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Hey guys, Speed here. I just wanted to let you guys know about just the progress of Ep3. 

I will explain everything in a few points.

  •  STORY: For the next update I am done with writing the story, and I have already sent the script to proofreaders and it will be done very soon.

  • SCENES: I am done with 90% of the scenes only one scene is left.

  •  RENDERS: Renders are at 75% done right now for the first update. There is plenty of time so they will be done completely very soon.

  •  ANIMATION: As you already know I have already started adding animation to Ep3, and I have created 40% of the animation by now and the rest will be done very soon.

  • CODING: Coding is not a big problem right now, cause this time I will take my time to properly check and test the game before uploading it so there will be less likely to encounter any errors.

  •  MUSIC/SOUND: Like the past episodes there will be music and sounds in this update too. It will not take me more than a few hours to do setup music and sounds in the game.

 We are very close to Ep3, I will be delivering it very soon, the only reason I'm not giving an exact date is cause it will make me rush things which I don't want to do this time. 


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