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I wanted to add this to the update post but at the last point, I decided to remove it. This post is about the insides of the previous few scenes of the updates, my thought process behind the scenes, and what I was trying to show. Also, about a couple of things.

The Serial Killers: I think I saw a comment about this, complaining about why did the main plot change all of a sudden. The thing is the main plot hasn't changed but the serial killer is another character who will be very important to the main plot and the main point is not the serial killer but who she killed, that's all the hint I can give right now. The serial killer gave a new dynamic between Ashley and Tara, as well as Mc and Sally. Also, it showed the world where Mc is living, that this city had a problem of crime which will be much easier for the audience to digest the things going to happen in the future.

Sally's scene and Jennifer's femdom: When I was writing this scene, I thought about this a lot cause this is a male fantasy game, and most people like each end of that spectrum where either Mc is extremely dominating or Mc is extremely submissive all the time. So I wanted to do something different with Mc and Jennifer's relationship, from now on I want to keep things fluid between them, of course, it will be optional. But I want to add one more thing if it isn't obvious that Jennifer likes being the Alpha bitch, she does not mind if Mc's is taking the dominating role but she wants to be in second in command if more people are involved. We will explore this more when Mellisa is in the picture.

         Let me know your thoughts about this femdom thing.

Ashley's Scene: I think, I rewrote this scene the most. At first, I wanted to make a scene where the main attraction was the games where I would learn to make the actual game in python and code the whole thing but I decided to change that cause first, that idea was not fun and I'm not that good with python. 2nd idea was to make a semi-lewd scene where Mc and Ash try to be naughty but I scrapped that idea after writing a few lines cause that did not feel right. And I want romance between Mc and Ashley, not just dirty fun.

Plot: At the start of the writing the story I wanted to make sure that the main plot of the story should not be always in the face of the player, and that the story does not need to remind the player to keep focusing on the main plot, instead let the main plot brewing in the background and it's not always in the face of the player. Cause I have played a lot of game which kept their main plot always in the limelight never letting me forget about the main plot and it's not necessary bad but the pay off of those story was not disappointing for me. That's why I did this.


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