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Skill level up!

Identify level 1 -> Identify level 2

Experience gained!

“Any more mana potions?”

“I’m afraid not my lady, please sit down and recover.” Leena replied. “I’ll help the others.”

Astrid nodded. I need to recover my strength… my mana. I can’t help anyone let alone myself if I can’t use my magic.

Looking over at the thick-metal door she doubted it would last and even if it did, the windows were already being smashed. A dull pain was stuck within her mind. With her mind in the system she added points into intelligence and constitution. Having a small mana pool was really getting on her nerves. While she needed the constitution to stay alive.

3 points added to intelligence.

You now have 26 intelligence.

2 points added to constitution.

You now have 12 constitution.

Ah, so much better. The annoying pain within her mind was mostly eased. The pain from the cuts and bruises on her elbows and knees dissapeared.

All done. Astrid left the System and glanced at a little girl who was staring at her. As they met each other's eyes, a rose-tint seeped onto the girl's face. What the… am I that pretty? Ha, of course I am, poor girl must be stunned.

Alongside the girl was a familiar face, Joel lay in the bed, his eyes focused on the windows. I better go over and see how they are doing.

Astrid walked over with a well-practised smile. “You must be Joel’s sister? Do you think I’m pretty?”

Her head moved to the side. “You have something on your head.”

“Huh?” Astrid brushed her hair as a piece of debris fell out. She cleared her throat, a red-tint appearing on her cheeks. “Thanks.” She looked at Joel, it was as if he was absorbed into the action at the windows.

“Joel.” Astrid said.

“Ah,” Joel jumped at the sudden voice. He turned to face her, before he could say anything a woman interjected.

“You must be the noble lady that saved my boy?” The woman struggled up from her bed. Her voice was wheezy and faint. “I-I don’t know how we could ever repay you…”

“No repayment is necessary.” Astrid shook her head. Then, she puffed out her chest. Her vision brushed up against the Sinwen emblem on her chest. It displayed a spear head set over a clump of clouds. The woman tilted her head.

Astrid’s face turned scarlet. Damnit, does she not know of the Sinwen emblem? How embarrassing.

She chuckled. “I better go over there and help… yeah. Bye!”  Astrid rushed to the windows, feeling better, she was ready to help. Just as a Spawn’s hand reached in, Astrid's mind crashed into the monster's chest. She used a smaller amount of matter this time, sending the Spawn hurtling backwards.

Astrid raised her hand, a scalpel lay on her palm. A Spawn’s head peered through the cracks within the wooden planks. Now! Astrid released the power within her hand as the blade bored through its skull.

You defeated a - Spawn Hatchling - level 3!

Extra experience is awarded for defeating an enemy above your level!

Another Spawn appeared, they were like a never ending wave. Shit, when’s reinforcements coming? Her eyes looked around, the people at the windows could defend themselves. At least they’re not useless.

Level 9 - ??? - Class: Warrior

Level 13 - ??? - Class: Thug

Level 12 - ??? - Class: Archer

Level ?? - ??? - Class: Rogue

Astrid watched as the countless Spawn encroached from all around. Her mind was rapidly thinking of something, anything to deal with a large number of them all at once. That’s it! She sprinted down the hospital’s hallways. Should be here somewhere… aha. She made her way down into the basement. It was dark, mould was busy growing on the walls and the floor was submerged in filthy, blackened water.

She strained her eyes, then they lit up as she saw a red container laying on metal shelves. Trudging through the filthy water, she grabbed hold of the gas canister and yanked it off the shelf. She wasn’t expecting the weight of it as her arms couldn’t maintain the weight. It splashed into the water.

Oh shit, so heavy… Using Psychokinesis she alleviated the weight of it. She lifted it up the stairs and onto the second floor. The survivors that were too scared to help were all huddled in a corner, crying. A stench of ammonia assaulted her nostrils.

Astrid averted her eyes and opened up the window. With a groan, she hoisted the container onto the window cill. Holy shit. She gazed out at the neverending hoard of fish heads. It was worse than she thought.

Okay stay positive, now I need a lighter and tape. It took only a minute to find the items, she stole the lighter off a chain-panic smoker and yoinked tape from the surgery table.

Wrapping it around the container, she clambered on to the window ledge. Operation: Do something mother would never approve of. Although… It wouldn’t be the first time. With the lighter flicked on she connected to the canister with her mind. With a touch, she moved it forward, into the air. The weight of it beared down on her mind, but despite that it was still easier to control the gas canister than it was the Spawn’s eyes.

Astrid made sure it was a suitable distance away so it wouldn’t blow a hole in the wall. She let go of the connection as it fell. She formed a cluster of matter around the falling canister and Crashed it.

Die you slimy freaks!

A flash of bright yellow light, turned into amber, then to red. She felt the heat on her face as the force hit her chest. Her body teetered backwards as her back struck the hard floor.

You defeated a - Spawn Hatchling - level 3!

You defeated a - Spawn Warrior- level 10!

You defeated a - Spawn Hatchling - level 9!

You defeated a - Spawn Hatchling - level 7!

You defeated a - Spawn Brute - level 12!

Extra experience is awarded for defeating many enemies levels above!

Experience is reduced for using an indirect method!

You have levelled up!

Psychokinetic level 2 -> Psychokinetic level 5

Gained 15 stat points.

Skill level up!

Psychokinesis level 2 -> Psychokinesis level 4

Crash level 1 -> Crash level 3

Psych Domain level 1 -> Psych Domain level 2

Psychic’s Power level 1 -> Psych Power level 2

Experience gained!

My god… I’m a genius. Astrid lay with her back on the floor. She took a mental note of the reduced experience as she watched the notifications flash within her mind like fireworks. Astrid quickly added her points and skills. She was worried about downstairs.

10 points added to intelligence.

You now have 36 intelligence.

5 points added to constitution.

You now have 17 constitution.

You have gained the Title - Canister Go Boom! -

Canister Go Boom!: Was that fair? Who knows but it was COOL!
| 15% Increased damage with flammable canisters.
| Canisters are 20% easier to move with Psychokinesis.
| 10% Increased explosion radius for canisters.

Would you like to change your title to this one?


It’s like a child in my head! Shaking away the thoughts she decided against the change. Her other title granted a couple points into the intelligence stat. Also–there wasn’t another canister.

No change made.

Astrid could feel sadness well up inside her head, as if disappointed at her choice. Seriously, these messages… Is Goddess Iara off duty only for me? Why does it sound like a kid is in charge of my System!

Anyway, Astrid nodded at her choice, it was just too dependent on there being a mass of explodable canisters. Besides, she could change them whenever she wanted. Choosing another meant being locked out for an entire day. Wayfarers especially had to think about their choice for the day very carefully. It would change based on where they were going or doing.

Astrid was awakened from her thoughts when she heard a crash coming from downstairs and a cacophony of screams and shouting. Rushing downstairs her eyes rested on an enormous body squeezed through the window. The monster shrugged off the thudding of metal pipes and table-legs that were fashioned into weapons.

Leena was about to move from her window when Astrid bolted forward. “I’ve got this!” She shouted, making Leena halt in her movement.

“But…” Leena stumbled, her eyes widened.

Astrid, with the added intelligence and increased skill level, crashed her mind into the monster. Its skull thumped back, scarlet liquid trickled down. The Spawn’s eyes snapped onto Astrid, eyes trembling, its arm swung to the side sending one of the survivors tumbling to the tiled-floor.

Astrid glared at the oversized fish. Stretching out both palms, psychic mana welled up within her mind. Stay calm, remember your training.

The Spawn charged towards Astrid. It’s beastly will driving it towards its kill. Astrid brandished her mana forward as it connected to the matter in front of its eyes. Instead of pulling. She pushed the matter forward, pressing the specks flush against it.

It approached and raised its arm for an attack. Astrid could feel the air of the desperate attempt at taking her life. Now! Astrid willed the matter to Crash. Two explosions rang out at the same time as a blood curdling roar left the Spawn’s mouth.

The last ditch swing of its club swatted towards Astrid’s skull. With a thought, she connected to the club and swerved it to the side, the wind created by the blow caused her hair to flap.

“My lady!” Leena’s scream filled her ears.

With a crash, the club smashed into the tiles.

“You done?” Astrid said. She stared at the Spawn’s lack of eyes. Death looked at her, and she looked back. Her finger pressed up against the monster's chest as its powerless body fell back like a felled tree.

Astrid stared at her hands, stained red by the trickle of blood. Is this what power feels like? It was a euphoric sensation. She felt on top of the world, like a ruler. She was greater than everyone. The survivors looked in awe at her display of power. A sudden tug at her chest caused a bud of warmth to trickle down her skin.

Glancing down, an arrow with long drawn-out feathers appeared in her vision, she felt her heartbeat rise. Her mind turned to turmoil. A chaotic energy churned up within her, the black X flashed, branding itself though her pupil and spilling over, covering her iris.

Then, an explosion from outside ripped its soundwaves into the room. Astrid’s hazy mind watched as a group of heavily armoured men bolted into the room. The insignia consisted of two interlocked spears, protecting a shield. They were humanity's spearhead.

The great family of Sinwen.

One man entered the hospital like a raging bolt of lightning, the air around him crackled as his concerned eyes lit up like beacons towards Astrid. Wounds were gouged into his skin, layers of flesh were missing. Yet he didn’t bother getting healed, his eyes marred with desperation.

“F-father..” Astrid said. Her voice was raspy and weak.

“Rest.” His caressing words filled her startled mind.

His finger pressed up against her forehead, it was a touch more gentle than the summer’s ocean waves.

Astrid lost consciousness.


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