Alternate Mischief Interactions Mod (second version) (Patreon)
I created a second version of the Alternate Mischief Interactions Mod. There aren't any new interactions in it. It just overrides different base game mischief interactions. if you're satisfied with the version of this mod I posted last month you can skip this.
The version posted last month :
- the "fouyaya_mischief_interactions" replaces "trick with handbuzzer" with "fartface" and "scare" with "nutcracker" (both level 1 mischief skills)
The new version (highlvl) :
- the "fouyaya_mischief_interactions_highlvl" replaces "slap 'em silly" with "fartface" and "air horn" with "nutcracker" (level 9 and 10 mischief skills)
PICK ONLY ONE OF THE PACKAGES ! (putting both in your mod folder with just create useless duplicates)
Which one you pick depends on your gameplay taste.
IMO, the highlvl fits better with the sims 4 mischief skill progression and also with the post interaction animations. (e.g. sims tend to be more pissed than happy after being kicked in the groin)
However this also means that only high level mischievous sims can perform those interactions.
I'll probably add a couple more interactions to the mod in the future. (feel free to share ideas)