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Next week Robin and I will meet up to shoot the next batch of reviews,  unfortunately we will not have time to go live, but if you have any questions, we will shoot a special Patreon only video answering any of your questions and giving you an update on some of our projects.

So if you have a question for us, pop a comment below.



I’ll give you a bunch and you can pick and choose all or none: Is there any one movie you hate so much you won’t even acknowledge it’s existence in a scathing DC review? Who in the world of modern horror movies can you say just “gets it” when it comes to making effective horror movies? I asked this before in a livestream but I seem to remember you didn’t have enough time to think of an answer: What is the best movie you’re pretty sure only you have ever seen? Will you ever upload the Blue Sunshine review? Putting this one near the center so it seems more casual 😏 What actor (alive or dead) can make a bad movie good or a good movie bad for you? If not “good”, at least “I can put up with this.” What horror movie/ franchise are you certain you could do better than the original? Who should be on the Mount Rushmore of Horror? Are movie adaptations of Stephen King’s better than his books? Even if not, are there any movies which are definitely better than their book? Was it just me or was the setting of Annihilation worthy of a better story than what we got? Can you think of any props, characters, or otherwise minor parts of any movies that you wanted to see more of but never got? My example: that awesome prehistoric plant exhibit from Werewolf of London. That is all. Thanks for humoring me.


One thing I've noticed today (I could be wrong) is that there is a lack of horror stars. We had Karloff and Lugosi in the 30s, Peter Cushing, Christopher Lee, and Vincent Price in the 50s and 60s, but nobody in that same category today. Do you think that the genre's worse off because of that and if not, which actors do you think could qualify as horror stars today?