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Here it is! The full comic of Tales of Autra: Shrink Adventures Ch.1! 

After a few months of chipping away at each page I'm glad to have seen this story through to the end, it's the biggest comic I've worked on so far and I can say it won't be the last. It's been a fun and interesting learning experience working on something to this scale and it's made me more confident in working on more comics similar in the future. But I still might pull it back a bit more in terms of chapter length haha. But for now here's this completed comic!

You can download the PDF I've attached to this post to read the whole comic, I hope you enjoy reading this 32 page length story!

Here's also a link to a Dropbox folder containing each page as a separate image: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/0leg25ypddpoxqx/AAD770yY-IbaeyOZ-vHz0-Mpa?dl=0

This version of the comic is also uncensored too, there's a few pages that will be slightly altered in some uploads when I post this publicly.

I still haven't dived into what story I'm working on next, currently I'm just focusing on finishing commissions and doing more lighter sized comics but I'll have more updates for what my plans are soon.

Thank you once again to all of you for helping support make comics like this possible, I look forward to making more going forward!



I Love It. What future Tales of Autra do you have in mind? Please tell me. Please give me a verbal teaser.


This is awesome


More fun ideas around Giantess, some interesting kinds of dungeons and new characters coming up!