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If you think about it, Godzilla meat wouldn't taste that bad. With the right preparation, it could even be, dare I say, succulent. People all over the world eat beef tongue, and I would imagine given the chance they'd eat Godzilla tongue as well. To hell with the radiation arguments, I want that sweet sweet G meat. I wanna make a nice sauce to go with some G Steaks that I could only buy on the black market from an untrustworthy fellow named Todd. I want to fry up some delicious Godzila strips and dip them in Cane's sauce. Tell me you aren't thinking about the same thing right now, reading this. Go ahead, tell me it doesn't make you think....hmmmm, that WOULD be delicious. You know who would love G Meat, and be able to pen a much more interesting paragraph than me about the experience of eating the G Meat? Anthony Bourdain. RIP brother, we all miss you and I bet you would have loved Godzilla meat.


Madge Doty

Lizard tail flashback PTSD! Lizard tail flashback PTSD!


Titus Welliver is also the black smoke/Man in Black in LOST!