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The Bulwark Beast roared, its rocky exterior charred but not significantly damaged. It charged forward, each step reverberating through the ground. Levi didn't waste any time. He thrust his free hand forward, summoning fire lances that shot towards the beast with deadly precision. The lances struck its armour, causing small explosions that rocked its frame but did little to slow its advance.

Levi set up more fire traps around the area, creating a defensive perimeter. The beast's massive feet triggered one of them, resulting in a fiery burst that momentarily blinded it. Seizing the opportunity, Levi hardened his arms and body with golden scales, transforming into a defensive juggernaut. Mana seeped away from his container, but he couldn’t spare it here.

The bird circled above, waiting for its chance. Levi kept one eye on it, knowing it would strike again at any moment. The Bulwark Beast, now enraged, charged once more. Levi met its charge head-on, war-hammer clashing with its rocky fists. Each blow sent shockwaves through his body, but he held firm, using his Krag-Iron weapon, and hardened scales to absorb the impact.

However, Levi had one advantage: his speed.

With a swift motion, Levi ducked under the beast's swinging arm and launched himself at its side, driving a fiery lance into a weak spot in its armour, and followed up with a devastating swing of his thorned hammer, the beak penetrated the monster’s thick torso. The beast howled in pain, thrashing violently. Levi jumped back, creating distance between them.

Above, the bird screeched and dove towards him, finally seeing a moment to strike, its metal-tipped wings aimed to slice through him. Levi spun around, conjuring another fire lance in each hand. He hurled them at the bird, which twisted mid-air to avoid the first but couldn't dodge the second. The lance struck its wing, sending it spiralling out of control.

Got you, Levi thought in triumph.

As the bird crashed into the ground, Levi turned his attention back to the Bulwark Beast. It was recovering, but slower now, its movements more sluggish. Levi knew he had to press his advantage. Summoning more fire lances, he rained them down on the beast, targeting the joints and weak spots in its flesh.

The air was thick with the smell of burnt rock and feathers. 

Levi’s body ached from the constant exertion, but he couldn't afford to relent. He set more fire traps, creating a ring of fire around the beast. Each step the beast took triggered another explosion, wearing it down further.

The bird struggled to its feet, one wing hanging limp. It screeched defiantly, trying to take flight but failing. Levi fired a barrage of smaller fire lances at it as the creature braced, forcing it to stay grounded.

Breathing heavily, Levi faced the two opponents, his mind racing with strategies. He couldn't let up now. The Bulwark Beast charged again, slower but still deadly.Levi met the creature with a powerful swing of his hammer, striking it squarely in the jaw. The impact reverberated through his arm. The beast staggered. Wasting no time, Levi swiftly reversed his grip and jabbed the hammer's spike into the creature's knee, aiming to cripple it. The beast staggered, falling to one knee.

Seeing his chance, Levi poured all his remaining energy into one final fire lance, aiming for the beast’s head. The lance shot forward, a blazing comet of destruction, and struck the beast between the eyes. It roared in agony, the flames consuming its head.

Ignoring the kill confirmation, Levi whirled around, fully focused on the bird now.

Levi barely had time to catch his breath before the bird launched itself at him again. Its screeching cry pierced the air, and despite its damaged wing, it moved with astonishing speed. Levi summoned another fire lance, but the bird dodged mid-air, twisting to avoid the blazing projectile.

He knew he had to ground it permanently. The bird's aerial agility was its greatest advantage. As it swooped down, aiming its razor-sharp wings at him. Hammer shaft raised, the bird's wings clanged against the metal casing of the weapons shaft, sending sparks flying but failing to cut through.

Levi used the momentum to his advantage, Levi slammed the spike of his hammer into the bird’s chest, then like a crane, slammed the beast into the ground. The creature squawked in fury, thrashing wildly. 

Rolling to the side, Levi narrowly avoided a vicious peck aimed at his face. He conjured a small fireball in his hand and pressed it against the bird's other wing. The feathers ignited, and the bird screeched louder, flapping frantically to put out the flames.

The bird, now partially on fire, took to the air again, but its movements were erratic. Levi threw another fire lance, this time aiming for its body. The lance struck true, piercing through the bird's torso. It let out a final, anguished cry and crashed to the ground, flames consuming it.

But the bird wasn't done yet. Despite its injuries, it pushed itself up, glaring at Levi with fierce determination. Blood dripped from its wounds, mixing with the scorched earth below. Levi felt a surge of respect for the creature's tenacity, but he couldn't let it survive. Bram’s words entered in one ear, and out the other. He had no intentions of letting a wild beast go. It wasn’t just humans that bore grudges.

Summoning the last of his mana, Levi conjured a massive fire lance, its tip glowing white-hot. The bird, sensing the imminent danger, charged at him in a final, desperate attempt. Levi held his ground, waiting for the perfect moment.

As the bird closed in, Levi used Incite, guiding the creature just where he wanted it to be. Levi thrust the fire lance forward with all his might. The lance pierced through the bird's chest, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. The bird's eyes widened in shock, then slowly dulled as the fire consumed its body from the inside out.

With a final, pitiful screech, the bird collapsed, lifeless. Levi stood over its smouldering carcass, breathing heavily. His body ached, and his golden scales were chipped and cracked in places, but he had won.

The battle was over. Levi's gaze shifted to the horizon, where the sun was beginning to set. He knew he had to rest and tend to his wounds, but for now, he allowed himself a moment of triumph. He had faced formidable foes and emerged victorious. But in the back of his mind, he knew this was only the beginning. 

How difficult would a crypt be? When would he get the chance to delve into it, and uncover their mysteries? What would he find? Relics? Levi longed for it. But he had to be patient, had to grow stronger.

Finding himself in a daze, Levi reflected on the fight. It was a habit he had formed during sparring with Bram. He knew that the Bulwark Beast held symbiotic relationships with other monsters to hunt with. But to think that it would be a Sharpwing. Levi wasn’t expecting that. There had been no records of them hunting together.

It seemed like this Bulwark Beast was an exception. It was a reminder that no one hunt would play out the same.

The rest of his strategy was fine. If it wasn’t a beast that could fly, his traps would have proven even more useful than they already were. Before the beast even made it to him, its legs were already damaged, making it slower than it already was.

But now, it was time to appreciate his spoils.

You have defeated: Bulwark Beast (Level 25)
| You have defeated: Sharpwing (Level 27)

| You have Levelled up: 33>34
| You have 2 unspent Stat points.

He had also made considerable progress in his other skills. Fire Control was a quarter of the way to Level up. Incite had a ways to go as it was already at the 5-star rank.

However, the thing he was most interested in ranking up was Baphomet’s Spike. It had also jumped up 5 percent. It wasn’t a lot, and he’d have to kill a hell of a lot more monsters to raise it, but progress was progress. 

The good thing about his Relic, was that it didn’t just gain experience from having him kill things. But it grew even when he was practising Meditation, or general spells. As long as he had it out, it grew alongside him.

I wonder what will happen when it reaches 10-stars? Levi thought, itching his chin.

The people of this world didn’t have a System, nor the other worlds connected to the Krag, for that matter. However, he had heard of people evolving their skills, spells, or techniques by practising, or gaining sudden inspiration. 

He was excited to find out.

Noticing that there wasn’t a lot of time left in the day, Levi quickly got to work. He checked the bodies for their Ingredients.

Birthright Ingredient (Uncommon) — Sharpwing: The complete corpse of a Sharpwing.

| Class: Druid

| Path: Aerial Assaulter

Levi’s brows rose. That was a good one. Flight?! His lips curled into a wide smile just imagining it, but it was useless to him. He doubted wasting an Ingredient slot for his 3rd tier was worth it just for the ability to fly. Or maybe it was? The thought of flinging highly concentrated fireballs from the air was something every person fantasised about. Levi was no different.

Onto the next.

Birthright Ingredient (Uncommon) — Bulwark Beast: The complete corpse of a Bulwark Beast.

| Class: Warrior

| Path: Bulwark

Levi guessed that it was just a warrior class that focused on high defence, most likely revolving around  shield expertise if the beast’s shell had anything to do with it.

It’s getting late, I better be getting back, Levi thought as he flung the sharpwing over his shoulder. The Bulwark Beast was too large and heavy to take back with him, so he just took the head for proof of his hunt. Besides, the contract was only for its head. He’d just have to leave the rest of the corpse, as much as it hurt him to do so. The thought of losing potential money stung, but he had to be back before nightfall.

The last thing he wanted was to get lost in the dark forest. Especially if the krag descended.

With that out of the way, Levi hurried back, entering the walls as the sun was dipping below the horizon, casting the world in a deep orange hue. Levi, with the 4 foot corpse on his shoulder, halted.

Four men belonging to Rakor stood blocking the street.



Interesting that he's getting class information from ingredients now. That being the case, im guessing his next three ingredients will combine to give him a Class. Mage will definitely be one of them, then if he can find one for Artifice or Crafting, then a 3rd for magical warrior of some type. I'm interested in hiw Legendary from the Round Table. That'll probably determine his main path. Unless he trades it for somthing. He might be able to trade a Legendry for three Epics and get his Legendary Magic ingredients that way. That's how I'd do it.

Jacob Bullock

Just a heads up I think the level up notification might be wrong the one he got from killing Rakor a couple chapters ago said 31>33. TFTC!