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Well I thought I'd start the year strong with a comic not totally unexpected of me to make, it's a comic featuring the dragon and knight from Deepest Sword, the indie game that destroyed the internet. But in this comic the knight decides to throw away the idea of using a bigger sword and making use of what he has, maybe there's a moral in there somewhere?

I hope you enjoy this comic anyway! I still have more things in the works for this year, I don't want to raise too many expectations but I'm going to once again try to update frequently (monthly) and this time not experience a burn out that left me out of action for 4 months, but it's good to just take things as they come and I'm hoping I can make as much good artwork as I did the previous year. I was happy to finally put a close to the Mouse and Giantess comic, even though it won't be the last I draw Tamara or Richard, but I will try to vary my artwork on some other projects for now.

But yeah I kind of have a bit more chill approach to this year rather than being ambitious, after all it's year of the dragon, and we all know what 2024 is backwards.

I hope you all stay safe and have fun this holiday season.




Rainbow of Light

Never underestimate the things a tiny knight will do to a big o'l dragon