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Looks like Jonathan will be with our group. He was just in front of them. His family emblem shone through the dark tunnel.

“Did you get a lightstone?” Daniel turned to Astrid.

“I did.” Astrid nodded.

“Good, attach it to your chest.”

Astrid took out the stone from her bag and followed the instructions. With a gentle touch, light budded from the stone and shone forward.

“I have spares if it runs out, just let me know. You don’t want to be wandering in the dark here.”

“Tunnel B, Tunnel B, Tunnel B.” Daniel repeated, he was looking at the sides of the wall until they stopped. “Ah, here it is.” He turned and faced a tunnel marked B. Astrid looked at a sign post that hung above it.

Cargo hold.

They followed Jonathan's team and approached the set of doors. The team leader in front turned his head, Daniel nodded. “Everyone, from here on out. Keep your fucking mouth shut until we say otherwise.” At the man's words Astrid nodded.

The team in front opened the door, their warriors walked in, hands readied on their weapons at all times.

Ah, what the hell is that smell? Astrid forcefully stopped herself from gagging. It was a vile stench, she thought the smell was bad in the lower district but this was wretched. Like decaying meat that had festered under the sun. It was sour and it attached to the fine hairs in her nose. She pulled up a piece of fabric from her collar, marginally blocking the stench. I’ll need to design a gas mask for the next dress.

Jonathan wasn’t so fortunate. He retched, unable to hold it in as his bile covered his immaculate boots.

Daniel glared at him, as did the other members in the team.

Astrid shook her head, instead focusing on her surroundings. They were only able to see a few feet in front of them. She was about to ask a question when Daniel lifted his finger to his lips. His face grim, much like everyone else. Why is everyone acting like that, is something wrong? She used Psych Domain. The specks of matter turned thick. Above, and around her–the matter squirmed erratically.

“I can’t see a damned thing.” Jonathan spat. His team leader’s head whipped around with a glare. No words left his mouth but the meaning was obvious. It was too late.

Lisa tapped on Daniel’s shoulder. She displayed the back of her palm, then closed it into a fist as Daniel nodded.

“Everyone, get ready for the ambush.” Daniel whispered as everyone had their weapons at the ready.

Astrid heard the sound of something rapid hitting against metal, it was happening all around them. Astrid looked up as the mass of matter stopped above her. Is that grunting? She grabbed her light crystal and directed it above her. Teeth flashed in her vision, hot goo-like slime dripped from its mouth, splattering on the ground next to her. Then, an ear piercing screech left its throat and leapt toward her.

Astrid’s mind grabbed hold of the monster as she halted it in mid-air, however, it caused a massive strain on her mind. Blood seeped down from her nose as she let the mental grip disappear. The gremlin fell down in front of her with a thud.

Her mind crashed into the monster, sending it careering backwards. Astrid could only make out the seeping dark liquid on the floor before a message entered her mind.

You defeated a - Gremlin - level 8!

Extra experience is awarded for defeating an enemy three levels above!

Astrid quickly cut off the messages, she didn’t have time to care about them.

“They’re gremlins. Lisa, Rachelle, you're up.” Daniel commanded.

A sound of something striking metal rang out. Losef held his shield forward as the door slammed shut. Then, something massive came crashing down from above, slamming to the ground, sealing the door completely.

“Crafty bastards, what are they doing down here?” Daniel spat.

Rachelle formed a blazing ball from her staff; lighting up the entire room. It was enormous, the darkness crawled further than they could see. Huge steel containers stacked up everywhere within the room in the thousands. The fireball fired forward, screaming through the air as it engulfed its target. Blood-curdling screams left its mouth.

Astrid heard the twanging of bowstrings as the team's arrows pierced forward like a storm.

A gremlin shot out from one of the containers at high speed, a polished short-sword targeted Astrid’s throat. Another followed behind, its little legs propelling it toward her.

Rob was quick to react, his body already standing in front of Astrid like an iron tower. His axe raked the air in front of him as the sharpened blade separated the gremlin from its body.

Astrid–using Rob as a human wall–grabbed hold of the gremlin’s eyeballs and yanked them out.

Jonathan and his friends were marred in injuries while the veterans knew exactly how to avoid damage.

“That can’t be the end of it.” Lisa said.

“Keep your eyes peeled.” Daniel said. “I’ll be taking the lead from now, old man.” He nudged past Jonathan's group as astrid and the others followed.

“You Wayfarer’s are a damn arrogant bunch, but… fine. We’ll work on getting the container out the way.” The team leader said.

Astrid watched as they began their attempts at moving the heavy-steel container.

“Forget the container, we can just kill them all.” Daniel said.

The team leader ignored his words. A sheen emitted from his blade as he sliced open a door in the container. Then, a barrage of bolts shot out from within. The team leader dropped to the floor, thick bolts lodged deeply within his body.

Scuttling noises were heard. The glimmer of teeth were seen within the darkness as taught strings were loosed. “Cover!”

Rob and Josef planted their shield’s to the front, Astrid bolted behind cover as bolts pierced through the air. Her Mind Barrier encased her like a fortified bubble–only one projectile managed to scrape against her shield thanks to the tanks in front.

Astrid could see the gremlins creep around on top of the containers. “Gremlins from the top!” She shouted.

“Lisa, give them hell.” Daniel said.

Lisa stood still for a second, then the air around her was swept like a tornado as her hair flapped in the wind. She aimed straight up and loosed an arrow. There was a crack in the air, then the arrow split off as hundreds of splinters rained down on the gremlins above as it reaped their lives. Lisa wasn’t the only one to act. The archers from the other group kicked into action, they grit their teeth.

Is he going all out against the gremlins on top to dissuade them from gaining the height advantage? Or is this just Lisa’s usual strength? Her thoughts were halted as the monsters started charging at them from the darkness once more.

Astrid’s mind tingled, reflexively she latched onto the object that was moving rapidly towards her head. Just as it was about to hit her, it stopped mid-flight. Using her hand as a guide, she turned the bolt and snapped her arm in front of her as the wooden-shaft shot back from where it came. The speed was accelerated as she heard a wet thudding sound within the darkness.


Astrid exploded the stray gremlins head that loomed on top of the container. Without a head it fell down to the ground with a splat.

A silence pervaded the room.

She huffed, sweat drenched her back. Astrid looked around at the endless amount of corpses on the ground. She couldn’t stop a smile from covering her exhausted visage. I won. Her hands rested on her knees. She may have been tired, but her mind was still detecting the matter around her. Even after the fight ended, her adrenaline surged within her body.

Nothing’s creeping up on me this time. Wiping the sweat from her forehead, she thought back to the fight. She recalled the tanks, Rob and Losef. Their situational awareness was astonishing, she wondered if it was even better than hers. They were in the right place at the right time. Always. She never once had to worry about monsters catching her, although she did flinch a few times…

Brett and Daniel worked solo most of the time. Dancing, weaving in and out of the darkness, slaughtering the enemies with their blades.

Lisa and Rachelle worked together to attack the large clumps of monsters. Mainly attacking the archers and stopping the majority of their firepower. Because of the distance of her and the Seafarers, she never managed to see what they were doing. She didn’t have the luxury.

She quickly glanced at the System messages.

You defeated a - Gremlin - level 6!

You defeated a - Gremlin - level 9!

You defeated a - Gremlin - level 7!

You defeated a - Gremlin - level 5!

Extra experience is awarded for defeating enemies multiple levels above!

Experience is reduced for fighting within a group.

Skill level up!

Crash level 3 -> Crash level 4

Mind Barrier level 3 -> Mind Barrier level 4

Psych Domain level 2 -> Psych Domain level 3

Psychic Power level 2 -> Psychic Power level 3

Experience gained!

You have levelled up!

Psychokinetic level 5 -> Psychokinetic level 6

Gained 5 stat points.

I’ll add to my stats later, when it’s safer.

“Alright, light up the area!” Daniel shouted. “We’ll defend this area for now.”

The veterans got to work whereas the newcomers stood there not knowing what to do.

“Hey, good work on remaining calm. I’m impressed.” Lisa walked over.

“Thanks.” Astrid said. She grabbed hold of a blue bottle from her belt and swallowed the contents. Power returning to her once more.

Astrid watched as Rachelle approached, her face wore an excitable smile. She handed over what appeared to be a necklace made of human ears. “Any chance you have the Identify skill?”

Astrid’s eyebrows twitched. “Shouldn’t you worry about healing people first?”

“Well, he’s dead and the other’s injuries aren’t serious. I have a keen eye, this isn’t my first rodeo. If they can’t deal with a few scratches, they shouldn’t be down here.” Rachelle said as if it were a matter of fact.

“... I have Identify.” Astrid said.

“Oh, how lucky!” Rachelle’s eyes widened. “Could you identify this?”

Astrid nodded. I suppose.

You gained an uncommon piece of equipment!

Level 9 - Gremlin Trophy Necklace: A symbol of a warrior. Gremlins collect ears of humans to determine their worth within their pack. The higher number of ears make them more attractive to the opposite sex. It is a sign of strength.
| 4 added strength.
| Grants General Skill - Mild-Darkvision: You can see 15% better within the dark.

“Well, what does it give?” Rachelle’s eyes sparkled.

Astrid told her the bonuses, once she was finished. Rachelle tutted. “Nevermind, you can keep it.”

“Uh, thanks?” Astrid didn’t know what to do with it. The smell of rotting flesh tingled her nose.  I’m starting to get used to the smell down here, oh no.

I guess I can’t be picky, can I? The darkvision will be a great help down here as well.

Astrid slung the newly acquired necklace around her neck, it was within the level tolerance and she felt the extra strength enter her arms like a stimulant. Looking at a nearby metal container, she hoisted it up–the difference in strength was apparent. Stats are awesome.

With the only loot identified, Rachelle finally started to do her job. Healing. Astrid’s eyes widened as a spurt of flame left her hands. The Seafarers grit their teeth at the searing pain. After a few minutes, Daniel’s voice arrived.

“Missy, you’re with Losef, Brett, and Rachelle. Scout the area, kill any stragglers. If anything arises, pop this.” Daniel handed over a spare flare to Astrid. “We’ll come running.”

“What about us?” Jonathan’s hands pressed on a freshly bandaged wound on his arm.

“Pick a unit and send half with Losef and half with me.” Daniel said. “I want this entire area cleaned.”

Jonathan and a few others joined Astrid’s unit and they set off, walking through the enormous cargo area. Astrid felt an inquiring gaze stick into her back. He’s obviously suspicious of me. He shouldn’t know who I am, given most of my face is covered.

The extra dark-vision worked well, she was able to make out details within the darkness a lot clearer than before. Is… that a hand? Astrid squinted her eyes, she directed her light towards it. Fingers moved back at the sight of the light. Astrid tapped on Brett’s shoulder and motioned forward.

Brett nodded, his body, veiled in the shadows, leapt up high onto the container. No noise was made as his feet hit metal. He looked over the edge, then dropped down as Astrid heard a gutteral choking noise.

Astrid turned the corner, two gremlins lay in a pool of dark viscous liquid. A gushing line was cut in their throat from one ear, along the neck to the other. She looked at the dangling bracelet that held a singular balck rock around his wrist. A blocking stone… It obscures the level–and the holder's advanced class. He should be a class that specialises in assassination though.

Level ??? - Brett, Class: Rogue

Three question marks… Hell, that must mean he’s in the hundreds. His abilities are top notch. Her vision then turned to the rest of the party. They all had the same bracelet.

Level ??? - Rachelle, Class: Fire Mage

Level ??? - Losef, Class: Warrior

Level ?? - ???, Class: Skirmisher

Level 11 - Jonathan, Class: Water Mage

Skill level up!

Identify level 2 -> Identify level 3

Experience gained!

The Wayfarers all had blocking stones. With the level up of Identify, it meant she could gain the information of anything within 12.5 levels of her. Jonathan's a water mage, well that was a given. They walked through the cargo hold area. It was larger than she ever would have expected. She had heard tales of the Underbelly, but never anything about the size of it. I can’t believe something of this size was beneath my feet this entire time. I’ve wanted to explore the oceans and I haven’t even traversed the entirety of HMS Rebirth yet.

Astrid was awakened by a tug of her mind. Clusters of matter… were rapidly approaching.


Astrid swirled the psychic mana within her body in preparation for what was to come–she was ready for a fight.


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