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Disgusting title, and I have to admit, I was delighted to find that it had nothing to do with the film, but was a title added later when the film was released as second feature to I Drink Your Blood.
First step of a review for us is for me to watch them film and scribble down the lines that I like, and sometimes good (bad) films can be frustratingly low on useable dialogue. It's not just funny lines or stupid lines, we also need lines that help us give you the bare bones of the story in the shortest possible time and the filler lines that help with editing, stuff like 'Yes', 'What do you think?' and of course 'I don't understand'. Until I started doing Dark Corners, I didn't realise how common the line 'I don't understand' is in films. I know a film is going to work when I have to pause so I have time to scribble all the lines. I Eat Your Skin, alongside its asshole hero, implied racism and a weirdly condescending attitude towards cancer research, has LOADS of useable dialogue. Particularly it has my favourite type of dialogue, the unconsciously self-aware; lines that describe the film without intending to like 'Interesting, but not interesting enough' or 'Where is this great story?'. I think this film is going to make a funny review.




All I remember is a guard on a boat deciding that hitting a guy in the water with the buttstock of his rifle was a better idea than shooting him. I wonder if smart guards cost significantly more?


I watched this film on one of those 50 horror movie packs that are oh-so-common. I remember it being entertaining and having a scene with an axe that was very gory for the time period. I drink your blood is also a very fun film, but putting the two together never made any sense to me.