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Hey guys, Speed here. I made these renders as a thank you for you guys supporting me and this project, I know they are not that much cause I was still in the middle of rendering images for the game, maybe in the future, I can make a poll for characters, clothes, and the plot of the scene for these kinds of renders for all the Patrons.



Huw Gryffin

Off to a great start! A gorgeous render of a gorgeous composition of an absolutely gorgeous girl (I adore redheads!!!). I really like what you've delivered so far which is why I'm here. If I see something I enjoy I don't just sit on the side lines, I jump in. Providing you show yourself to be a dedicated, industrious creator I'll do my bit to help match that with my support, which may include stepping up a tier as time goes on, if I can afford it and if I feel confident that you merit it. I realise this is not a fortune in itself, but I hope word will spread for you and backers will come. I am certainly excited and impressed so far and looking forward to the journey with you, hopefully to the end of the line wherever and whenever that may be.