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Another Shadow request and a film I've heard about for years and never got round to watching until now. I always look films up on IMDB before I watch and this one has a lot of people who love it and are vehemently (not to mention angrily) defending it, and when I started watching I wondered if  it would make a good review. As with so many films we do, there's a good idea in here - a blackly comic version of Night of the Living Dead - but it's buried under a hundred weight of dialogue. Still, I do understand why people defend it.




Thats not the worst tagline in the world. And is there a name for this style of title? A “Warning Title” maybe?


I believe that this is by far the best of the zombie movies to come out after NOTLD. Most of the movie is heavy handed with too much dialogue ( yes, we got that Alan was an asshole with really ugly pants ). But it does have the best zombie raising and the most original ending for any zombie movie ( Orville's revenge and zombies sailing off to Miami ). The slow motion dog pile is fantastic. It shows you CAN make a decent movie on a small budget. Do guys , please do it. If you want a stinker zombie movie try BURIAL GROUND. Its weird and stupid with an over sexed semi midget.