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Hello Patrons! We hope you are hale and healthy and well met. As you may know from MOTW outtakes, I've been obsessively playing The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild lately. It was a game I skipped over first, but recently fell completely in love with. Chris is my bud, so of course we've been chatting about the game, and I've gone and inspired him to pick it up as well. He came with the idea of doing a sort of interview with me about my experience with the series, and why BOTW made such an impact on me. 

I wanted to put a little Zelda flair on this, so I asked our friend Jake Lionheart to make an intro song. Because Jake is amazing, he made an entire EP of music for us. In the podcast, you'll hear the first two tracks, and I'll try to get him to put up the rest some more if you want to hear it. 

Thanks for being a Patron, friends. We can't tell you how much we appreciate it, and we hope you enjoy this podcast, whether or not you're a Gamer. 

Much Love,



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