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Having already summoned Baphomet’s Spike and placing his traps, Levi shot an arrow of fire at the beast. When the Tigron’s claws sank into the rear of the gazelle-like mammal, Levi’s attack arrived. The fire arrow struck the Tigron’s side, detonating with a burst of flames that enveloped the creature in searing heat. The gazelle escaped, sprinting into the jungle as the Tigron roared in fury and pain.

The Tigron spun towards Levi, its eyes blazing with primal rage. Smoke curled from its singed fur as it charged, undeterred by the flames.

Levi stood his ground, gripping his spear tightly. His eyes were locked on the beast, his mind calculating every possible move.

As the Tigron closed in, Levi activated the invisible fire traps he had meticulously placed earlier. The ground beneath the Tigron erupted in a series of controlled explosions, flames engulfing its legs and slowing its advance. 

The beast shrieked, its momentum faltering as it struggled through the inferno.

Levi seized the opportunity. He lunged forward, spear aimed at the Tigron’s throat. The beast reared back, narrowly avoiding the strike, but Levi was relentless. He spun on his heel, driving the spear into the Tigron’s flank. The blade bit deep, and the beast roared, swinging a massive paw at Levi.

Levi barely dodged the swipe, the claws grazing his shoulder and tearing through his armour. Pain flared, but he ignored it, focusing on the battle. He pulled back, placing more distance between himself and the Tigron. With a swift motion, he summoned another fire javelin and hurled it at the beast.

The javelin struck the Tigron’s chest, exploding in a shower of sparks and flame. The Tigron roared in agony, its fur alight with magical fire. It thrashed wildly, desperate to extinguish the flames, but Levi pressed his advantage. He darted in, spear flashing as he aimed for the heart.

The Tigron’s movements were erratic, driven by pain and rage. It lunged at Levi, jaws snapping. Levi sidestepped, but the beast’s claws raked his side, drawing blood. He gritted his teeth against the pain, driving his spear into the Tigron’s shoulder. The beast howled, blood spraying from the wound.

Levi’s golden armour hummed with power, reinforcing itself with his mana. The runes glowed brightly, fortifying the metal against the Tigron’s relentless assault. The beast’s jaws clamped down on his arm, teeth digging into the reinforced plates. Levi grunted, feeling the pressure but refusing to yield.

With a surge of strength, he wrenched his arm free and drove his knee into the Tigron’s snout. The beast recoiled, and Levi followed up with a powerful thrust of his spear, aiming for the heart. The blade pierced the Tigron’s chest, and Levi twisted, feeling the beast’s heart shudder against the weapon.

The Tigron’s claws raked across Levi’s chest, tearing through the golden armour and leaving deep, bloody gashes. Pain lanced through him, but he held firm, his grip unwavering. The beast’s strength began to wane, its roars turning to whimpers.

With a final, desperate push, Levi drove the spear through the Tigron’s heart. The beast let out one last roar, then collapsed, its massive body shuddering before going still. Levi stood over the fallen creature, his breath ragged and his body aching. Blood dripped from his wounds, staining the ground beneath him.

He pulled his spear free, the blade slick with the Tigron’s blood. The jungle was silent now, the only sounds were his heavy breathing and the crackling of the dying flames. Levi looked down at the Tigron, its eyes glazed over in death.

Levi felt the adrenaline engulfing him wane, his shoulders relaxed. And then he heard the crack of a twig and a vice constricting against his heart. Fire erupted, one of his traps exploding. The ground shook, and from the inferno emerged a new beast—an ape-like ogre monster, towering and massive, its eyes glowing with a malevolent intelligence. 

Levi recognized it immediately. This was the beast he had seen on the hunting board—a 3-star monster known for its brutal strength and cunning.

The ogre's skin was dark and leathery, covered in patches of coarse fur. Its muscles bulged grotesquely, and it moved with a terrifying agility despite its size. The ogre's roar shook the very air, a thunderous bellow that seemed to make the jungle itself quiver in fear.

Levi knew he couldn’t face this monster head-on. He had to keep his distance, use his agility and fire spells to wear it down. Summoning a fire javelin, he hurled it at the ogre, aiming for its chest. The javelin struck true, exploding in a burst of flames that engulfed the beast. The ogre roared in pain and fury, but it kept coming, its eyes locked onto Levi.

Levi backpedalled quickly, throwing another fire javelin. This one hit the ogre’s arm, burning through the thick fur and skin. The beast howled, swinging its massive fist in a wild arc. Levi ducked and rolled, the blow missing him by inches.

He planted his feet and shot an arrow of fire at the ogre, aiming for its eyes. The arrow hit its mark, one eye exploding in a spray of blood and fire. The ogre screamed, clutching at its ruined eye. Levi didn’t wait for it to recover. He threw another fire javelin, aiming for the other eye. The ogre deflected it with a swipe of its hand, the javelin exploding harmlessly against the ground.

Levi cursed under his breath and switched to his spear. He knew he had to keep the ogre at a distance, use his reach to his advantage. He circled the beast, looking for an opening. The ogre, now half-blind and furious, charged at him, its fists swinging wildly. Levi dodged and thrust with his spear, the blade biting into the ogre’s side. The beast bellowed in pain, but it kept coming, its movements frantic and unpredictable.

Levi used his speed to stay one step ahead, his spear darting in and out like a serpent’s tongue. He aimed for the ogre’s legs, trying to cripple it. The blade sliced through muscle and tendon, and the ogre stumbled, falling to one knee. Levi seized the opportunity, summoning a fire javelin and hurling it at the ogre’s head. The javelin exploded on impact, engulfing the ogre’s head in flames.

The ogre roared, its hands clawing at its burning face. 

Levi didn’t let up. 

He summoned another fire javelin, aiming for the beast’s heart. The javelin struck true, burying itself in the ogre’s chest and exploding in a shower of fire and blood.

The ogre fell back, its body writhing in agony. Levi watched, his breath coming in ragged gasps, as the beast struggled to rise. He knew he couldn’t let it get back up. He summoned his last fire javelin, aiming for the beast’s heart once more. But as he threw it, the ogre lashed out with a desperate swipe, the blow catching Levi in the chest and sending him flying.

He crashed into a tree, the impact knocking the wind out of him. Pain flared in his side, and he tasted blood in his mouth. He struggled to his feet, his vision swimming. The ogre, now a burning, bloody mess, staggered towards him, its eyes filled with a savage determination.

But, like Levi, it came to a realisation. If this brutal brawl to the death continued, it would be too dangerous for either of them. Levi, with one hand on the trunk of a tree, poised himself to flee at a moment's notice. The ogre had the same idea. Almost acknowledging each other's thoughts, they turned and ran. Moments later, Levi heard the cry of another monster. Their fight had attracted more predators.

Levi cursed under his breath and made his escape, darting into the forest, battered, bloodied, and bruised. Returning to his camp, which was fortified with countless highly powered fire traps, Levi collapsed onto a tree stump. Panting, he tried catching his breath. His mana reserves were practically empty now; all that was left were dregs. If the fight had gone on any longer, he would have been wasted.

“That was close,” Levi muttered under his breath. He felt his face—bloodied, cut up, and… was he smiling?

Levi fell backward, his back resting on the spacious stump. However, he forced himself up the next moment. He couldn’t rest. If that ogre caught him in his current condition, he’d be a pig waiting at the slaughterhouse.

So, he regulated his breathing and delved into meditation. After a few minutes, a pleasant surprise awaited him.

Your skill has levelled up → Meditate (★★★★)
When Meditating, mana regeneration is increased by 140%.
| Progress to next level-up → 431/200,000xp

Thanks to his talent, he gained an incredible amount of experience. It honestly felt like a cheat code, but he wouldn’t complain. His enemies were growing in strength and power, dwarfing his own.

Levi groaned as he bandaged his wounds, then stood up. He had levelled up twice just from hunting that tigron. He had to keep going.

There was an ape-like ogre to hunt down.


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