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Happy New Year! Hope it has been a swell first or second day of the year for you all! A lot has happen the past month and honest I'm quite proud with what was accomplished. Do want to make this update briefer then usual since I feel I tend to make these longer then I should. So to go through the running points... Ambition is very much on the mind, longer comics and animation is an item I want to do more this year, plus knowing that I have a few on-going comics that haven't been concluded yet I might as well give them a proper end soon enough before making new ones. But before I do come to that, I plan to take a week break in the beginning of January honestly. Seems deserved after such a push by the end of December. So... What else can I say, would like to do more comms but may put limits on them, would like to rework the discord server since it's a bit old fashion to me, and do more polls and grabbing more suggestions from you all. Love to do my own thing and I'm happy to be able to do that still but would like to give back. Legit, after more then a year on here, I'm really thankful. Quite surreal but am glad that things are chill with us all. Overall, if you have a suggestion on what to plan once I'm back from my week break then do tell, I'm willing to listen!



Happy New Year! Enjoy your break, you've earned it! Looking forward to the vore in store for 2024~


Happy new year Afra! You earned a good break after all the comms you did last month. Hope 2024 will be even better for you and everyone! ^^