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With all the excitement around Hurricane Ida, I almost forgot to edit this episode. Hurricanes are weird because we've known this storm could potentially be terrible for Louisiana for about 5 days now (it's Sunday as I'm writing this), but you don't know HOW terrible or really even WHERE the terrible will be until a day or two before. So I've spent all week stressing about it, buying supplies in case we power gets knocked out, anxiously refreshing the social media pages of local meteorologists and the National Hurricane Center....only for it to, as of right now, completely miss me by about 10 miles. Which look, I couldn't be more thankful to dodge the bullet, and we'll probably still get some extremely scary winds and rain, but I'm just saying it's been a weird week of worrying about a potential apocalypse.....so I can definitely imagine how Dean, Castiel, and Bobby felt at the end of season 5, waiting to see if Sam could overcome Lucifer and prevent the actual apocalypse from happening. See, I knew I could bring it back on topic. 


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