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Levi Caddel

| Birthright Tier: 2 – Apprentice

| Class: Mage

| Path: Inciter

| Level: 41

| Titles: Otherworlder, Caller of the Round Table, Talent of an Arch Magus, Golden Tongue, Crypt-Hound Slayer, Prodigious Child.



| Strength: 21

| Vitality: 22

| Dexterity: 15

| Magic: 75

| Mana: 45




Incite (★★★★★★★)

Mana Control (★★★★★★★)
Trap Making (★★★★)
Meditation (★★★)
Fire Control (★★★★★)
Golden Carapace (★★★★)



 | Baphomet's Spike, Machinist’s Book of Magi.

Panting, Levi felt an exhilaration that was difficult to describe. Through his tiredness, he glanced at his legs that were currently lit ablaze. The flames nibbled at his trouser legs, slowly inching upwards, transforming coarse cloth to ash. Soon, he’d be left with no clothes to speak of. Not wanting that embarrassing situation to come to fruition, Levi cancelled the new ability he had learned, along with it, all the other fire around him.

Most of his Skills had Levelled. Incite and Mana Control were quickly approaching 10-Star; the constant fighting had worked wonders. What would happen upon reaching the max rank? Would his Skills evolve, and to what degree? Levi couldn’t wait to find out. 

He had also reached Level 41. I really hope the 3rd tier is at Level 50, Levi thought. Although, before that, he’d have to get his hands on another Birthright Seed. But that wasn’t too difficult. He just had to save up a little more. And if it came to it, he’d just ask Gregory for one. No doubt he had his own contacts.

With the fight done, Levi created camp, set up a defensive perimeter, then rested for a while. While he was quite a distance away from Ironvale, he wanted to make the most of it. Hunting contracts flitted through his mind; there were a few in this area to claim. It’d be a waste to head back now when money was laying on the table. It’d be tough and bloody, but that was the fun, right?


Levi had spent just over a week in the ancient forests. During that time, he had hunted various monsters, attended the Round Table meeting, and survived a night in the Krag. And he had just reached Level 49. One more to go, and Levi was currently stalking his final prey.

Hiding in a bush, the air crackled with tension as he focused on the corrupted rabbit bounding into view. Its fur shimmered with an unnatural sheen, and a twisted horn jutted from its forehead, sharp as a dagger. Levi’s eyes narrowed, knowing full well the beast’s capabilities. He had been watching it just shy of 2 days, and was aware of what it could do with that horn. He felt the fire within him flare to life as he prepared to unleash his abilities; this was his battlefield.

With a flick of his wrist, Levi conjured a javelin of fire, the flames licking hungrily at the air. He hurled it with practised precision, the blazing projectile slicing through the air toward the rabbit. The creature dodged nimbly, the javelin embedding itself in a tree trunk, where it smouldered and hissed. Levi’s lips curled into a grin. This was only the beginning.

Drawing upon the searing energy within, Levi incited the rabbit, sending waves of taunting energy that goaded the beast into action. The rabbit lunged, propelled by fury and magic, its horn aiming to skewer Levi where he stood. Levi responded in kind, enhancing his legs with fire, his movements becoming a blur as he dodged aside with effortless grace.

He spun around, his hands a blur as he fired a volley of fire arrows from his palm. The arrows traced fiery arcs through the air, illuminating the forest in flashes of red and orange. The rabbit, agile and unpredictable, weaved through the onslaught, the flames scorching the earth where it had been just moments before.

But Levi had laid traps. All around the forest floor were runes etched into the dirt, each primed with dormant fire magic. He retreated strategically, luring the rabbit toward one such trap with a feint and a flourish of his blazing spear. The rabbit, in its haste and fury, bounded into the circle of runes, triggering the trap with a brilliant explosion of flame that engulfed it in searing heat.

The creature shrieked, its fur singed and smoking, but it was not defeated. With a vicious snarl, it retaliated, launching blades of energy from its horn. Levi moved quickly, fire-enhanced legs carrying him out of harm's way, though one blade grazed his arm, drawing blood and leaving a burning sensation.

His bloodied arm only fueled his resolve. Levi conjured another javelin, the flames more intense this time, and launched it with all his might. The rabbit, recovering from the trap, saw it too late. The fiery spear struck its flank, embedding itself deep, and the beast staggered, its eyes burning with both pain and rage.

Seeing his chance, Levi incited the rabbit again, sowing chaos in its mind, driving it into another trap. The forest floor erupted once more in a column of fire, the heat singeing Levi’s skin as he danced back from the inferno. The rabbit emerged, its movements faltering, its once sleek fur now blackened and charred.

The dance of death continued for minutes; the scene of Levi masterfully controlling the battlefield was only visible to the onlooking trees. 

Levi summoned a large portion of his strength this time, gathering the fire within a concentrated ball of energy. He hurled it at the rabbit, the fiery projectile exploding on impact with a roar that echoed through the forest. The rabbit let out a final, agonised cry as the flames consumed it, its dark magic unravelling in the light of Levi's relentless assault.

Smiling, Levi took in the new System message with feverish excitement.

You have reached Level 50.
| Advancement to Tier 3 is now possible upon obtaining a third Birthright Seed.

Returning to camp, Levi dropped his backpack on the ground and leaned back against a sturdy tree. A broad smile spread across his face. He had actually reached it. He had half-expected the advancement to be at Level 100 just to mess with him. But he had finally achieved it. Now, all he needed was a Birthright Seed. With two incredible ingredients already in hand, his future looked promising.

Through the fabric of his trousers, Levi's fingers absently brushed the Legendary stopwatch. It had become a habit to grasp it, a talisman of his growing power. The thought of its potential was exhilarating. Would he truly be able to stop time? Having recently come from Earth, it seemed like a ridiculous notion, yet now it felt within reach. He didn't know if it was his talent as the Arch-Magus speaking to him, but thoughts of how best to use the stopwatch crept into his mind.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the ground beneath his feet. Levi jumped up, his eyes snapping to the direction of a rising plume of smoke. Something had exploded—but what? They were deep in the forest, in the heart of wild land. Levi readied himself, mana coursing through him like a live wire. He scanned his surroundings, ears straining for any sound. Seconds stretched into minutes, but he refused to lower his guard. Something was approaching. He could feel it, a surge of mana moving towards him at blistering speed. His traps triggered, illuminating the dark forest with bursts of red and orange light.

Then he saw them—scarlet, glowing eyes, sharpened teeth, ghastly pale flesh, and long, matted hair. It was a summoned demon. Levi cursed under his breath, wondering how Gregory or Bram had allowed it to get so close. He knew he was being used as bait, but he hadn’t expected the demon to come so near. Thanks to the combat experience he had gained over the past few weeks, panic didn’t overwhelm him easily. Despite knowing the absurd strength of his opponent, Levi fired a lance of fire at the demon. It streaked through the air, raising the temperature around it, but the humanoid creature dodged, lowering itself to the ground with inhuman agility.

Already moving backward, Levi unleashed a rapid volley of high-powered fire bullets aimed at the demon’s vitals. The demon dodged most, but one found its mark, boring a hole through its shoulder. There was no blood, but Levi was shocked to see that he could actually harm it. He had witnessed the punishment the being could endure before. A fire bullet, even one concentrated with high amounts of mana, shouldn’t have affected it in the slightest.

It’s not the true form, Levi realised as he sensed its mana. The demon was using a technique to split its body.

With that realisation, thoughts of retreat transformed into resolve for battle. Levi spun on his heels, ready to engage the summoned creature with the full force of his power. Golden armour materialised, covering his vital areas, while flames crept up his arms and legs. His eyes blazed with an unquenchable fire, determined and fierce. 

Levi wouldn’t run. He’d fight, and he’d win.



Why doesn't he use the watch as the last ingredient?


I think he is. Isn't the watch and the book the two ingredients he's referring to?