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Levi stared at the board. Bram was suggesting the one star monsters as his first hunt, but looking at his choices, Levi couldn’t help but shake his head. They were squirrels, rabbits, that sort of thing. How much could he learn from hunting those? 

“I know what you’re thinking,” Bram said, “But hunting even the smallest game can teach you a lot.” 

Levi looked at one of the posters that displayed a two star beast. It had the image of a what Levi remembered it to be as a troll that had bat ears. It was named ‘Echotooth’. “I was thinking of testing myself,” said Levi as he pointed at the poster.

“Echotooth,” Bram thought for a moment before shaking his head. “They resist fire. It wouldn’t be a good match for you.” Bram turned silent before ripping off a piece of paper. It was a two star, four legged beast. It had leaves in its fur, with a mean look displayed within its slitted eyes. It looked more like a dragon, than anything. 

“If you want a challenge, then this is better.”

“Salamite,” Levi said. Then he nodded. “Alright, so, where does it hide? Is it weak to fire?”

Bram smiled. “Levi, if you’re out in the wild, the chances of meeting with a monster you’ve never seen before are high. Hunting, fighting monsters, isn’t just about learning their weakness from a book. The real ‘learning’ is adapting to any given situation, no matter the foe you are facing. Can you tell me what we need to do?”

Levi pinched his chin in thought. “Well, although you say it’s not all about learning from a book, I first need to understand where it resides, its weaknesses, and how to lure it. A book should do the trick from the library.” 

“And if there’s no book?” 

Levi thought for a moment before saying, “Then I’ll need to gain the information in other ways. Such as asking the locals.”

“Good,” Bram said, satisfied. “Remember, the locals are a great way of obtaining information. When one has a belly full of ale, words start flying. You’ll be shocked at what you can find out with a little persuasion.”

Bram gave Levi a knowing look. Levi smiled. He meant that he could use his Inciting words to steer the conversation his way. It was strange, but he was looking forward to it; the challenge.

The poster had a small tag under the poster. There was only one. It seemed only one person could challenge the monster at one time. With the tag in hand, they had to go to the hunting guild in order to finalise the contract. And he also had to sign himself up as a hunter.

Arriving at the building, it looked more like an inn than a government building he was expecting. Even from outside, he heard the raucous sounds of shouting and cheering. Outside, the building had wooden beams supporting the front like pillars–making it quite different to the metallic buildings surrounding it on all sides. Vines smothered the front of the building, nearly consuming the windows.

Levi glanced at Bram before he took the lead, walking inside.

Traipsing behind Bram, he was immediately assaulted by the pungent stench of smoke. But it wasn’t from the mines or factories, it was from cigarette smoke. It was so thick that Levi had to wave past the veil of stench.

He heard the clinking of glasses, and saw it, too, as the wall of smoke passed. Down a few, wide steps, heavy brown oak tables were situated all over the large floor. People, from all different walks of life, sat at the tables, drinking, yelling, laughing. Most wore regular clothing like Levi, some wore smart clothing like Gregory, and others wore beast fur and leather, no doubt a trophy from their most recent hunt.

Passing all of that, was an expansive counter guarded by heavy wrought iron bars. A lovely young lady with a bright smile demanded obedience at the front: everyone treated her with smiles of their own. Which considering how scary these people seemed, was an incredulous feat.

Walking down the steps, into the main hall, everyone looked at them. A middle-aged woman, wearing slender white leather armour, widened her eyes at the sight. She got up excitedly, moved to them in a blur, and grabbed Bram in a wide bear hug. She was tall. At least 6 feet 4 inches. She dwarfed Levi. Yet even she seemed small in comparison to Bram.

“Bram!” She shouted. Everyone looked over. Levi shrunk back. “Oh it’s so good to see you. How long’s it been since our deployment?”

“4 years now?” Bram said with an uncomfortable smile. He wriggled free. “Elena, it’s good to see you’re still kicking.”

“And punching,” Elena added with a laugh. 

Bram noticed the badge pinned on her breastplate. There were 6 stars. Surprised, he said, “You’ve reached Trapper rank?”

Elena proudly stuck out her chest. “A few days ago. Hunted a Dreadwyrm. Nasty bastard, it was. The hunt lasted for an entire month. The last few days were a bit hairy. Got caught out in the wild inside the krag. And well, you know how that usually goes.”

Bram nodded heavily. “You’re lucky to be alive.”

“Don’t I know it,” Elena said, shaking her head. It was evident she was putting on a brave face.

Levi couldn’t imagine it. Out on a long, month long hunt, only for the krag to go haywire. She must have already been tired, exhausted, hungry, and thirsty by that point. But she persisted. And now she’s stronger. Levi clenched his fists.

He admired it. He wanted to be like her. 

“Anyway, nevermind my accomplishments,” Elena said, placing her hands on her hips. “I heard you were assigned to the disappearance of Beron? Any news?”

Bram glanced at Levi, then shook his head. “Not good. The captain’s at the branch filling them in. You’ll know the news as soon as it’s been declared. You know my hands are tied with information.”

“Yeah, they like to keep things to themselves,” she said. “And who’s this?” She noticed the golden badge pinned to his chest. It was hard not to as the gold glinted against the light hanging above. “Lindar family, eh? A lost son?”

“I’m Levi, and no,” Levi said, speaking up. “I’m from Beron. Sera recruited me into the family.”

“So it’s really not good, then,” she said. “Hi Levi. Elena of the Maver family. My father wanted me to be a lady of the court, but I make a better hunter than I would a lady any day of the week.” She smiled and offered her hand in greeting.

Levi accepted it. Her hands were rough and tough, like hardened rock. “It’s nice to meet you, Elena.”

“A child with manners,” she said in mock shock. “The feeling is mutual, Levi Lindar.” She moved her attention back to Bram. “What are you doing here anyway?” 

“I’m teaching the lad about hunting,” he responded.

“Levi?” She asked. “He’s what, 12?”

“Most nobles learn to hunt a few years later. Now, later, what’s the difference?” Bram smiled. “Levi can handle it.”

“Well, if you say so,” Elena said. “I have a few errands to run, so I’ll have to cut the reunion short. Give your sister my best, Bram.”

“Will do,” he replied as Elena made her way out the hunting guild.

“You have a sister?”

“I do.”

“How old is she?”

“She’ll be 14 soon. She’s also in the academy.”

“That must cost a lot…”

“Why do you think I do this dangerous job?” Bram smiled.

They made their way to the counter where the pretty young lady stood. She was at most in her early twenties. She had long brown hair all brushed to one side. She had freckles across her cheeks and nose, giving her that girl-next-door vibe. She was really popular with the men and ladies alike. On her chest was a name badge pinned.

“Over here, please,” said Christina, the guild clerk, as she moved to an open spot at the counter. “How can I assist you today?”

“I’m here to train the child as a mentor,” Bram said, motioning to Levi. Levi plucked out the piece of paper from his pocket and placed it on the table. 

“Salamite?” she asked in surprise. “Usually folk mentor their child with a one star. A two star… things can happen. Mistakes, accidents.”

“My name’s Bram Wallace.”

"Bram Wallace, where have I heard that name before?" the clerk said, opening a large book behind the counter. She flicked through the pages, then smiled brightly. "Ah, Bram Wallace of the Warden rank. It’s a pleasure to have you here." Her words drew stares from those nearby.

“If it’s you,” she said, “then I can accept the contract with an easy heart. Please bear with me a moment as I acquire the contract.” She disappeared into the back. 

Levi whispered, “I take it the Warden rank is impressive?” 

Bram smiled in response. “Birthright ranks start from Novice, Apprentice, Adept, Veteran, Champion, Elite, Grandmaster, Paragon, Ascendant. 

Hunters follow their own ranking system. Hunting beasts is a different skill set, and those who can hunt the strongest beasts are revered around the wild lands–here. The ranks are; Tracker, Stalker, Hunter, Predator, Ranger, Trapper, Warden, Beastmaster, Apex Hunter.” 

“You’re two from the top?” Levi asked in surprise.

“It’s not as great as you think,” he explained. “Just because I’m tier 7 as a hunter, that does not mean I have the strength of a Birthright Tier 7. Not even close. If I was that strong, I’d practically be a god around Ubez. All it means is that I'm adept at hunting.”

Levi nodded along, understanding his words. 

The door of the guild swung open. Levi followed the curious gazes that filled the hall. A tall, wild man entered with eight men by his side. He wore a scraggly beast fur over his bare, scarred chest. An iron badge with 5 stars was pinned to his clothing, indicating that he was of the 5th Tier: Ranger. 

He walked up to the counter reeking of earth and sweat and blood. He rang the bell. And then again, and again, until Elena hurried back with a small stack of papers. 

“There you are,” he said, his knuckles knocking against the wooden counter. “Thought you’d make me wait all day.”

“Believe it or not, Rakor, you are not the only customer,” she replied.

“But I’m a loyal one,” he shot back. “Most here bounce from guild-to-guild. I’ve stayed here since the first rank. You’d think that counts for something, huh?” He looked at his friends and laughed.

Elena shook her head and stopped in front of Bram and Levi. “Here we are,” she said, laying the contract on the counter. Bram signed it, then gave the ball-point pen to him. Levi signed it right next to Bram’s.

“Hey now,” Rakor spoke up. “You can’t be serious. How old is the little boy, 9? If you take him out in the wild, it’ll turn this guild into a laughing stock. What if he dies?”

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Bram said, not bothering to turn around.

“What do we have here?” His eyes lowered to Bram’s scarlet armband. “Hey, that armband,” Rakor said. “You’re a member of that secretive SDC, ain’t that right? Bunch of useless twerps that take the tax payers money. What have you even done?”

Elena wanted to say something, but she knew better than to get involved with hunters, it seemed. Levi was curious how Bram was going to act. Was he going to silence the buffoon with his fists? Or let it go?

“Let’s go, Levi,” Bram said, grabbing Levi’s shoulders and guiding him toward the entrance.

“Running away, huh?” Rakor laughed alongside his friends. “Seems to be all the SDC are good for.”

Leaving the building, Levi looked up at Bram. “He was begging for a punch. Why didn’t you put him in his place? I doubt anyone would argue on his behalf.”

Bram smiled. “Why didn’t you fight with Tristan when he was asking you to be his subordinate?”

Levi was about to say: because he’s a child. But thought better than to oust himself as someone who thought themselves as older. “Because he’s dumb.”

Laughing, Bram responded. “Exactly. Why waste my energy on trash? Besides, actions always have consequences, Levi. Rakor might have deserved it, but he, and his friends, would not have seen it that way. I’d just be placing a target on my back if I had taken action.”

Levi nodded. He knew people like that back on Earth. A cold thought crept up on his shoulders.

Would Rakor just leave it at that?”


Ahmad Azem

Come on now, even xianxia characters wouldn't target a literal child if no provocation occurred


You sure? XD I've read lots of xianxia and they do random stuff like thag all the time. That's besides the point. Do you know how much real world kid trafficking occurs just for profit? Like he is planning right now. You'd be shocked and horrified

Kevin Jalop

When is the next one?