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Levi was expecting it. Darien, Willow, and a few others nearby were clearly on his ‘side’. It didn’t seem like they were trying to hide it, either. 

He wasn’t certain why there were different factions in the first place. To Levi, it didn’t make sense. But politics rarely did. There was obviously a benefit to being tied with friends here, but what that benefit was, Levi didn’t know. He was about to find out.

“I admit, I’m a little hesitant,” Levi said. “This place is new to me. The rules, the factions. Why should I join you? What benefit does that bring me?”

“On the surface, there is no need for factions,” Isolde said. “Here, we trade information and Ingredients, that’s it. But there is another part that often isn’t discussed.”

“The Krag’s Heaven Tomb,” Marro added. Seeing Levi’s confusion, he continued, “Once a year, in the winter solstice, an endless tomb opens up in the centre of the Krag. Ordinarily, we ourselves would delve it. But–”

“But it is restricted to certain tiers?” Levi interrupted, catching onto what the giant was saying.

“Excellent deduction, Traveller,” Isolde said. “Yes, we are unable to enter. We recruit those with potential to enter the tower on our behalf. We train them until they are ready. When they are ready, they battle against the other chosen of the Round Table. Inside the tomb is… considerable wealth. If we could go by ourselves, there would be no need to rely on others. But mortals—they require a guiding hand. We have formed alliances as there are so many resources within the tower.”

Mortals–Levi mused. The way she spoke meant that she was indeed a demi-god. The thought was frightening. Just who the hell were these people?

Levi nodded. He stared at Marro for a moment. There was no trace of his anger, or rashness from before. Only a calmness remained. He suspected that Marro was playing an act before. 

“And calling Darian a spy?” Levi asked. “Did he really do that?” 

“We have our suspicions,” Marro said. “Whether or not he did it, who’s to say? I killed the spy regardless.”

Spying amongst the Round Table members must be common, Levi thought, further cementing his decision to hide his identity.

“As for your compensation,” said Isolde. “How about an Ingredient of Epic rarity?”

With my talent, that would mean a Legendary Ingredient if it’s of a magical element, thought Noah, his greed rising.

But was it worth risking his relationship with the other members of the table? Isolde had Marro and sure, he seemed strong, but Darien seemed to have more members under his belt.

Levi turned silent for a moment before saying, “You haven’t told me of the different factions. You, Darien, and?”

“The slender man in the robes,” Isolde said. “Venom is his name. Rather edgy, I know. But who am I to look down on others' naming sense? Anyway, he has two others under his wing. They are known for their rather… unsavoury behaviour. Backstabbing–” Isolde leaned in. “–don’t trust them.”

Levi smiled. 

She continued, “The others at the Round Table are unspoken for. Maybe they’re secretly with the others, maybe they’re on their own. Who knows? So, would you like to join us?”

Levi turned quiet. Accepting her request just for an Epic rated Ingredient would show that such a reward was enough to entice him. It would tell her that he was weak. He couldn’t have that.

“Legendary,” Levi said.

“Hmm?” Isolde tilted her head. “Now that is a steep price to pay, Traveller. I know nothing of your strength. I would be inviting you to participate in Heaven’s Tomb. I only invited you so that you may feel less inclined to join others.” 

“I have disciples of my own,” Levi said. In reality, the only disciple he had was himself. He was of a low tier, so he could go with his own body. It was a high risk, one that he wasn’t ready to take part of yet, but the future was uncertain. He continued, “I can enter of my own accord. You ask what I can bring? My Prime disciple.”

Isolde and Marro paid attention.

Levi shifted his blanket. It was time to bullshit. It was time to give them a crash course on the Xianxia young master formula. “A talent of the Supreme grade, a body forged in the 9 hells. Meridians pure and wide. He is graced with the goodwill of the Guiding North.”

Isolde turned quiet for a moment before saying, “A Traveller from another world, entering our own. I admit, I have no knowledge regarding what you’ve said, but a Supreme grade? I do wonder if that matches with our own: Ancient grade.”

“Like you have said,” Levi said. “I am new to this world. I only have a limited knowledge of the grades you speak of, but I assure you, from the worlds I have travelled, I have not seen nor heard of a talent that can reach the heights of my Prime disciple.” His words brimmed with sheer confidence and pride, as if this so-called Prime disciple was the apple of his eyes. 

In reality, Levi meant himself. Was he as talented as he spoke of? Hell no. But he had the talent of an Arch Magus. That had to count for something. If he could catch a Legendary Ingredient… it would upgrade one whole tier. Although Levi didn’t know what was beyond Legendary–it had to be something mythical. Power defining.

“I admit,” Isolde said. “Our current younger generation is lacking… Fine, an Ingredient of Legendary grade it is then.”

“Magic,” Levi added.

Isolde chuckled. “It just happens that’s my specialty. So, welcome to the team?”

Levi shook his head calmly. “I still have other questions.” Internally, Levi was wholly different. He was salivating at the fact that he could receive a Legendary Ingredient. How much stronger would that make him for his Tier 3? He was practically throthing at the mouth in anticipation. But he remained calm on the exterior. He had a role to play.

“You really are quite cautious, aren’t you?” Isolde asked.

“You don’t live to my age by throwing caution to the wind, Isolde,” Levi said. 

“Fine,” Isolde said. “What else do you need to know?” 

“Everything about Heaven's Tomb.”


Isolde went on to talk about Heaven’s Tomb in depth. Once a year, it would open. He knew that from before, but what he didn’t know was that each floor was composed of certain dangers and monsters. There was no way of knowing what kind of threats there would be, as the soil underneath would shift according to time. Tombs of the gods would intercross with eachother, causing the land to be unstable. One had to survive against the monsters who warred against one another on each floor. It was a delve where only the strongest could survive.

The tomb was also expansive. Each one was like a new world of its own. 

And this is where Levi came in. Only those under Tier 5 had access to the tomb. If by Levi’s calculations, then the winter solstice was 8 months away. He didn’t know if that was enough time to reach Tier 5, but he didn’t want to enter without being the strongest he could possibly reach. And he also didn’t know how talented the other participants were compared to him. Did each of them have Legendary Ingredients under their belt? If so, Levi, even with his Arch Magus talent, would struggle to combat against them.

“So?” Isolde said somewhat impatiently.

But Levi was still thinking. =

“You know,” Marro spoke up. “Legendary Ingredients are a national treasure. They are 1 in 100 million. Wars have been waged for them, countless people have died just to cast their gaze upon it.”

“Then I trust you can keep it safe for me,” Levi said, standing up. The two demi-gods gaze followed his shrouded figure. “Rest assured, I will not join any others. But I need time to think about this. I will not place my Prime disciple at risk without fully understanding this new world.”

“You seem to care for your underlings,” Isolde said with hidden meaning. 

“There are many paths one walks on to the path of power,” Levi said. “You have to decide which path that is. I care for my people, and they would gladly walk through the hell’s flames to protect my flesh.”

“But sometimes you need to know when to kick away the weak, lest they slow you down.” replied Isolde.

Levi scoffed. “If the weak slow you down, then you just aren’t strong enough. Isolde, Marro, I bid you farewell until the next meeting.”

With a thought, Levi tore himself out from the meeting. He awoke. Vision returning, he glanced at the flickering lone candle placed on the cupboard. The adult trio were fast asleep. Gregorry snored. Bram didn’t even bother to use a blanket, even though the air held a slight chill. Sera, as usual, was graceful, even in her sleep. 

Slowly getting out of bed, Levi cast the bedsheets off his shoulders, and crept towards the candle. He stopped in front of it. He raised his hand, the fire touching his flesh. He didn’t feel it. Nore did he feel the chill in the air, just like Bram. He was now stronger, but Levi held no delusions. Out there, just outside the window, were monsters capable of erasing him with a single breath. His experience with the demi-gods of the round table only cemented that feeling of dread.

Levi took a deep breath, calming himself down from his previous act. He was petrified that his cover would be stripped bare. He put all his experience from talking bullshit on games and watching it through the tv screen into practice. 

Is it enough? Levi thought, biting his gums. 


“Isolde,” Marro said with arms crossed at the small table. “What do you think of the Traveller?” 

“It’s strange,” Isolde responded. “Sometimes he speaks like a young man, other times he exudes the wisdom only an old monster has. In many ways, he reminds me of my master.”

Marro nodded along. “People like that always have some odd peculiarities.”

“He’s patient, not lost with greed,” Isolde said. “He seems to respect those below him, while believing in ultimate power. I am still undecided about his so-called Prime disciple, whatever the hell that is, but if his words are true, he will be a valuable asset.”

“It’s as you have said before,” Marro added. “The young are growing weaker with every generation that passes.”

“The Families have a part in that,” Isolde said with scorn. “Nevertheless, we have preparations ready. Even without the Travellers disciple, we will give the other factions a run for their money. Once again, the members of the Round Table will dominate the Krag. That’s what all of this is for–”

“Power,” Marro interrupted with a wide grin.

The fiery woman looked high above, as if she could see the sun looming above the clouds of the Round Table. She stretched out her hand, and opened her palm above her head, and muttered,

“The grand prize…is immortality.” 


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