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The Day Time Ended



You have here one of the epic odd-balls, the heir to the “Equinox” crown of kinda-sorta effects driven low-budget movie making. For me it’s always had the vague feeling of a movie made by an obscure new age religion to reach out to all the kids. Perfect “I have no idea what’s going on” double-bill: This movie and “Goke, Body Snatcher from Hell.”


Check out other classic drek by director John 'Bud' Cardos: the equally confusing The Dark (1979) and MST3K fodder: Kingdom of the Spiders (1977) and Outlaw of Gor (1988).


I posted after this review was accidentally leaked a few weeks ago that this seems like a Land of The Lost fanfiction someone was lucky enough to get made into a film. I can still defend that, but its equally or more likely its a kind of potpourri script taken from 60s and 70s UFO and New Age literature with a little bit of Charles Fort thrown in.