripped the scythe from the voidling’s arm and inspected it.

Un-common - Dexterity Class Weapon - Level 59 - Scythe Blade of the Voidling: A blade detached from the Voidling Insect’s body. Created from the void, it is harder than ordinary metal and is able to retain its sharp edge for an eternity.

| 20 added dexterity .

| 15 added constitution.

| 10 added strength.

| Sharpness +10 percent.
| Durability N/A

Astrid raised her brows in surprise. She had never heard of an unbreakable weapon. Usually even the highest quality metal on Rebirth had the potential of breaking with enough stress put on the blade. Oftentimes, Wayfarers would often bring multiple swords as back up, just in case.

She placed it back on the ground, there was no use for carrying it around. Besides, she had the sword that Froderick had given her and although it wasn’t at the level of the scythe arm, the stats and quality were still superior thanks to the higher rank.

A sudden gust of turbulent air wafted over a foul stench. It was similar to the insects, but it was far more putrid. It was followed by a dry croaking that trembled the ground. The only thing she could see were a couple of green lanterns that floated within the dark.

Astrid got into a defensive position and connected to the newly gained torch. The matter around its body was huge in quantity. It was difficult to make out the image. But it was made clear once she sent the newly gained torch forward with Psychokinesis. It hit the floor and illuminated the area in a small budding light.

Astrid flinched at the sight. It was a giant… frog–if a nightmare had created it, that is. It had massive bone-like teeth that covered the edges of its enormous mouth. Its eyes were like fluorescent lanterns that glowed within the darkness and the incessant croaking from its bloated gullet thrummed in her ear.

Level 61 - Voidling Devourer: The monster relies on its–

Astrid cut off the message as the beast opened its jagged maw wide and a thick tongue pierced straight for her head.

The tongue’s tip looked like it was covered in a hardened material. Astrid twitched her mind as she sent it crashing into the floor next to her. Astrid’s anger rose. She knew she couldn’t kill it directly and another hint of creativity bubbled within her mind.

The tongue snapped forward once more, but Astrid caught it in mid air. It struggled and attempted to break free. Astrid humphed and poured her psychic mana into her mind. She yanked the long tongue and a shower of blood followed.

She was worried it would bleed out as the blood covered the ground, but it was an unfounded worry. The monster's high constitution restricted the blood flow, and the bleeding soon halted.

The sight on the ground shocked her. What she thought was just pale, dead grass started to squirm. The grass transformed into an incalculable amount of tiny little worms. They lapped up the blood desperately.

Damn, is this entire damned place hungry? Astrid frowned.

Now that she had neutered the monster’s main weapon, now was the hard part. If she used Mind Domain, it had no tool to kill itself.

Her mind returned back to when she concocted the plan of civil war. Astrid grinned.


It took Astrid only ten minutes before she corralled a bunch of sharp-armed insects towards her dug out pit. She glanced at the enormous frog that was helplessly floating in mid air by her side.

With a strong push, it crashed amongst the voidlings. Thankfully, it was far too interested in consuming her flesh to eat each other. The voidlings instantly began tearing into the huge frog with the help of her illusions.

For the count to kill as an illusion, all she had to do was convince the monsters that it was her illusion. Although the illusions were destroyed from the physical contact, she simply made another until they had mostly killed each other in her glorious death pit.

When there was only one left, she defeated the monster in its own crazed stupor within the Mind Domain.

You have defeated a Voidling Devourer - level 61
You have defeated a Voidling Insect - level 52

You have levelled up!

Psychokinetic level 69 -> Psychokinetic level 70

Illusionist level 69 -> Illusionist level 70

Gained 10 stat points.

You now have 410 intelligence.

Skill level up!

Major Image level 3 -> Major Image level 4

Mind Domain level 7 -> Mind Domain level 8

Experience gained!

Maybe because of the noise that was created, more monsters started to appear. Based on the mana within their bodies and a quick check with identify, she wasn’t worried one bit.

Let’s get to evolving Mind Domain to the next stage. Astrid rubbed her hands together in anticipation. What effects would it give? She couldn’t wait.



Can’t wait for the class upgrades and skill upgrades…also good thing nobody else went in, would probably die

Conor McGroarty

Well at least Astrid knows what souvenirs to get from this place (void sickles).