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Astrid felt the world groan in pain, and could feel it begging for the otherworlders to stop what they were doing.

“Astrid, don’t bother with the others!” Shouted her father. “We must kill the Pope and stop the destruction process!”

Astrid nodded. A prang of pain assaulted her mind, but she swiftly ignored it. Grabbing hold of Daniel, she returned him to safety and sprang into action. 

Her father cleared the way, summoning a storm of electricity. The weak soldiers below scrambled for safety, but where was respite when the whole world was covered in water? Her father annihilated anyone, and everyone, down below. But it came at a cost. The Pope had finished readying his attack.

In a blinding white light that threatened to make Astrid blind, a laser of radiant energy slammed into her father. Or it would have if not for Grand Noble Milana appearing in front of him, bearing the brunt of the attack. Millana was erased. 

“Milana!” Grand Noble Firas screamed in drunken fury. But there was nothing he could do.

The beam continued. The entire right side of Lord Sinwen’s body was eviscerated. He fell, and despite the grievous wounds, returned to the backline of their forces where healers were at the ready.

Astrid’s eyes widened. Father! 

Sanctity healers on their side rushed to heal the Lord, flesh being restored. But for now, the strongest of Rebirth was out of commission.

Despite the Pope not having suffered a strike, he wasn’t fairing well either. Viscous blood flowed from under his mask, dripping down into the turbulent, static waters below. Astrid saw under the veil of her skill, that his mana container was on the brink of destruction. He had one more attack left in him, if that. 

Astrid was about to attack, but the bombardment forces had arrived. Kreka, high above with over 100 hundred other kobolds, flew with the help of metallic wings. Each of them held a round explosive device in hand. Kreka grasped one a little differently than the rest. Mana pulsated through the etchings marked on its surface. Kreka called it the Big Big Boom.

The Seven tried to shoot them down, but Astrid wouldn’t let that happen. She erected a huge blanketed mind barrier across the skies as each attack thudded against her shield. Realising the situation they were in, two of the Seven, and three of the Order rushed for Astrid.

Most of them Astrid didn’t worry about, but one of the Seven in particular made her a little cautious. With a long curved blade in hand, she was the first to arrive in front of her. 

She wore a peaked seamans head. Her crimson cape flapped in the wind. With golden hair and piercing green eyes that reeked of battle, she swung blade her in a wide arc. It moved so fast that her movements were just a blur. In the next instant, it tore through Astrid’s mind barrier, shattering each layer. It was only because of Void Graviton that the strike slowed, allowing Astrid to parry it with her own sword.

Astrid replied by pulling one of her eyes out from her socket. 

You have taken the eye of Beatrice Forthright.

Berserking Sword-Style ( Epic ): A fast sword style that requires one to take damage. The more damage, the faster and more powerful they become. 

Blood spurted. The woman screamed, eliciting maddening laughter. The crazed woman appeared by Astrid’s side the next second, attacking once more, but Astrid replied with a blast of Psychokinetic mana, sending her hurtling backwards.

Sliding to a stop in mid-air, as if she was not 15 metres above the water, but on sand. She yelled, “I hear the Sinwens are experts in sword-fighting styles. Have you been a mage so long that you’ve forgotten your heritage?”

Astrid snarled. “What do you know of my heritage?”

Absorbing Beatrice’s eye, the knowledge of her sword style implanted into her mind. From the stance, to each single sword strike–everything was laid bare. 

Brandishing her own sword, lowering it into the Sinwen sword-style, Astrid blinked to the woman’s side. 

Astrid Crashed the back of her blade, smashing it into Beatrice’s sword. The woman barely blocked it. Beatrice's curved blade moved so far back that Astrid’s own sword slashed into her flesh before the one-eyed woman managed to dodge.

Gritting her teeth, screaming, Beatrice snapped a kick to Astrid’s abdomen. But with Void Graviton, her leg ground to a halt. 

Astrid grinned, and using the moment where Beatrice had lessened her mental resistance, pulled out her last remaining eye with a forceful yank. In another blink, Astrid’s blade severed the no-eyed woman’s head from her shoulders.

There was no time to revel in her victory, for she knew that Beatrice was just the appetiser. 

“Astrid, go!” Her brother–Kaylan’s–shout came from down below. 

The Pope was recovering–fast. It wouldn’t be long before he was ready for another attack, even if his mana container shattered. His gaze was set on the devouring pillar of light. As if expecting something to happen, but Astrid wouldn’t let that happen.

Neither would Kreka.

They finally arrived and dropped their payload. The remaining enemy forces tried to block it, and for the most part, they did their job. But then Kreka’s Big Big Boom arrived. With a terrifying whistle, the bomb dropped straight for the Pope.

The Pope grunted. Golden light shot out from his eyes, exploding the bomb in mid-air in a cataclysmic explosion. A mushroom cloud ascended into the skies above, joining the pillar of light like a blanket of hot steam and crackling energy.

Astrid repeatedly blinked forward, closing the distance in an instant. 

Her sword plunged into his chest, shattering the slender barrier hugging his body like an armour. 

“You… Have… already failed,” He muttered weakly, blood streaming out from his eyes, nose, ears, and mouth.

“You adults really have no faith in the younger generation, do you?” Astrid said with a smile. “This is for my brother, asshole.”

Her mana surged and she yanked out his eyes–the symbiotic eyes. His head exploded, then she obliterated his body with multiple strong Crashes. The only thing that remained of the Pope was a bloody mist that joined the wind all around.

Earl Kamron, Astrid thought as she gazed at the notification that she had just received. It was actually Earl Kamron…

Astrid’s heart tightened. Her head throbbed. Blood seeped from the gaps in her darkened flesh. It was taking all of her mental fortitude to stay conscious. 

But she had one more mission.

Summoning what was left of her mana, she turned off Killing Intent, then ramped up Loneliness straight to 100%.

She screamed in pain as her body changed. The witch-like appearance vanished, and her usual pale skin returned. Her hair, despite the chaotic mana surging throughout her entire body, drooped down, covering her sobbing eyes. 

All that filled her thoughts were of family, friends, acquaintances… She didn’t want to be alone. She wanted to stay with them forever. It was home.

Astrid forced the thoughts plaguing her mind. Biting her tongue so hard that she tasted the tang of iron, Astrid connected to her Mother, the Great No-Eyed One, and all the other members at the bottom of the ocean. She saw them fighting an onslaught of Spawn, and the remnants of soldiers from the enemy forces.

Her mother smashed a strange black box, and in the next instant, the pillar halted. The world stopped groaning in protest. But her mother and the others were surrounded, and weak. They weren’t going to make it…

Return to me, thought Astrid, and with a blast of psychic energy, she summoned them from the depths of the deep ocean.

Hovering in mid-air, their heads spun around in shock. One of them even puked from the feeling of teleportation. 

Astrid quickly stopped Overload, and sipped on a high level potion. She felt the warmth bud within, but the weakness pervaded every inch of her body like a sickness. She had overexerted herself.

The sounds of fighting continued on for a few more minutes, but then they halted. Silenced by crackling lighting. Her father had returned. Astrid turned back and witnessed the sight of the battlefield.

The entire ocean that was once a beautiful blue, was now shrouded in red. Body parts in the thousands floated within. Casualties on both sides were catastrophic. More than half of the soldiers of Rebirth had fallen. 

Grand Noble Vihaan had also fallen…

Astrid was one second from returning to their side when the air distorted. Immaterial turning physical, a purple door spawned 15 feet in front of her in mid-air. With an abyss black bordering the shimmering purple, words accompanied it.

You have received the Quest - Battle of the Sovereigns: Join the war of the Sovereigns. Only the strongest can rule.

| Rewards: A Complete Sovereign Title.

Is this what the Eye-Queen–me from the future–wanted me to explore? So, in the past, I decided against becoming a Sovereign?

Astrid’s mind was a mess. Pain, loss, and everything in between. She hovered forward 1 metre before stopping. Deep down she knew, if she entered this place, it would be a very long time before she returned. If she ever returned at all.

Biting her lip, she turned around, gazing at the faces of all she cared about.

Her mother, covered in wounds, smiled at her, as if ushering her onwards without words. Her father was the same, and so was Kaylan… and Leena.

Brett slowly raised his fist, his other hand around Leena’s waist. “Astrid!”

Daniel, who was weak, also raised his fist with the help of Lisa. His voice scratchy and damaged, shouted:



The shouts turned into a cry that pierced the skies above. Warriors through their weapons, hats–whatever they had on them. Each person turned to the other, hugging them, lovers cried in eachothers arms.

They had suffered. 

They had lost those they cared about. 

They had won.

Astrid wiped the tears beading at the corner of her eyes. She rose her fist high into the sky–as high as her little arms could, and screamed out loud:

“For Rebirth!”

The words that held various meanings to everyone reverberated across the oceans.

“For Rebirth!”

As everyone screamed and shouted, Astrid turned her back on everyone, and walked through the portal.

And for over 100 years, Astrid vanished. 

Book 3 end.

Author's note:

What an amazing journey so far! For now, Eyeball will be on hiatus for a good while. I'm thinking around 1 year before I start working on book 4, but it all depends on how future stories perform on amazon/RR.

For now, Eyeball will no longer be posted. For all of you who has supported Eyeball up to this stage, thank you so much!

I hope you enjoy my other stories :) #


Scott Way

Pretty good. Would love it if you are able to do 1 chapter a month for eyeball just to keep it alive (even if they are short stories as a bridge between books type thing)


Yeah I like that idea. I'll post 1 a month for the new book, into the next plot line. Will need to take some time to plan the next few books though haha.