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That's right, Patrons, we're announcing a new show here at Monster of the Week headquarters. We're calling it Don't Give Up, Space Cowboy, and in it we'll be covering the entirety of Cowboy Bebop, the legendary anime from the late 90s. Chris has been watching this show since he was a tiny baby, but I've never seen it, so we think we can bring an interesting perspective to this thing. Each episode of the podcast will cover 2 sessions of the show, and this month we're doing something special. Instead of just giving you one episode, we're going to give you FOUR. That's right, FOUR new episodes of your new favorite podcast to listen to, and it's just for our Patrons. 

We're very excited about this show, and have already recorded the first five episodes. We can't wait till you hear them. This first episode covers Sessions 1 and 2, and also includes Chris and I discussing our history with the series and anime in general. 

If you're currently subscribed to your Patreon audio RSS feed, you'll get this first and each subsequent episode automatically in your podcatcher of choice. If you have trouble setting that up, contact us on Discord, or DM us on Twitter. 


Jeremy "Anime" Greer


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