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Ho. Lee. Shit.

We occasionally buy big box sets of cult movies to cull reviews from and we pick films by interesting title and/or synopsis. Future Hunters is a tedious title and the synopsis describes a Terminator rip-off, so I was in no hurry to watch this. But when I did, I could not believe what I was watching. Neither title nor synopsis does justice to the insane, genre-hopping mess that rambles its way from Mad Max to Genghis Khan, via the spear which pierced Christ on the Cross, which of course allows you to travel in time. I can honestly say I enjoyed watching this one, because I never had any idea what was going to happen next and it's resulted in one of the longest reviews I've written for a while, which still doesn't even come close to conveying what unfocussed nonsense this is.
Unfortunately, with a title like Future Hunters, it's likely to get very few views.




The poster seems to promise a sequel to both Conan and Robot Holocaust. I like it already.


For the record; I have no idea who the two 'warrior women' in the middle are. rb


To sum up "Future Hunters" we have a version of "Raiders of the Lost Ark" starring a fake James Bond (Patrick), a really hot blonde, fake Bruce Lee (Bruce Le), midgets from "Phantasm," Amazon warriors (Wonder woman), Styrofoam boulders and of course, a Nazi. What more can you ask for?