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As usual, Levi decided to remain silent unless spoken to. He didn’t have to wait long. 

“Traveller,” The Lord said, and Levi’s heart tightened, expecting the worst. “Welcome.”

Levi nodded, his thoughts a turbulent storm. “I apologise for missing last week's meeting.” Levi knew that the more he spoke, the more he explained, the easier it was to detect a lie. The easier it was to get caught up in his own words. It was like explaining to his boss whenever he was taking an off at work because he was ill. It was better to keep it short without too much information.

“Or maybe you’re old,” Isolde joked. “Maybe you needed your beauty sleep?”

Levi chuckled, making sure his voice was deeper than it was.

“Let us commence the meeting,” the lord said, his words the catalyst for the night. 

It started right away. The first portion of the meeting was always an exchange of information. Like always, it was about the happenings within the various linked worlds of the Krag. Wars were progressing, some were getting worse, others were starting to dwindle. Each member seemed to be in a different world, or at least different sections of them. 

Levi wanted to contribute, but he felt that would be a terrible idea. The moment he was to speak of whatever was happening in Ubez, they would know he was here. 

But maybe that wasn’t a bad thing? Perhaps the others were beginning to suspect that he was weak because he refused to speak of his surroundings? Maybe it would be better to act the part of the strong, and not pay heed to the worries of his location being known?

Of course, that was just a thought. Levi didn’t plan on betting with his own life like that.

And then Darian changed the subject. He spoke of a dungeon that he was in. It appeared that he was in the same crypt he was challenging two backs prior. If these were demi-gods, then what kind of crypt was he trying to delve into? Levi shuddered at the thought.

The man in a three-piece suit and slicked back hair required help from others. 

“I have met an immovable door,” Darian said, interlocking his hands. “I have tried everything to open it, from brute force, to acquiring the most skilled Krag thieves across the worlds. And yet it will not budge. I require your help.”

Marro scoffed. “A door that you can’t open?”

Darian nodded, paying no heed to the joking remarks of Marro. Levi paid attention. 

Isolde leaned forward. “I admit, a door that you can’t open, Darian, is something that intrigues me greatly. A God with a penchant for security? Cute. What does this door look like?”

“It’s remarkable,” Darian admitted. “I haven’t witnessed artwork quite like it before. It depicts two lovers.”

Isolde laughed. “Have you tried falling in love? That might shift it.”

Darian remained silent, not paying her any heed. 

“Any lock?” A man—Neroz—added from the side. He was wearing long robes, like what one would wear in the desert.

“Not that I can see,” Darian said. “There is no mana. But I detect a faint electricity hidden within. Maybe behind.”

Isolde laned back in her chair and crossed one leg over the other. “Electromagnet? Have you tried supplying an electrical charge to the door?” 

“Of course I have. Didn’t work. Didn’t budge.”

“A stronger one, maybe?”

“I have a Paragon Thunder Magus, Isolde.”

“Only a Paragon, Darian?” Isolde crossed her arms. “Maybe I should come over there and give it an electrical charge of my own.”

What rank is a Paragon? Levi thought.

Darian paused, as if he was thinking about it, then shook his head. “The last time you tried to help, you almost killed all of us.”

Isolde laughed. “That was just a little mistake.”

“Little?” Venom–who was sitting by Darian’s side, said through gritted teeth.

“No matter,” Darian said. “I will find the solution.”

“Well,” Isolde said, “If you say so.”

With that over with, it was the trading portion of the meeting. Isolde called Levi into a private room and he accepted.

Isolde shifted in her seat so that she was facing Levi. “It was a little disappointing not seeing you last week, Traveller. I missed you.”

“I’m sorry to disappoint you. I had prior engagements.”

“Well she must be a very lucky woman.”

Levi scoffed. “Let’s cut to the point. I will join you.”

“Straight to business,” she said. “I like that. Since our last meeting, I have managed to acquire a nice present for your prime disciple. One that will make you a very happy man, or, whatever gender you are. I don’t discriminate.”

Levi rolled his eyes, not that she could see him anyway since they were completely blacked out. “What is it?”

She smiled. “Before that, I do have a requirement of my own.”

“A requirement?”

“Oh Traveller, you will benefit immediately with this, and for me, there’s no knowing how exceptional your disciple is. More so, there’s still 8 months until the Heaven Tomb opens.”

Levi placed his hands together. “So, how can I help?”

“Help? Oh you’re so sweet. No help, just a little information. Which world are you in?”

“And why would you need to know that?”

“A Legendary Ingredient is not easy to come by, Traveller,” She said, her teasing voice turning serious for once. “You are new to this world, so if I had to explain in simple terms that anyone could understand; a Legendary Ingredient is a ruler of a city. It commands many lives. And there are not many above a ruler, do you understand?”

“I think I get it.”

“I’m glad, and I’m sorry, but it is a large risk I’m taking. The Ingredient could be used to make my followers stronger. Yet I’m giving it to you in hopes your disciple is greater than any of mine.”

Levi nodded. But internally, he was guilty, again. How the hell was he as talented as the disciples of demi-gods? However, for his own strength, Levi put that feeling to the wayside. 

“I am in the world of Ubez.”

Isolde said after a moment, “Ubez?”

It seemed that Isolde was thinking of something. “Is something the matter?” 

“I have reports of strange things happening within Ubez,” Isolde said. “Is that your doing?”

Levi shook his head. 

“So someone else,” she said, talking to herself. “Someone in the Round Table, perhaps.” She shook her head. “Anyway, let’s give you your little present, shall we?” Isolde took out a pocket watch from her cleavage and handed it to him. 

Grabbing it, it was warm, and unlike everywhere else in the Round Table, it was not shrouded in darkness. It was a silver watch with a white dial and golden hands. In the middle of the dial was a golden hourglass bordered by scarlett metal. The hourglass was real inside, and sand freely moved from top to bottom, or vice versa.

Levi focused on it. 

Birthright Ingredient (Legendary) — Pocket Watch of the Eternal Hourglass: A relic from an age long forgotten, this ornate pocket watch is imbued with the essence of time itself.

| Class: Mage

| Path: Time

Levi forced his hands not to tremble. With his Arch-Magus talent, he’d turn the Legendary Ingredient into the tier above. What rank would that be? Levi could hardly wait to find out. In fact, it was taking all he could to resist jumping up on the table and beating his chest out of excitement. Of course, he couldn’t do that. He was the distinguished Traveller; a demi-god of another world.

“Time?” Levi asked, expertly hiding his surprise and excitement. He was getting good at masking his emotions.

Isolde nodded, her eyes alight with excitement. “The Heaven’s Tomb will require various powers, one of the core ones being a strong grasp on time. Time magic is famously difficult to control and even harder to master. I know no one talented enough in it.”

“And you hope my disciple can master time magic before the Heaven’s Tomb opens?” Levi asked, genuinely surprised. “That’s quite a lot of trust you’re placing in me.”

“You said he was the most talented disciple you’d seen across worlds, no?”

Levi laughed. “Indeed, it’s true. But I don’t know the talents this world holds.” He relaxed a bit. “It seems you know something I don’t, Isolde. A whisper of fate, perhaps?”

“You’re perceptive, Traveller,” she said, chuckling. “I won’t divulge further. A woman has her secrets, after all. You may have to get closer to discover them.”

“War is safer than a woman’s guile,” Levi said with humour.

Isolde laughed in response. “Well, I suppose we’re done here. Although you may not need my help in Ubez, Traveller, be wary of your disciple. These are dangerous times, and a storm is coming.”

“I’ll take your warning very seriously, Isolde.”

“Please,” she said, “if he needs my help, tell him to pray to me. There are things I can do upon hearing his plea.”


“Pray to the Lord of the Sea Storm Church.”

“Lord Waverly?”

Isolde giggled. “It is a little disguise. But my name is indeed Waverly. Isolde Waverly. And Traveller? Be sure to wrap the Ingredient with your mana the moment you return. You wouldn't want to tell the entire world that you have a Legendary Time Ingredient now, would you?”

No. No he would not.


Levi returned to the world of Ubez, his vision returning, but before he could become accustomed with the dark night, he had something to do. A power radiated forth, displaying its grandeur to the world Levi immediately cased the pocket-watch with his mana, and the aura it exuded vanished.  

The door swung open in the next second, Bram looking at Levi in shock. Before Levi could explain, he heard harsh breathing at the window. Levi spun around, and saw a pale faced human with red, devilish eyes. He had long white hair, and sharp fang-like teeth. His eyes locked onto the stop-watch in Levi’s hands.

Levi’s shocked gaze fell to his waist, where a mechanical book was tied securely to the stranger. 

“That watch,” he said, his voice low and terrifying. “Let me eat it.”

He launched forward. He moved so fast, that by the time Levi realised what was happening, the man was forearm deep in his stomach.



That watch is cracked. I can imagine that would supe up his vocal control to affect reality such as time. Or simply affect commands by adding the option of setting someone specific duration. Maybe the demon coming could be the third ingredient, a demon’s soul.


That is just some dude who sensed the watch, the watch is gone.


Fire + time+ magical engineering that's an interesting combo can't wait to see what his next rank brings and how he uses it. Plus whatever ingredients this ass hole drops with his corpse