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Soon, day turned to night. It was now the 7nth time the moon had risen into the skies above. 

You have been summoned to the Round Table.

However, as Levi was currently knee deep in wet mud, a small mouse in his hands, his breath bated–now wasn’t the time to be answering the calls of demi-gods. That wasn’t even the worst of it. The mud–of which he was kneeling in–was also applied all over his topless body, arms, face, and even legs. It was to stop the salamite from catching his scent. Levi hated it. The layer of gunk, intermingled with leaves, was turning itchy.

At least 2 hours had passed since the arrival of midnight. Before that, they had spent the entire evening finding various safe spots in case the krag arrived. Places such as caves, holes in trees, and the like. 

Bram constantly explained, and repeated, the importance of knowing where safe spots were. From the hunter’s cabin, to 5 miles in every direction, Bram knew where to if the need arises. He had forced Levi to memorise them in case they split up, as well.

Honestly, the thought of being left alone in the krag again weighed on his stomach. The darkness, the monsters… Levi instinctively brushed his finger across the lantern tied to his waist–or at least it was meant to be there. He had left it back at camp as it would rattle with every movement.

Taking a slow, gathered breath, Levi returned his vision to his designated spot: a hole big enough to fit a huge dog. Then, he moved his attention to the small mouse that he had managed to placate with his Inciteting words. It didn’t even move so much as a muscle because of the level difference between them. The little guy was the bait.

Hopefully not longer later and he’d pounce on the unsuspecting prey.

At first, Levi wanted to be in a bush to remain hidden, but Bram told him that was a bad idea. It took an exceptional amount of control to keep one's body still enough not to disturb the leaves, branches, or floor underneath. 

So instead, Levi was behind one tree, and Bram was behind another. The mighty detective wouldn’t help. Only if Levi’s life was in danger would he intercept. 

In theory, the hunt should be easy. Levi would place a trap in front of the salamites den. It would walk out, and become engulfed in all consuming flames. But of course, it was never going to be that easy. The creature had a keen sense for danger. Its sense of smell was also highly potent; it could even detect mana.

If Levi had placed a trap, then the salamite would simply move locations underground. 

“Go,” Levi whispered as quietly as he could and placed the mouse on the ground. Without hesitating, the little guy darted into the hole.

Finally, Levi heard something within: a crunch. 

From within the den, something scuffled. Peering out of the pitch black hole, was a long snout, and a flicking tongue that lashed outward. It was so long that it reached out of its home to at least 10 feet outside. It touched the dirt on the floor, to the nearby bushes. 

It’s detecting its surroundings, using its tongue to smell.

Levi crouched as still as he possibly could. The salamite, happy with its surroundings, emerged from its hole ready to hunt. One foot, two feet, three… it slowly meandered its way out of its den.

Come on already, Levi thought as he glanced at Bram for advice. He wasn’t given any.

He’s forcing me to use my own initiative. When is the opportune moment to strike? Levi pondered, cautiously reaching for his kukri, careful not to make the slightest sound. Then, Bram’s words echoed in his mind. If he were hiding in a bush, even this subtle movement would have rustled the leaves or branches. 

To create a successful hunt, everything had to be prepared. He had to think of every minute detail.

The salamite was now at least 5 feet away from its home, 5 feet away from Levi. He had heard about the speed of the creature, but given the element of surprise, Levi thought he’d have the advantage. 

Heart thumping in his chest, Levi decided it was time to pounce. Eyes snapping wide, Levi dug his feet in the mud, and leapt forward all in one swift motion. At the exact same time, he fired a lance of fire not at the salamite, but behind it. His attack wasn’t concentrated like he had used on the krull before; the tip was wild, and impure.

Startled, the salamite turned to retreat back into its den, but at that moment, Levi’s spell struck the floor behind it. Fire washed over the entrance. Levi was fast approaching. He fired another spell; this time a lance more concentrated than before. It blazed through the air, narrowly scraping its scaled flesh. He had missed.

“Stop!” Levi commanded, but the beast shrugged off his words.

Swearing, Levi took another step, only for the salamite to dart into the forest at high speed. A speed that Levi had no hopes of reaching. 

Levi slid to a stop as his adrenaline came crashing down. He lowered the blade in his hand, his tense shoulders slackening. “Damn it,” Levi spat. He glanced over his shoulder at Bram as he awaited instruction.

Bram approached with a wry smile. “You sprang into action too soon. It was good thinking to cut off its escape, but against a speed monster, that doesn’t do much good in only one direction. Do you know why I didn’t help?”

He nodded. “You want me to think for myself. You won’t be here forever. No offence.”

Laughing, Bram said, “You’re right, I won’t be. Neither will the others. After you reach the academy, I doubt you’ll find time to spend with us. Who knows, maybe you will?”

“What do you mean?” 

“The academy is meant to teach you how to utilise your skills and magic, teaches you theory on how to survive the wild, the krag, and everything in between. Levi, you are talented. Maybe even supremely so. Not only that, you seem to thrive under the pressure of a fight. I know some of the geniuses within the Church of War. They are the same, able to come to epiphanies on the knife's edge. It’s dangerous, but it provides a speed the slow and safe are unable to bridge.”

“So the Academy is pointless for me then?” Levi asked, then added a moment later. “I mean, disregarding the Ingredients I can obtain there.”

“It is,” He replied. “It’s extremely important. Although you have the talent, you still need a foundation in knowledge. You have no idea how mana works, the existence of it. I can’t help you as I’ve never been in the academy, or had much interaction with mages..”

“Ah,” Levi said. “You mean that I’ll pick up on it quickly?” 

“Or maybe you won’t,” Bram said with a playful smile. “Maybe you’ll flunk out?”

“Good joke, that’s not happening,” Levi said. “Not when there’s Ingredients ripe for the picking. Plucking them right from the noble's hands. Honestly, I can’t think of anything better.”

Bram laughed. “Don’t let Sera hear you say that. Come on, we have other dens to scout.”

“Right,” Levi said, not showing a changing expression on his face. 

Internally, however, he was jittery. He was called by the Lord of the Round Table. What would happen if he failed to attend? No, perhaps it was already over. Unless time moved differently within. He hoped so.

Just as Bram had said, it was time to continue the hunt.

Finding the other dens was an impossible task for Levi. It was simply too dark to navigate the forest. Without Bram, he’d be lost for days. 

Only when the tree canopy opened above his head, and the moonlight shone through, could he make out fine details in his surroundings.

It wasn’t until Bram stopped and pointed to a dark hole in the ground, hidden amongst a bush, did he see what he was looking for. And again, they laid in wait, Levi growing ever anxious about the round table meeting that loomed over him.

The second hunt was more of the same. However, this time he had waited until it got too close. By the time Levi was ready to pounce, the beast was already disappearing into the darkness. Before he had moved too soon, and now, he had moved too late. He had to find the perfect moment to strike. Thankfully, Bram was patient. 

The third hunt was the successful one. If only barely.

Crouched in position, ready to pounce, Levi watched as his target left its den. Unlike before, Levi had reached a calm. His heart was beating at a steady pace, his hands no longer twitched in anticipation. He was getting used to the hunt.


Levi crunched the earth under his feet as he exploded from his spot. He fired a concentrated lance of fire, illuminating the dark night orange. This time his magic hit the mark. It shot through its leg, burning the wound to a cinder. The lance continued, striking the ground beyond it. It limped. 

Smelling victory, Levi didn’t stop there. Learning his lesson from before, he summoned a stream of fire from his palm, encircling the beast. The salamite panicked. A beastly viciousness flashed within its eyes as it snapped at Levi. 

Slender fire erupted from Levi’s blade as he stepped back, then cleaved his blade straight against the monster’s snout. Like a hot knife through butter, his blade chopped straight through its skull, killing it instantly.

No Level, Levi thought disappointedly. However, despite that, he had gained something else.

You have obtained the Path Skill – Fire Control (★★★): You have gained the deft control of the element of destruction — fire. Wield it to your heart's desire. 

| You deal 30% more damage with fire Skills.

| Progress to next Level-up → 7,313/150,000xp

Still feeling the exhilaration from the hunt, it was time to head back to camp.


Rakor Pov.

Rakor crouched down at the campsite. Two sleeping bags, pots, pans, two rucksacks. It was all basic hunting supplies. What wasn’t basic, however, was the lantern attached to the smaller bag. 

Grabbing hold of it, Rakor turned the dial, and a purple flame flickered to life. He frowned. It was a lantern belonging to a Krag-Born. If it wasn’t plundered off one of their dead bodies, then it belonged to a powerful family. Not even Bram–a member of the SDC–could obtain one with ease. 

“Clean the campsite,” Rakor ordered. “We’ll set up the ambush here. Remember, we don’t want to hurt the boy. Let’s make this a clean capture and shake him down for whatever he has.”

“And Bram?”

“We only need to snatch the boy. He can’t protect him forever.”



No Post yesterday. Is everything okay?


Those morons are fucked. I hope they like fire.


I just want him to strengthen Incite high enough to the point he can hit em with the classic gamer move "Kill yourself" lmao