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I was hoping this would be delt with within a day but seems like I'm in a bit a predicament. Those on my discord know that the family cats had spilled water on my laptop yeaterday morning and since then I've been waiting if I can save the device I use to draw on and... It's no longer turning on. Got to face it but seems like I won't be able to draw or even post for the next couple of days of longer. I really hope this could be solved by going to someone to either fix the computer by drying it from the inside or replacing old tech but likely at best retrieve the memory from the hard drive. That's if we are able to retrieve that... Really am bummed about this but what else can I do when all my work is on that laptop... Sorry to inform you about this. Was hoping to have the Haru piece ready by today and the other bunnies in May since I was going to extend into next month along with other sketch drawings but guess that'll have to wait. Do hope you all can be patient as we sort this major issue. Once again, I'm sorry y'



Jonathan Phillips

I understand. it sucks and i hope that it can be fixed or salvaged. i know what its like to have your computer break, so lets hope it can be salvaged. i have also had experiences where external hard drives got damaged and stopped working as well. i hope it can be fixed, because i am really looking forward to seeing more of your work in the future.

Frail Hellion

Sorry to hear that! No worries.