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“Hello? Do you plan on making me wait all day?” A familiar voice travelled to the back of the room.

Master Rumaisa scoffed at the imputent words. “I should take care of my esteemed customers' needs.”

Astrid chuckled at the sarcasm. “I’ll join you.”

They walked out as the group of eyes landed on Astrid.

“Ah, Astrid.” Jonathan said. He was the son of the admiral in charge of the Seafarers. The guardians of the ocean. He wiped the pompous look off his face and replaced it with an amiable smile. “It’s such a surprise to see you here my lady, your beauty truly brightens up even the darkest of days.” He bowed, showing his graceful movements. “You'd be pleased to know that we were enrolled into the seafaring division for our first mission.”

Blegh. Astrid shook her head. However, it was the last words that perked her eyes up.

“First mission?” Astrid wondered.

“Don’t you know?” Jonathan looked confused.

“Know what? I’ve been training relentlessly these past two weeks for the Wayfarer’s exam.” Astrid said.

“We have been tasked with an extermination mission into the Underbelly of the ship.” Jonathan placed his hand onto his chest. “Although, we're only in charge of reducing the numbers at the edge. I’ll show my worth to everyone and travel further than everyone in our generation.”

“Have you faced a Spawn yet?” Astrid remarked. “You might think that now, but it's different when their beady little eyes are staring back at you.”

Astrid leaned over the counter. Staring directly into his eyes. “You should have seen it when I popped their eyeballs out of their skull. Pop!” She shouted as Jonathan scrambled backwards

Jonathan quickly cleared his throat. “Yes, well, I’ve undergone strict training. Are you not joining us? Are you tormented from the attack in the Lower District? I heard you almost died?” His eyes showed a hint of anger as they trembled.

Oh his pride is hurt in front of his little minions. Astrid burst out laughing. “Of course I’m joining. It seems you have forgotten the strength of a Sinwen, Jonathan.”

“I’m well aware of the strength of a Sinwen, but will you have that same power? I heard you are walking the path of a mage, unlike your family. I’m not so sure you do.” Jonathan shook his head.

Without a thought, the items within the shop started levitating. The golden necklace around Jonathan’s throat started floating. Tightening around his throat. The high quality of the piece of jewellery worked against him.

“Don’t mock me.” Astrid said. Then, as if nothing happened, the room turned to normal. She placed the objects back where they belonged.

“Y-you’re crazy.” Jonathan dashed out the room with his possy in towe.

A sigh appeared behind Astrid.

“I don’t know what I expected. Well, I did, I suppose.” Master Ramasia said.

“Mutts need to know their place.” Astrid said. “Besides, how the hell is he going to beat the Spawn if he runs away from me?”

“You have tormented him since young, Astrid.”

“Yes, well he shouldn’t have put his grubby little hands on Leena.” Astrid scowled. “It’s like training a dog isn’t it?”

“You’re a piece of work, you know that.” Master Ramasia helplessly chuckled.

Just as Astrid was about to head on through the back to finish the design of her new dress, she heard the sound of the bell ringing from the door.

“Listen here…” Astrid spun as another group entered the shop.

“Expecting someone else?” A young man, roughly in his twenties confidently approached the counter as a woman walked by his side.

The man’s head was shaved at the sides with a fringe that almost covered his eyes. While the woman had a slender body with short chestnut hair. The clothes and leather armour they were wearing had holes ripped into them. The stench of unwashed bodies surged forward.

“I’m needing these repaired. Thank you.” He placed a rucksack full of clothes on the counter. Astrid noticed the badge on his chest. Wayfarer.

“Had a nasty run in with some dire wolves.” He continued.

“Dire wolves? That means you’ve returned from a Forgotten City?” Astrid said.

“You mean a bubbled-city? Only nobles call it that. It’s clearly not forgotten if we’re down there is it?” Daniel said. “Are you new here? Never seen your face before-ow!” Daniel yelped as a boot struck his calf.

“Apologies my lady, Daniel refuses to learn the faces of nobles. Landing us in the shitter quite often.” The young lady with short hair bowed her head. “Ah, pardon my language.”

“I tend to be quite petty, but I’ll let him off the hook.” Astrid nodded.

“Oh trust me young Wayfarers, she has no qualms with foul language.” Rumaisa added.

“Ah, you’re a noble, what’s your name? What are you doing behind the counter?” Daniel quickly dodged another boot to his leg. “What? I ain’t allowed to ask questions, Lisa?”

Lisa’s face turned red. “Can’t you atleast behave yourself until we get back into the Lower District?”

“My name is Astrid Sinwen.” Astrid said. At the words Daniel’s eyes widened. “I’m just a customer like you.”

Can’t hurt getting to know a wayfarer’s party, they’re all young as well. They must be talented.

“Astrid, it’s a pleasure to meet you, we were actually looking for someone to join our party. I take it you’ve heard of the subjugation mission in the Underbelly?”

“You can’t just recruit a princess of Rebirth on a whim, Daniel.” Lisa scowled.

“But we need someone.” Daniel scratched the side of his stubble.

“Yes and we’ll just recruit one on the Humanity Board.” An exasperated sigh left Lisa’s mouth.

“Ugh, that takes forever though. I can’t stand waiting. Besides, they’re usually wimps. How many of them ever leave the ship?” Daniel continued. “They bloody sign up as a Seafarer, take their monthly wage and leech off the government. Damned misers.”


“Exactly.” Daniel said. “So, how about it, what class are you?”

“I’m a mage but, even if I wanted to do it...” Astrid said. “How could I trust you?”

“A mage, how lucky! See, easy as that, Lisa.” Daniel laughed. “Trust is easily earned, can’t you tell from my noble demeanour?” Daniel raised his head.

“You’re going to get us thrown in prison.” Lisa sighed.

“What’s the mission exactly?” Astrid crossed her arms. “Subjugation is a broad term and involves a lot of steps. What’s your role in it?”

Daniel nodded. “We’ve been tasked by our commander to take the fight to the Spawn, kill em’, that’s about it.” Daniel's eyes flashed a determined look.

“You’re jumping into a mission and you don’t know the full details?” Astrid said.

“Jumping in?” Daniel laughed. “It's not my first rodeo into the underbelly, golden missy. I know the capabilities of my group and I would never take a mission if it was something I knew we couldn't handle. I ain’t just a pretty face, you know.”

“Pretty face? To goblins maybe.” Lisa said. “But, he’s telling the truth. Not once has he brought us into a dire situation. Actually, I’ll rephrase that. Not once has he brought us into a dire situation that he hasn’t brought us out of. ”

“Ouch, I have feelings.” Daniel pouted.

Give me a day to decide?” Astrid said.

“Sure thing, we need to gather supplies anyway. Meet you back here, same time.”

“Excellent. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Astrid.” Dianiel left with the group.


Astrid turned to Leena. “Those people…”

Leena said. “Yes, my lady?”

“I want their names and background. I want to know if they can be trusted.” Astrid said. “Oh and Leena, discreetly.”

“Of course.” Leena left in a flash.

“It’s better to be cautious and suspicious of anyone.” Master Rumaisa said. “Well, let’s get started on the design of your dress. I’ll need to work all night if it’s needed by tomorrow.”

“Thank you.”

“Oh my.” Master Rumaisa put on a shocked expression, followed by a smile. “Say that again.”

“I want it ready by tomorrow!” Astrid ignored her and trotted out the room. My first mission… Will father even allow it? I’ve not passed the examination to become a wayfarer yet.

The beating sun welcomed her as soon as she entered the streets. I should prepare anyway. Potions, a weapon just in case–those scalpels came in handy, I’ll grab something more substantial however, and food. Need to have food.

The shopping district in the Upper District was huge, it took Astrid six hours to finish her shopping. A big rucksack was completely full, the heavy weight slumped on her shoulders as she felt the force trying to tug her backwards. Maybe I should invest at least some points into strength… wait a minute.

Her mind latched onto the bag and moved it upwards slightly. She made sure not to levitate it all the way up, just enough so it reduced the amount of stress on her petite shoulders. Ah, it doesn’t use too much mana doing it this way.

It was a long way back to the Sinwen Manor. Halfway she could feel her mana depleting so she was forced to haul the bag with nothing but her back. On a bench, she took a breather. It was situated next to a garden filled with red and yellow flowers. Bee’s would buzz by her ear, but she didn’t mind. Astrid gazed at the Beekeeper class going on with his work before turning to her stats within the System. If she wanted to become stronger–quicker–she had to be careful where she was spending her points.

Strength. It was something she would have had to focus on if she became a Magic swordsman just like the rest of her family. But now it didn’t have much use, especially now that she could lessen the burden with Psychokinesis. The odd few points wouldn’t hurt–just in case she ran out of mana.

Dexterity. It improved the body's flexibility and the speed at which the body listened to the commands it was given. An archer or rogue's stat of choice. This one was quite important for Astrid. She had no movement ability so far, and only relied on her own two legs.

Constitution. Improves the skin's toughness and how many hits you can take before bleeding out. Dying isn't fun so this one is a must.

Intelligence. The mage’s bread and butter stat. It improves the mana container within one’s body and increases the damage dealt with spells. It was also capable of granting the Mana Defence skill. Highly sought after by warriors. It increased their magical defence.

Finally, Wisdom. Increases the person's perception and observation. It also helped fend off against any mind abilities. This should also improve my Psychokinesis skill, I’ll need to test it but it should help me sense matter from further.

So that leaves Intelligence, wisdom, constitution, dexterity, Astrid nodded at her order. Then, her thoughts turned to her father. He would probably say no, given what happened in the Lower District. Should I go behind his back if they turn out to be trustworthy? Ah, I’ll sleep on it.


“So they can be trusted then…” Astrid held a file open, information regarding the group was scrawled within. Everything from their birth, to the day their System awakened, to what class they were given. However, their advanced classes were hidden. Most likely for their own safety, or maybe even the Wayfarer headquarters didn’t know, Astrid could only guess. Then it moved to their personalities and mission success.

Three warriors - Rob, Losef, and Daniel. One rogue - Brett. One archer - Lisa, and a fire mage - Rachelle.

No healer… Their mission success rate sure is impressive.

“Burn it.” Astrid handed the files back over to Leena.

“My lady… are you sure this is a good idea?” Leena said.. “And going without me, I can’t help but have a sinking feeling in my stomach.”

“It’s fine, I left a letter on my father's desk explaining what’s happened and where I’m going. By the time he sees the letter he will have enough time to stop me if he wishes.” Astrid shrugged. “I understand your concerns, but I need to do this alone. My family have all gone on their first mission alone with a team they didn’t know. I want to do the same. To prove to them I can also do what they have done.”

“Yes–but…” Leena sighed. “All you Sinwen’s are the same, stubborn as mules.”

Astrid chuckled. “Careful now, I might just report it to the family.”

“Then do just that.” Leena said.

Astrid shook her head, she stepped forward wrapping her arms around her slender arms. “Thank you for understanding.”

“Ah–you.” Leena said.

Stepping back, Astrid debated on just going without a letter, but the look of her fathers eyes when he rescued her. They were filled with concern and love.

However, she also knew that she was a Sinwen. It was no normal family. Astrid doubted that he would stop her.

Astrid looked at the clock. It’s almost time. She untied a back from under the counter. Pulling out a black and brown outfit, she admired it for a second. It was something she was working on through the month from working at The Noble Seamstress. It was a dress mixed with a cotton-polyester blend and lightweight armour covered all the vital areas and arms. She had also requested a hood to be stitched into it, the less attention the better. She wanted to be treated like a regular adventure, even if only for a while.

Uncommon - Level 5 - Battle-Mage Dress: Made with durable fur of a Dire Wolf, impued with magic, andlined with heat resistance fabric. Finished off with Cold-Steel.
| +5  Intelligence
| +3  constitution
| +10% heat resistance

Master Rumaisa made sure to only use low level materials so she could at least get access to the stats that would provide some help to the mission.

The door opened, Daniel peeked his head inside. “Anyone here?”

“Just me.” Astrid said.

“Excellent, meet at the service tunnels in ten minutes.”

Astrid nodded. She slung a backpack over her shoulders. It held the outfit, food, and any medical supplies that she might need.

“Take care… my lady.” Leena held her hands against her chest.

Nodding, Astrid could feel the thumping within her chest.



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