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Hey everyone, so first I want to apologise for a lot of my absence recently.

For anyone just wanting a quick update, unfortunately there won't be a new poll this month as I'm still yet to finish the previous two poll comics and I don't want to pile them up too much. I'd rather just focus on finishing those for now, sorry for any inconvenience and I understand if this changes your support for this month. Thank you for understanding.

An extended version of what's been happening:

A couple weeks ago I got sick with just a regular flu, which to begin with I thought it wouldn't stop me from working until it got worse. So I decided to take a few days off just to recover (which ended up being a week). Although I did appreciate having an opportunity to take a short break, it also unravelled some other issues with my mental health I had been ignoring since pretty much last year. Working on art had been a good distraction for some things that had been lingering in my mind, including personal events that did happen around the peak of the pandemic, but it was wrong of me to think they would just disappear and not come back to hit me while my guard was down. Luckily I have had some people to talk to about this, and I wish it didn't take being sick to just stop and deal with these things directly.

I know this is more personal than the usual updates I write and I was unsure about going into detail about all this, but I do think mental health is something that needs to be acknowledged more and I am getting sad seeing so many other people ignoring theirs. Working non-stop until burn-out is a dangerous thing, and I know it's not entirely the fault of the person dealing with it, it almost feels like this is the norm the world has created now, which shouldn't be the case.

Regardless, making comics and artwork is still something I love doing, but it was wrong thinking that working on them was some kind of magic cure to problems outside of that. Especially as I was basically working myself non-stop to try and ignore them. I'm glad I did take a week break when I did, I just also want more people in similar situations to take breaks too.

Thank you again for reading, and I am looking forward to putting out more comics soon!


Rainbow of Light

Don't worry about this not being a poll update. It was still very important to read, and I'm just glad that you're still kicking and taking steps to improving yourself. Mental health is a very tough thing to properly address speaking from experience, so know that you have plenty of people to help you get through it. Godspeed and stay golden, dude. 🙂 👍